1.ORDER BY 子句中的列必须包含在聚合函数或 GROUP BY 子句中。
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM ( SELECT `c`.`product_id`, `c`.`dc_code`, c.product_name AS goods_name, c.seo_name AS product_name, `c`.`default_img`, `c`.`product_jifen`, `c`.`product_code`, `c`.`colorname`, c.status AS bstatus, `c`.`iszhekou`, `c`.`stock`, `c`.`zhekou_jifen`, `c`.`cat_id`, `c`.`brand_name`, `a`.`business_id`, a.status AS STATUS, a.add_time AS online_time, `a`.`add_time`, `a`.`istop`, a.stock AS business_stock, `a`.`jifen`, `a`.`price`, `a`.`is_discount`, `a`.`discount_jifen`, `a`.`start_time`, `a`.`end_time`, `s`.`thumb_note`, `s`.`mobile_thumb_note`, `a`.`priority` FROM newerp_business_lipin a INNER JOIN `newerp_lipin` `c` ON `c`.`product_id` = `a`.`product_id` INNER JOIN `newerp_own_supplier` `s` ON `s`.`id` = `c`.`supplier_id` WHERE ( a.status = 1 AND a.business_id = 7 AND c.product_name LIKE '%婵%' ) AND `a`.`status` = 1 ) `t1` GROUP BY `t1`.`product_code`,`t1`.`priority` ORDER BY `t1`.`priority` DESC ) `t2` GROUP BY `t2`.`product_code`
2.子查询加上 limit 关键字
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT `c`.`product_id`, `c`.`dc_code`, c.product_name AS goods_name, c.seo_name AS product_name, `c`.`default_img`, `c`.`product_jifen`, `c`.`product_code`, `c`.`colorname`, c.status AS bstatus, `c`.`iszhekou`, `c`.`stock`, `c`.`zhekou_jifen`, `c`.`cat_id`, `c`.`brand_name`, `a`.`business_id`, a.status AS STATUS, a.add_time AS online_time, `a`.`add_time`, `a`.`istop`, a.stock AS business_stock, `a`.`jifen`, `a`.`price`, `a`.`is_discount`, `a`.`discount_jifen`, `a`.`start_time`, `a`.`end_time`, `s`.`thumb_note`, `s`.`mobile_thumb_note`, `a`.`priority` FROM newerp_business_lipin a INNER JOIN `newerp_lipin` `c` ON `c`.`product_id` = `a`.`product_id` INNER JOIN `newerp_own_supplier` `s` ON `s`.`id` = `c`.`supplier_id` WHERE ( a.status = 1 AND a.business_id = 7 AND c.product_name LIKE '%婵%' ) AND `a`.`status` = 1 ORDER BY `a`.`priority` DESC LIMIT 1000 ) `t1` GROUP BY `t1`.`product_code` ORDER BY `t1`.`priority` DESC