c)想要bmp位图会麻烦些... 没有直接的接口,需要我们自己来生成。生成图片的响应头和响应体有一定的规则,略显麻烦。不过还能接受。剩下的就是性能问题,按像素级别来操作,对于一个大图来说计算量很有压力。
/** * covert canvas to image * and save the image file */ var Canvas2Image = function () { // check if support sth. var $support = function () { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); return { canvas: !!ctx, imageData: !!ctx.getImageData, dataURL: !!canvas.toDataURL, btoa: !!window.btoa }; }(); var downloadMime = 'image/octet-stream'; function scaleCanvas (canvas, width, height) { var w = canvas.width, h = canvas.height; if (width == undefined) { width = w; } if (height == undefined) { height = h; } var retCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var retCtx = retCanvas.getContext('2d'); retCanvas.width = width; retCanvas.height = height; retCtx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, width, height); return retCanvas; } function getDataURL (canvas, type, width, height) { canvas = scaleCanvas(canvas, width, height); return canvas.toDataURL(type); } function saveFile (strData) { document.location.href = strData; } function genImage(strData) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = strData; return img; } function fixType (type) { type = type.toLowerCase().replace(/jpg/i, 'jpeg'); var r = type.match(/png|jpeg|bmp|gif/)[0]; return 'image/' + r; } function encodeData (data) { if (!window.btoa) { throw 'btoa undefined' } var str = ''; if (typeof data == 'string') { str = data; } else { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++) { str += String.fromCharCode(data[i]); } } return btoa(str); } function getImageData (canvas) { var w = canvas.width, h = canvas.height; return canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, w, h); } function makeURI (strData, type) { return 'data:' + type + ';base64,' + strData; } /** * create bitmap image * 按照规则生成图片响应头和响应体 */ var genBitmapImage = function (data) { var imgHeader = [], imgInfoHeader = []; var width = data.width, height = data.height; imgHeader.push(0x42); // 66 -> B imgHeader.push(0x4d); // 77 -> M var fsize = width * height * 3 + 54; // header size:54 bytes imgHeader.push(fsize % 256); // r fsize = Math.floor(fsize / 256); imgHeader.push(fsize % 256); // g fsize = Math.floor(fsize / 256); imgHeader.push(fsize % 256); // b fsize = Math.floor(fsize / 256); imgHeader.push(fsize % 256); // a imgHeader.push(0); imgHeader.push(0); imgHeader.push(0); imgHeader.push(0); imgHeader.push(54); // offset -> 6 imgHeader.push(0); imgHeader.push(0); imgHeader.push(0); // info header imgInfoHeader.push(40); // info header size imgInfoHeader.push(0); imgInfoHeader.push(0); imgInfoHeader.push(0); // 横向info var _width = width; imgInfoHeader.push(_width % 256); _width = Math.floor(_width / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(_width % 256); _width = Math.floor(_width / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(_width % 256); _width = Math.floor(_width / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(_width % 256); // 纵向info var _height = height; imgInfoHeader.push(_height % 256); _height = Math.floor(_height / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(_height % 256); _height = Math.floor(_height / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(_height % 256); _height = Math.floor(_height / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(_height % 256); imgInfoHeader.push(1); imgInfoHeader.push(0); imgInfoHeader.push(24); // 24位bitmap imgInfoHeader.push(0); // no compression imgInfoHeader.push(0); imgInfoHeader.push(0); imgInfoHeader.push(0); imgInfoHeader.push(0); // pixel data var dataSize = width * height * 3; imgInfoHeader.push(dataSize % 256); dataSize = Math.floor(dataSize / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(dataSize % 256); dataSize = Math.floor(dataSize / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(dataSize % 256); dataSize = Math.floor(dataSize / 256); imgInfoHeader.push(dataSize % 256); // blank space for (var i = 0; i < 16; i ++) { imgInfoHeader.push(0); } var padding = (4 - ((width * 3) % 4)) % 4; var imgData = data.data; var strPixelData = ''; var y = height; do { var offsetY = width * (y - 1) * 4; var strPixelRow = ''; for (var x = 0; x < width; x ++) { var offsetX = 4 * x; strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(imgData[offsetY + offsetX + 2]); strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(imgData[offsetY + offsetX + 1]); strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(imgData[offsetY + offsetX]); } for (var n = 0; n < padding; n ++) { strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(0); } strPixelData += strPixelRow; } while(-- y); return (encodeData(imgHeader.concat(imgInfoHeader)) + encodeData(strPixelData)); }; /** * saveAsImage * @param canvasElement * @param {String} image type * @param {Number} [optional] png width * @param {Number} [optional] png height */ var saveAsImage = function (canvas, width, height, type) { if ($support.canvas && $support.dataURL) { if (type == undefined) { type = 'png'; } type = fixType(type); if (/bmp/.test(type)) { var data = getImageData(scaleCanvas(canvas, width, height)); var strData = genBitmapImage(data); saveFile(makeURI(strData, downloadMime)); } else { var strData = getDataURL(canvas, type, width, height); saveFile(strData.replace(type, downloadMime)); } } } var convertToImage = function (canvas, width, height, type) { if ($support.canvas && $support.dataURL) { if (type == undefined) { type = 'png'; } type = fixType(type); if (/bmp/.test(type)) { var data = getImageData(scaleCanvas(canvas, width, height)); var strData = genBitmapImage(data); return genImage(makeURI(strData, 'image/bmp')); } else { var strData = getDataURL(canvas, type, width, height); return genImage(strData); } } } return { saveAsImage: saveAsImage, saveAsPNG: function (canvas, width, height) { return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'png'); }, saveAsJPEG: function (canvas, width, height) { return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'jpeg'); }, saveAsGIF: function (canvas, width, height) { return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'gif') }, saveAsBMP: function (canvas, width, height) { return saveAsImage(canvas, width, height, 'bmp'); }, convertToImage: convertToImage, convertToPNG: function (canvas, width, height) { return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'png'); }, convertToJPEG: function (canvas, width, height) { return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'jpeg'); }, convertToGIF: function (canvas, width, height) { return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'gif'); }, convertToBMP: function (canvas, width, height) { return convertToImage(canvas, width, height, 'bmp'); } }; }();
可以试着在canvas上涂涂画画,然后保存看看。如果用bmp格式的话,需要支持 btoa 的base64编码,关于base64编码规则可看上一篇博文