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  • oracle存储过程游标的使用(批号分摊)

    create or replace procedure pf_st2(in_billno in integer) is


      delete from kk_bal;




       cursor cur_orderdt is select goodsid,entid,billno,billsn,basenum,0 as temp

       from saleorderdt where billno = in_billno;


       ccrec cur_orderdt%rowtype;



             for ccrec in cur_orderdt loop



               cursor cur_bal is select a.locatid,a.goodsid,a.ownerid,a.angleid,a.entid

               ,a.placenum - a.occupnum - nvl(c.basenum,0) as placenum

               from anglebalance a

               join batchcode b on a.goodsid = b.goodsid

                    and a.angleid = b.angleid and a.entid = b.entid

               left join (select sum(basenum) as basenum,ownerid,goodsid,locatid,entid,angleid

                    from goodsoccu

                    group by ownerid,goodsid,locatid,entid,angleid

                    ) c on a.locatid = c.locatid and a.goodsid = c.goodsid

                and a.ownerid = c.ownerid and a.angleid = c.angleid

                and a.entid = c.entid

                where a.goodsid = ccrec.goodsid

                order by b.valdate;

               temp int default 0;

               ccrbl cur_bal%rowtype;--定义游标变量


                 open cur_bal;--打开游标

                 loop --loop循环

                   fetch cur_bal into ccrbl;--提取数据到ccrbl

                   exit when cur_bal%notfound;--没有数据时退出

                   exit when temp >= ccrec.basenum;--数据分摊完成后退出



    if 1=1 then

    else if 2>1 then


    end if;


                   if ccrbl.placenum >= ccrec.basenum - temp then

                      insert into kk_bal(locatid,goodsid,ownerid,angleid,entid,num,billno,billsn)


                      ,ccrbl.entid,ccrec.basenum - temp,ccrec.billno,ccrec.billsn);


                      temp := temp + ccrec.basenum;


                      insert into kk_bal(locatid,goodsid,ownerid,angleid,entid,num,billno,billsn)




                      temp := temp + ccrbl.placenum;

                    end if;


    --RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20991, '部门代码为空');--错误信息提示,类似sql serverraiseerror

                 end loop; --loop循环结束

                 close cur_bal;--关闭游标


             end loop;--for 循环结束




    游标-----内存中的一块区域,存放的是select 的结果






        显示游标被用于处理返回多行数据的SELECT 语句,游标名通过CURSOR.IS 语句显示地赋给SELECT 语句。


           1)声明游标;CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement

           2)为查询打开游标;OPEN cursor_name


                  FETCH cursor_name INTO list_of_variables;

                  FETCH cursor_name INTO PL/SQL_record;

           4)关闭游标。CLOSE cursor_name


       1、 显式游标

          select语句上 使用显式游标











           SELECT studentNo,studentName

           INTO curStudentNo,curStudentName

           FROM StudentRecord

           WHERE name=gg;


       2、 隐式游标



            4个属性 %rowcount  影响的记录的行数  整数

                    %found     影响到了记录 true

                    %notfound  没有影响到记录 true

                    %isopen    是否打开  布尔值 永远是false

             多条sql语句 隐式游标SQL永远指的是最后一条sql语句的结果

             主要使用在update delete语句上      


       (1)FOR循环游标 (常用的一种游标)




      --前向游标 只能往一个方向走




            cursor cc is select empno,ename,job,sal

             from emp where job = 'MANAGER';


            ccrec cc%rowtype;



             for ccrec in cc loop


             end loop;       


       (2) fetch游标

         --使用的时候 必须要明确的打开和关闭



            cursor cc is select empno,ename,job,sal

             from emp where job = 'MANAGER';


            ccrec cc%rowtype;



             open cc;




                fetch cc into ccrec;         


                --取到值cc%notfound false

                --取不到值cc%notfound true

                exit when cc%notfound;


             end loop;


             close cc;  



           %notfound  fetch是否提到数据 没有true 提到false

           %found      fetch是否提到数据 有true 没提到false

           %rowcount  已经取出的记录的条数

           %isopen    布尔值 游标是否打开





           cursor c1 is select deptno from dept;




           cursor c2(no number,pjob varchar2) is select emp.* from emp

             where deptno = no and job=pjob;

           c1rec c1%rowtype;

           c2rec c2%rowtype;


           v_job varchar2(20);



            for c1rec in c1 loop


              for c2rec in c2(c1rec.deptno,'MANAGER') loop


              end loop;

            end loop;



           -- select语句是动态的


           --定义一个类型(ref cursor)弱类型    

           type cur is ref cursor;


           type cur1 is ref cursor return emp%rowtype;

           --定义一个ref cursor类型的变量   

           cura cur;

           c1rec emp%rowtype;

           c2rec dept%rowtype;


      DBMS_output.put_line('输出员工')   ;       

           open cura for select * from emp;


             fetch cura into c1rec;   

             exit when cura%notfound;

             DBMS_output.put_line(c1rec.ename)   ;

           end loop ;

      DBMS_output.put_line('输出部门')   ;

           open cura for select * from dept;


             fetch cura into c2rec;   

             exit when cura%notfound;

             DBMS_output.put_line(c2rec.dname)   ;

           end loop;  

           close cura;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jijm123/p/15376854.html
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