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    Some think students can learn more effectively in groups, while others think they should study alone. What are the benefits of each method? Which one do you think is more effective?

    From kindergarten to college, students are always grouped together. Indeed, they spend so much time in groups that they long for some private moments. Some students prefer to study in a group, while others would like to study by themselves. It rather depends on the individual.

    Group learning can profit those who are gregarious in nature. When you study in a group with your classmates by your side, you can consult them if you encounter any problem. Sometimes a word or two from others can save you hours of pondering. The exchange of ideas can benefit all parties involved. Additionally, one will be favourably influenced when she or he is put in a group. Seeing others working diligently, one will feel uneasy if she or he doesn't follow suit. This is especially helpful for those weak-minded students who need to be constantly reminded and encouraged.

    On the other hand, it is also beneficial to study alone. Studying alone, one will not be distracted by others. Study is a mental activity, which requires high levels of concentration. Distraction is the bane of thinking. Someone even goes so far as to suggest the removeal of all possible distractions: turning off cell phones, shutting doors and curtains and putting away all irrelevant items. Besides, it helps to develop our independent thinking. When there is no one to consult or confer with, one is  forced to think for himself. Indeed, independent judgment and thinking are highly regarded these days. Morever, when you are a lone wolf, you enjoy freedom. You can choose when and where to start your work. You can follow your own pace; no one would interfere. You can decide when and whether to take a break. In a word, you are your own boss.

    Personally, I would like to study by myself whenever possible. In fact, I intentionally avoided evening study sessions during high school. I treasure the freedom when studying alone.





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