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  • QUnit 实践一

    项目准备启用Qunit, 先来尝试一下。 不说废话,上代码: 

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="qunit.css">
        <script src="qunit.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            myfunc = function(a){
                return a^3;
            function Foo( x, y, z ) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                this.z = z;
            test("Simple", function(assert) {
                assert.ok(function(){return "world1"}, "world");
                assert.notOk(1 === "1", "=== failed!");
                ok(1 == "1", "== pass!");
                equal('1',1,"1==1 equal");
                assert.ok(myfunc(1) == 2,"calc pass"+(1^3));
            var a = new Foo(1,2,3);
            var b = a;
                propEqual(a,b,"a is same as b");
                strictEqual(a,b,"a is strict same as b");
                a.x =8;
                propEqual(a,b,"a is same as b");
                a = {x:8,y:2,z:3};
                propEqual(a,b,"a is same as b");
                notStrictEqual(a,b,"a is not strict same as b");
                a = new Foo(1,2,3); 
                notPropEqual(a,b,"a is not same as b");
                b = new Foo(1,2,3);
                notEqual(a,b,"a is not same as b");
                notStrictEqual(a,b,"a is not strict same as b for different object");
                deepEqual(a,b,"a b DeepEqual");
            test( "async", function( assert ) {
              assert.expect( 2 );
              var done1 = assert.async();
              var done2 = assert.async();
              setTimeout(function() {
                assert.ok( true, "test resumed from async operation 1" );
              }, 500 );
              setTimeout(function() {
                assert.ok( true, "test resumed from async operation 2" );
              }, 150);
            QUnit.test( "expect test", function( assert ) {
              assert.expect( 1 );
              function calc( x, operation ) {
                return operation( x );
              var result = calc( 2, function( x ) {
                assert.ok( true, "calc() calls operation function" );
                return x * x;
              assert.equal( result, 4, "2 squared equals 4" );
        <h1 id="qunit-header">QUnit Report</h1>
        <h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
        <ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
    View Code


    看起来不错, 有equal, deepEqual, strictEqual要区别下。


            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../qunit.css"> 
            <script src="../../qunit.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript">
            function submit (argument) {
                // body...
                var Str = document.getElementById("userName").value + document.getElementById("password").value;
                document.getElementById("result").innerText = Str;
            function reset (argument) {
                // body...
                document.getElementById("userName").value = document.getElementById("password").value = "";
                document.getElementById("result").innerText = "";
            test("Simple", function(assert) {
                document.getElementById("userName").value = "username";
                document.getElementById("password").value = "password";
                assert.equal(document.getElementById("result").innerText,"username" + "password","test input"); 
            <!-- <form > -->
                    <label for="userName">UserName:</label>
                    <input type="text" id="userName" name="userName">
                    <label for="password">password:</label>
                    <input type="text" id="password" name="password">
                    <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="submit()">
            <!-- </form> -->
            <div id="result">
            <div id="test">
                <h1 id="qunit-header">QUnit Report</h1>
                <h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2>
                <ol id="qunit-tests"></ol>
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    问题来了: 怎么把测试报告也页面分离,这样太丑了? 继续研究。。。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jimson/p/5089102.html
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