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  • 机器学习中使用的神经网络(一)

    本系列博客根据Geoffrey Hinton课程Neural Network for Machine Learning总结. 课程网址为:


    1、Some examples of tasks best solved by learning 机器学习最适用的领域举例

    - Recognizing patterns: 模式识别
    – Objects in real scenes  物体识别  
    – Facial identities or facial expressions  人脸检测
    – Spoken words  语言
    • Recognizing anomalies:   识别异常
    – Unusual sequences of credit card transactions  信用卡交易的不寻常序列  
    – Unusual patterns of sensor readings in a nuclear power plant 核电站传感器的不寻常读数
    • Prediction:  预测
    – Future stock prices or currency exchange rates 未来股票价格或者货币兑换汇率
    – Which movies will a person like? 一个人喜欢看哪种电影

    以遗传学为例,A lot of genetics is done on fruit flies(实蝇类).

    – They are convenient because they breed fast.
    – We already know a lot about them

    The MNIST database of hand-written digits is the the machine learning equivalent of fruit flies

     – They are publicly available and we can get machine learning algorithm to learn how to recognize these handwritten digits, so it is easy to try lots of variations. them quite fast in a moderate-sized neural net.

    – We know a huge amount about how well various machine learning methods do on MNIST. And particular, the different machine learning methods were implemented by people who believed in them, so we can rely on those results.




    Beyond MNIST: ImageNet task


     Jitendra Malik (an eminent neural net sceptic) said that this competition is a good test of whether deep neural networks work well for object recognition

    – A very deep neural net (Krizhevsky et. al. 2012) gets less that 40% error for its first choice and less than 20% for its top 5 choices


     正确的结果是红色的,中间的一副正确识别出图中的物体是snowplow,他对其他的选项不是敏感的,他一点也不像drilling platform, 但是看起来像第三个选项lifeboat. 左边的图得到错误的识别,但是在top5中识别出来了。右边的图完全错了。


    – Pre-processing: Convert the sound wave into a vector of acoustic coefficients. Extract a new vector about every 10 mille seconds.

    – The acoustic model: Use a few adjacent vectors of acoustic coefficients to place bets on which part of which phoneme(音位) is being spoken.

    – Decoding: Find the sequence of bets that does the best job of fitting the acoustic data and also fitting a model of the kinds of things people say

    Deep neural networks pioneered by George Dahl and Abdel-rahman Mohamed are now replacing the previous machine learning method for the acoustic model.

    Phone recognition on the TIMIT benchmark
    Dahl 和 Mohamed开发了一个系统使用许多层和二值神经元to take some acoustic frames,  and make bets about the labels.They are doing it on a fairly small database and then used 183 alternative labels. 为了使他们的系统工作好,他们做了一些提前训练。在标准的后处理结束后,他们得到了20.7%错误率。而且、此前最好的识别错误率为24.4%。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jinee/p/4472402.html
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