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  • 清理脚本


     1 #!/bin/sh
     3 rm -rf /etc/crontab
     4 echo "SHELL=/bin/bash">>/etc/crontab
     5 echo "PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin">>/etc/crontab
     6 echo "MAILTO=root">>/etc/crontab
     7 echo "HOME=/">>/etc/crontab
     8 echo "">>/etc/crontab
     9 echo "# For details see man 4 crontabs">>/etc/crontab
    10 echo "">>/etc/crontab
    11 echo "# Example of job definition:">>/etc/crontab
    12 echo "# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)">>/etc/crontab
    13 echo "# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)">>/etc/crontab
    14 echo "# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)">>/etc/crontab
    15 echo "# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...">>/etc/crontab
    16 echo "# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat">>/etc/crontab
    17 echo "# |  |  |  |  |">>/etc/crontab
    18 echo "# *  *  *  *  * user-name command to be executed">>/etc/crontab
    19 chmod 644 /etc/crontab
    20 ps -ef | grep jdk | awk '{print $2}'| xargs kill -9
    21 ps -ef | grep tomcat | awk '{print $2}'| xargs kill -9


     1 #!/bin/sh
     2 # clean bigdata services
     4 CLUSTER_NUM=`ls /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/lark/data/clusters/ | wc -l`
     6 # single mode
     7 if [ $CLUSTER_NUM == 1 ]
     8 then
     9   sh ps-kill.sh
    10   rm -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived
    11   if [ -f '/opt/PostgreSQL/9.2/uninstall-postgresql' ]
    12   then
    13     /opt/PostgreSQL/9.2/uninstall-postgresql --mode unattended
    14     rm -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql-9.2
    15     rm -rf /opt/PostgreSQL
    16     rm -rf /opt/pgpool
    17   fi
    18   rm -rf /mnt/disk*/*
    19   rm -rf /mnt/ssd*/*
    20   rm -rf /tmp/*
    21   rm -rf /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/lark/data/clusters/LOCALCLUSTER
    22 # distributed mode
    23 elif [ $CLUSTER_NUM -gt 1 ]
    24 then
    25   NODES=`cat /etc/hosts|grep -v -E 'localhost|mirrors'|awk '{print $2}'`
    26   for cluster in `ls /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/lark/data/clusters/ | grep -v LOCALCLUSTER`
    27   do
    28     for node in ${NODES[@]}
    29     do
    30       scp -p ps-kill.sh $node:/root
    31       ssh $node "/root/ps-kill.sh"
    32       ssh $node "/root/ps-kill.sh"
    33       ssh $node "rm -rf /etc/${cluster}"
    34       ssh $node "rm -rf /usr/lib/${cluster}"
    35       ssh $node "rm -rf /var/log/${cluster}"
    36       ssh $node "rm -rf /var/run/${cluster}"
    37       ssh $node "rm -rf /etc/rc.d/init.d/${cluster}"
    38       ssh $node "rm -f /etc/init.d/keepalived"
    39       ssh $node "rm -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql-9.2"
    40       ssh $node "rm -rf /opt/PostgreSQL"
    41       ssh $node "rm -rf /opt/pgpool"
    42       ssh $node "rm -rf /mnt/disk*/*"
    43       ssh $node "rm -rf /mnt/ssd*/*"
    44       ssh $node "rm -rf /tmp/*"
    45       ssh $node "rm -rf /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/lark/data/clusters/${cluster}"
    46     done
    47   done
    48 fi
    49 # clean LOCALCLUSTER directories for any mode
    50 rm -rf /etc/LOCALCLUSTER
    51 rm -rf /usr/lib/LOCALCLUSTER
    52 rm -rf /var/log/LOCALCLUSTER
    53 rm -rf /var/run/LOCALCLUSTER
    54 rm -rf /etc/rc.d/init.d/LOCALCLUSTER*


     1 #!/bin/bash
     3 #hosts old -> new
     4 #      old -> new 
     5 #      old -> new
     6 echo "=================================="
     7 echo "===plz exec the shell in the 001 node====="
     8 echo "在001节点执行此脚本"
     9 echo "=================================="
    10 IFS=$'
    11 echo $#
    12 if(( "$#" < 3))
    13 then
    14  echo "plz input the hosts file name , the clustername, the nginx name"
    15 else
    16  file=$1
    17  clustername=$2
    18  nginxname=$3
    19  echo $file
    20  echo $clustername
    21  echo $nginxname
    22  /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/lark/bin/lark shell -c services.stop $2 $3
    23  for line in `cat $1`;
    24  do
    25   newIp=${line#* }
    26   oldIp=${line% *}
    27   echo "line=$line old=${oldIp} new=${newIp}"
    28   for line in `cat $1`;
    29     do
    30       newIp2=${line#* }
    31       oldIp2=${line% *}
    32       `ssh $newIp "sed -i "s/$oldIp2/$newIp2/g" /etc/hosts"`
    33       `ssh $newIp "sed -i "s/$oldIp2/$newIp2/g" /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/webui/webapps/cm/model/conf.json"`
    34       `ssh $newIp "sed -i "s/$oldIp2/$newIp2/g" /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/lark/data/clusters/LOCALCLUSTER/cluster.yml"`
    35       `ssh $newIp "sed -i "s/$oldIp2/$newIp2/g" /usr/lib/cloudmanager/components/lark/data/clusters/$2/cluster.yml"`
    36       `ssh $newIp "sed -i "s/$oldIp2/$newIp2/g" /etc/$2/SERVICE-KAFKA-*/server.properties"`
    37       `ssh $newIp "sed -i "s/$oldIp2/$newIp2/g" /etc/$2/SERVICE-ZOOKEEPER-*/zoo.cfg"`
    38       `ssh $newIp "sed -i "s/$oldIp2/$newIp2/g" /etc/$2/SERVICE-ELASTICSEARCH-*/elasticsearch.yml"`
    39     done
    40  done
    41 fi
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jinniezheng/p/6397555.html
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