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  • fvwm:还是觉得你最好




    # jiqing's fvwm2rc
    # 2008-07-08
    # Set environmnet variables
    SetEnv fvwm_wallpapers $[FVWM_USERDIR]/wallpapers
    SetEnv fvwm_images $[FVWM_USERDIR]/images
    ImagePath $[fvwm_images]
    # DeskTop
    DesktopName 0 Debian Linux
    DeskTopSize 2x2
    EdgeScroll 0 0
    # Meta+F1 Page0(左上角)
    Key F1 A M GotoPage 0 0
    # Meta+F2 Page1(右上角)
    Key F2 A M GotoPage 1 0
    # Meta+F3 Page2(左下角)
    Key F3 A M GotoPage 0 1
    # Meta+F4 Page3(右下角)
    Key F4 A M GotoPage 1 1
    # window behaviour
    # Style * FocusFollowsMouse
    # 鼠标经过时获得焦点,鼠标单击焦点窗体时窗体升至最前面。
    Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises
    # 窗体出现时尽量不挡住其它的窗体
    Style * TileCascadePlacement
    # window colorsets
    Colorset 3 fg #101060, bg #e6e7d7
    Colorset 4 fg Black, bg #a6a797
    Colorset 5 fg White, bg Black
    # Window Decor
    #DestroyDecor MyDecor
    #AddToDecor   MyDecor
    #+ TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 18
    #+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp Vector 4 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown Vector 4 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 1 Inactive Vector 4 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 3 ActiveUp Vector 5 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 3 ActiveDown Vector 5 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 3 Inactive Vector 5 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 5 ActiveUp Vector 7 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 5 ActiveDown Vector 7 -- Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle 5 Inactive Vector 7 -- Flat
    #+ TitleStyle -- Flat
    #+ BorderStyle Simple -- NoInset Flat
    #+ ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle
    # window looks
    #Style * UseDecor MyDecor
    #Style * MWMBorder, FirmBorder
    Style * Colorset 4
    Style * HilightColorset 3
    Style * BorderColorset 5
    Style * HilightBorderColorset 4
    Style * Font "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:size=10:style=Bold:antialias=True"
    Style * Button 6, Button 4, Button 2
    # 窗体上的按扭,复制自高德纳的配置文件
    Mouse 0 2 A Close
    ButtonStyle 2 Vector 7 
    ButtonStyle 2 - MWMDecorMenu
    # At the right, a button that iconifies the window; we draw a small square
    Mouse 0 6 A Iconify
    ButtonStyle 6 Vector 5 
    ButtonStyle 6 - MWMDecorMin
    # Next to that, a button with a big square; this one maximizes the window.
    # (More precisely, if you double-click, the window goes to full screen size;
    # if you single-click, it goes to full height but keeps its width.
    # But if the window was already in "maximized" state, it goes back to normal.
    # If you try to drag this button, it unconditionally goes to full width.)
    # Mouse 0 4 A Maximize-Function
    Mouse 3 4 A Maximize 100 100
    Mouse 1 4 A Maximize 0 100
    ButtonStyle 4 Vector 5 
    #AddtoFunc Maximize-Function "C" Maximize 100 100
    #+                           "D" Maximize 0 100
    #+                           "M" Function Go-Max
    #AddtoFunc Go-Max "I" Current (Maximized) Maximize
    #+                 "I" Maximize 100 100
    ButtonStyle 4 - MWMDecorMax
    # 在窗体标题栏单击提升窗体,拖动移动窗体
    Mouse 3 T C FvwmMoveOrRaise
    DestroyFunc FvwmMoveOrRaise
    AddToFunc FvwmMoveOrRaise "M" Move
    + "C" Raise
    # 在图标上单击移动图标,双击使图标恢复为窗体
    Mouse 0 I A FvwmMoveOrIconify
    DestroyFunc FvwmMoveOrIconify
    AddToFunc FvwmMoveOrIconify "M" Move
    + "D" Iconify
    # 在窗口标题栏上向上滚动鼠标,收起窗口
    #Mouse 4 T A FvwmWindowShade True
    # 在窗口标题栏上向下滚动鼠标,展开窗口
    #Mouse 5 T A FvwmWindowShade False
    # menu colorsets
    Colorset 7 fg Black, bg #e6e7d7, sh Black, hi #202070
    Colorset 8 fg DarkRed, bg #e6e7d7, sh Black, hi #202070
    # menu styles
    MenuStyle * PopupDelayed, PopupDelay 300, PopdownImmediately
    MenuStyle * Popupoffset -5 100, TitleWarpoff
    MenuStyle * BorderWidth 2
    #MenuStyle * PopupAsSubmenu, HoldSubmenus, SubmenusRight
    MenuStyle * MenuColorset 7
    MenuStyle * ActiveFore
    MenuStyle * ActiveColorset 8
    MenuStyle * Font "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:size=12:style=Bold:antialias=True"
    # 菜单
    DestroyMenu FvwmRootMenu
    AddToMenu FvwmRootMenu "Root Menu" Title
    + "uxterm%xterm.png%" Exec exec /usr/bin/uxterm
    + "uxterm(Big)%xterm.png%" 
    Exec exec /usr/bin/uxterm -fs 18 -geometry 60x40
    + "Gnome Terminal%term.png%"
    Exec exec /usr/bin/gnome-terminal --geometry 76x22
    + "" Nop
    + "Debian%debian.png%" Popup "/Debian"
    + "" Nop
    + "Restart FVWM" Restart
    + "Quit FVWM" Quit
    # Pager and Buttons colorset
    Colorset 10 fg OrangeRed, bg GreenYellow
    Colorset 11 fg DarkRed, bg LightGoldenrodYellow
    # FvwmPager
    Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, 
    CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable
    DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
    *FvwmPager: Geometry 96x96-0-0
    *FvwmPager: Colorset * 11
    *FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 10
    # FvwmButtons
    Style "FvwmButtons" NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, Sticky,
    WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, 
    FixedSize, !Iconifiable
    DestroyModuleConfig MyButtons: *
    *MyButtons: Geometry 96x528-0+0
    *MyButtons: Back LightGoldenrodYellow
    *MyButtons: Rows 11
    *MyButtons: Columns 2
    #*MyButtons: Frame 0
    *MyButtons: (2x2, Swallow(UseOld,Respawn) 
    XClock "Exec exec xclock -geometry 96x96+0+0 -bg LightGoldenrodYellow")
    *MyButtons: (2x2, Swallow(UseOld,Respawn) 
    XLoad "Exec xload -nolabel -geometry 96x96+0+0 -bg LightGoldenrodYellow -fg red")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon vim.xpm, 
    Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/gvim -geometry 72x40")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon emacs.png,
    Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/emacs -geometry 72x40")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon fm.png, Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/thunar")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon browser.png,Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/epiphany")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon music.xpm, Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/rhythmbox")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon movie.xpm, Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/gmplayer")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon dict.xpm, Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/stardict")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon help.png,Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/kdissert")
    # 要注意virtual box的大小写
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon vbox.png, Action "Exec exec /usr/bin/VirtualBox")
    *MyButtons: (1x1, Icon game.xpm, Action "Exec exec /usr/games/gnibbles")
    *MyButtons: (2x2, Swallow "FvwmPager", "FvwmPager 0 0")
    # Functions
    DestroyFunc StartFunction
    AddToFunc StartFunction
    + "I" Module FvwmButtons MyButtons
    #+ "I" Wait MyButtons
    DestroyFunc InitFunction
    AddToFunc InitFunction
    + I Exec exec fvwm-root -r $[fvwm_wallpapers]/wallpaper-grass.png
    #+ I Nop
    DestroyFunc RestartFunction
    AddToFunc RestartFunction
    + I Nop
    DestroyFunc ExitFunction
    AddToFunc ExitFunction
    + I KillModule FvwmButtons
    # Mouse and key
    # Nop表示鼠标双击时不做任何动作
    Mouse 3 R A Menu FvwmRootMenu Nop
    Mouse 1 R A WindowList
    # 有F12按下时,显示内建菜单
    Key F12 A A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
    # 有F9按下时,显示自定义的根菜单
    # Key F9 A N Menu FvwmRootMenu Nop 不知道这个为什么不行
    Key F9 A A Menu FvwmRootMenu Nop
    # 按下alt+tab时,显示窗口列表,并使选中的窗口获得焦点
    #Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort,SelectOnRelease Meta_L
    # 可以用Key Tab A M -取消这一键绑定
    Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort
    # 按下右边的窗口键时,启动一个uxterm
    Key Super_R A A Exec exec uxterm
    # 按下printscreen时,截图
    Key Print A A Exec exec gnome-screenshot
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiqingwu/p/jolly_old_fvwm_config.html
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