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  • windows编译 obs-studio

    github下载源码 https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio

    还需要一个开发包 http://code.fosshub.com/OBS/download/dependencies.zip

    环境:windows 7 64位系统

    工具:cmake 2.8.12,vs2013最新版,qt5.3.2(msvc2013_opengl版本)



    · cmake-gui中,填写源码路径,生成路径

    · 点击configure,编译器选择vs 12(相当于vs2013),其它选项默认

    ·  如果出现此框(本文以下称error框),请注意cmake中的输出窗口错误,会有相应的错误信息


    · 配置各种参数:


      cmake-gui中点击Add Entry按钮。name项填写 DepsPath,type选项为PATH,value项为dependencies文件夹的全路径






      没有意外的话,输出框提示“Configuring done”,代表configure成功

    · 点击Generate按钮,生成工程。出现"generate done",代表生成完毕。

    · 生成路径中,出现一个obs-studio.sln。vs2013打开并编译该sln,搞定。

    • Clone the repository and submodules:

       git clone --recursive https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio.git
    • NOTE: OBS on windows currently requires VS2013 with the latest update, as obs-studio uses both C99 and C++11. Express might not be supported at this time (though if not, then it'll be fixed it at some point). You can always just get VS2013 Community Edition for free. In case you want to try with VS2015, this hint might be useful regarding a linking error (LNK2001 : unresolved external symbol _sprintf) in the text-freetype2 project.

    • Download (or build) development packages of FFmpeg, x264, Qt5, cURL. Pre-built windows dependencies (excluding Qt) for VS2013 can be found here:http://code.fosshub.com/OBS/downloads

    • Download windows version of cmake from: http://www.cmake.org/

    • The following variables must be used to specify dependencies, these variables can either be specified via a windows environment variable, or through a cmake variable (optionally suffixed with '32' or '64' to specify architecture):

      • DepsPath (path to the include for all dependencies, not including Qt)
      • FFmpegPath (path to just FFmpeg include directory)
      • x264Path (path to just x264 include directory)
      • curlPath (path to just cURL include directory)
    • NOTE: Search paths and search order for base dependency library/binary files, relative to their include directories:

      Library files

      • ../lib
      • ../lib32 (if 32bit)
      • ../lib64 (if 64bit)
      • ./lib
      • ./lib32 (if 32bit)
      • ./lib64 (if 64bit)

      Binary files:

      • ../bin
      • ../bin32 (if 32bit)
      • ../bin64 (if 64bit)
      • ./bin
      • ./bin32 (if 32bit)
      • ./bin64 (if 64bit)
    • If you're building the GUI, the following cmake or windows environment variable must be used separately from the other dependencies to specify Qt5's location. Like the other environment variables, append 32 or 64 if you wish to build both architectures:

      QTDIR (path to Qt build base directory)

    • NOTE: The GUI builds by default. If you don't want to build the GUI, add a cmake boolean variable DISABLE_UI, set to true.

    • NOTE: An example Qt directory you would use here if you installed Qt5 to D:Qt would usually look something like this:

      (32bit) D:Qt5.3msvc2013
      (64bit) D:Qt5.3msvc2013_64

    • Run cmake-gui. In "where is the source code", enter in the repo directory (example: D:/obs). In "where to build the binaries", enter the repo directory path with the 'build' subdirectory (example: D:/obs/build).

    • NOTE: You should create one or more of the following subdirectories within the repository for building: release, debug, and build (suffixed with or without 32/64 to specify architecture). They are excluded from the repo in .gitignore for the sake of building, so they are safe to create an use within the repository base directory.

    • Press 'Configure', then enable the COPY_DEPENDENCIES option, then press 'Configure' again, and then press 'Generate' to generate visual studio project files in the 'build' subdirectory.

    • Open obs-studio.sln from the 'build' subdirectory, and it should run and be good to go. All required dependencies should be copied on compile and it should be a fully fuctional build environment. The output is built in the 'rundir/[build type]' directory of your 'build' subdirectory.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jogger/p/5420583.html
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