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  • 【数据库-MySql】清空所有表格的所有数据


    1. drop procedure if exists del_all_tb;
    2. delimiter $$
    3. create procedure del_all_tb(db char(20))
    4. begin
    5. declare done int default 0;
    6. declare tb char(100);
    7. declare cur cursor for select table_name from infoRmation_schema.tables where table_schema = db and table_type = "BASE TABLE";
    8. declare continue handler for not found set done = 1;
    9. open cur;
    10. repeat
    11. fetch cur into tb;
    12. set @sql := concat("truncate ", tb, ";");
    13. prepare stmt from @sql;
    14. execute stmt;
    15. deallocate prepare stmt;
    16. until done end repeat;
    17. close cur;
    18. end $$
    19. delimiter ;
    20. call del_all_tb("atdps");
    21. drop procedure if exists del_all_tb;


    1. #如果存在del_all_tb存储过程则删除del_all_tb存储过程
    2. drop procedure if exists del_all_tb;
    3. #如果存在 tmpTable 临时表则删除 del_all_tb 临时表
    4. DROP TABLE if EXISTS tmpTable;
    5. #创建 del_all_tb存储过程
    6. create procedure del_all_tb(db char(20))
    7. begin
    8. #申明变量
    9. DECLARE tntmp VARCHAR(100);
    10. #创建临时表
    11. create table tmpTable (tablename VARCHAR(100),flag int);
    12. #清空临时表
    13. truncate TABLE tmpTable;
    14. #将需要清空的表插入到临时表
    15. INSERT INTO tmpTable(tablename , flag ) (SELECT table_name ,0 as a FROM information_schema.tables
    16. WHERE table_schema = db and table_type='BASE TABLE');
    17. #循环获取所有的表明以及删除状态
    18. SELECT tablename into tntmp FROM tmpTable WHERE flag = 0 limit 1;
    19. WHILE tntmp <> '' DO
    20. #拼写删除语句
    21. set @sqlText := concat("truncate ", tntmp, ";");
    22. prepare stmt from @sqlText;
    23. #执行语句
    24. execute stmt;
    25. #释放删除语句
    26. deallocate prepare stmt;
    27. #更新表状态
    28. UPDATE tmpTable SET flag=1 WHERE tablename = tntmp;
    29. #选择一下条语句
    30. SELECT tablename into tntmp FROM tmpTable WHERE flag = 0 limit 1;
    31. END WHILE;
    32. end;
    33. call del_all_tb("atdps");
    34. #如果存在del_all_tb存储过程则删除del_all_tb存储过程
    35. drop procedure if exists del_all_tb;
    36. #如果存在 tmpTable 临时表则删除 del_all_tb 临时表
    37. DROP TABLE if EXISTS tmpTable;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jpfss/p/10404853.html
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