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Some of Farmer John's N cows (1 ≤ N ≤ 80,000) are having a bad hair day! Since each cow is self-conscious about her messy hairstyle, FJ wants to count the number of other cows that can see the top of other cows' heads.
Each cow i has a specified height hi (1 ≤ hi ≤ 1,000,000,000) and is standing in a line of cows all facing east (to the right in our diagrams). Therefore, cow i can see the tops of the heads of cows in front of her (namely cows i+1, i+2, and so on), for as long as these cows are strictly shorter than cow i.
Consider this example:
= =
= - = Cows facing right -->
= = =
= - = = =
= = = = = =
1 2 3 4 5 6
Cow#1 can see the hairstyle of cows #2, 3, 4
Cow#2 can see no cow's hairstyle
Cow#3 can see the hairstyle of cow #4
Cow#4 can see no cow's hairstyle
Cow#5 can see the hairstyle of cow 6
Cow#6 can see no cows at all!
Let ci denote the number of cows whose hairstyle is visible from cow i; please compute the sum of c1 through cN.For this example, the desired is answer 3 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 5.
Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains a single integer that is the height of cow i.
Sample Input
6 10 3 7 4 12 2
Sample Output
思路:单调栈跑一遍,如果当前 i 的高度低于栈顶的牛 x 的高度,则ans += tail (tail为栈中的个数),如果当前 i 的高度高于等于栈顶的牛 x 的高度,则出栈。 i 入栈
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <iomanip> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <set> #include <vector> //const int maxn = 1e5+5; #define ll long long #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f #define FOR(i,a,b) for( int i = a;i <= b;++i) #define bug cout<<"--------------"<<endl ll gcd(ll a,ll b){return b?gcd(b,a%b):a;} ll lcm(ll a,ll b){return a/gcd(a,b)*b;} const int maxn = 80100; using namespace std; int n; ll a[maxn]; int que[maxn]; ll sum[maxn]; int main() { scanf("%d",&n); for(int i = 1;i <= n; ++i) { scanf("%I64d",a+i); } //stack<int>sta; int tail = 0; ll ans = 0; for(int i = 1;i <= n; ++i) { if(tail == 0) {que[++tail] = i; continue;} while(a[i] >= a[que[tail]] && tail > 0 ) tail--; //for(int j = 1 ; j <= tail ; ++j) sum[que[j]]++; ans += tail; que[++tail] = i; } //for(int i = 1;i <= n; ++i) ans += sum[i]; printf("%I64d ",ans); }