官网: http://lesscss.org/ .
less-gui,使用国产的koala, 其中文帮助文档地址. 拖拽一个目录到考拉就新建了一个工程,比较方便.
但是,这样并没有完成. 还需要新建一个配置文件. 右键项目,具体可以看帮助文档->项目配置.
譬如. 新建一个index.less 文件, 需要编译为 index.css . 需要配置"src"和"dest". 采用相对路径即可.
// Default project settings, you can edit it and set custom settings. { // The mappings of source directory and output directory "mappings": [ // { // "src": "path/to/source", // "dest": "path/to/output" // } { "src": "./", "dest": "./" } ], // Add the ignore rules that Koala will not search them. // e.g. ["*.json", "*.txt", "test", "path/libs"] "ignores": [], // Options of Compilers. "options": { // "key": "val", // "key2": "val2" // ... }, // An array of filesystem paths which should be searched for js/LESS/Sass templates imported with the @import/@append/@prepend directive. "includePaths": [] }