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  • SQL Server 2012 R2升级到SQL Server 2016无法正常启动数据库服务解决方案

    原定周末把公司的TFS升级到2018,由于TFS 2018需要SQL Server至少是2016以上版本,所以还需要将原来的SQL Server 2012 R2一并升级。今天早上负责的同事告诉我升级失败了。SQL Server 2016的数据库服务无法正常启动。他期间还尝试修复了一次SQL Server 2016,仍然提示无法正常启动数据库服务。错误提示如下:

    Action required:
    Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Feature failure reason:
    An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
    Error details:
    § Error installing SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
    The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
    Error code: 0x80004005
    Visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=13.0.1711.0&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325 to get help on troubleshooting.
    Warning details:
    § Missing or unspecified settings that were configured to default values:
    Service SID support has been enabled on the service.


    Windows cannot access the file  for one of the following reasons: there is a problem with the network connection, the disk that the file is stored on, or the storage drivers installed on this computer; or the disk is missing. Windows closed the program SQL Server Windows NT - 64 Bit because of this error.
    Program: SQL Server Windows NT - 64 Bit
    The error value is listed in the Additional Data section.
    User Action
    1. Open the file again. This situation might be a temporary problem that corrects itself when the program runs again.
    2. If the file still cannot be accessed and
        - It is on the network, your network administrator should verify that there is not a problem with the network and that the server can be contacted.
        - It is on a removable disk, for example, a floppy disk or CD-ROM, verify that the disk is fully inserted into the computer.
    3. Check and repair the file system by running CHKDSK. To run CHKDSK, click Start, click Run, type CMD, and then click OK. At the command prompt, type CHKDSK /F, and then press ENTER.
    4. If the problem persists, restore the file from a backup copy.
    5. Determine whether other files on the same disk can be opened. If not, the disk might be damaged. If it is a hard disk, contact your administrator or computer hardware vendor for further assistance.
    Additional Data
    Error value: 00000000
    Disk type: 0

    错误提示我们可以选择运行一下磁盘检查,凭经验觉得还是再看一次SQL Server 2016的安装日志,Summary内容如下:

    Overall summary:
      Final result:                  Failed: see details below
      Exit code (Decimal):           -2068119551
      Start time:                    2018-07-23 09:27:05
      End time:                      2018-07-23 09:42:09
      Requested action:              Repair
    Setup completed with required actions for features.
    Troubleshooting information for those features:
      Next step for SQLEngine:       Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
      Next step for FullText:        Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
      Next step for AS:              Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
    Machine Properties:
      Machine name:                  SQL
      Machine processor count:       4
      OS version:                    Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter (6.2.9200)
      OS service pack:               
      OS region:                     United States
      OS language:                   English (United States)
      OS architecture:               x64
      Process architecture:          64 Bit
      OS clustered:                  No
    Product features discovered:
      Product              Instance             Instance ID                    Feature                                  Language             Edition              Version         Clustered  Configured
      SQL Server 2012      MSSQL2               MSSQL11.MSSQL2                 Database Engine Services                 1033                 Enterprise Edition   11.2.5058.0     No         Yes       
      SQL Server 2012      MSSQL2               MSSQL11.MSSQL2                 Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search 1033                 Enterprise Edition   11.2.5058.0     No         Yes       
      SQL Server 2012                                                          SSMS                                     1033                 Enterprise Edition   11.2.5058.0     No         Yes       
      SQL Server 2012                                                          Adv_SSMS                                 1033                 Enterprise Edition   11.2.5058.0     No         Yes       
      SQL Server 2016      MSSQLSERVER          MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER            Database Engine Services                 1033                 Enterprise Edition   13.0.1601.5     No         Yes       
      SQL Server 2016      MSSQLSERVER          MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER            Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search 1033                 Enterprise Edition   13.0.1601.5     No         Yes       
      SQL Server 2016      MSSQLSERVER          MSAS13.MSSQLSERVER             Analysis Services                        1033                 Enterprise Edition   13.0.1601.5     No         Yes       
      SQL Server 2016      MSSQLSERVER          MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER             Reporting Services - Native              1033                 Enterprise Edition   13.0.1601.5     No         Yes       
    Package properties:
      Description:                   Microsoft SQL Server 2016 
      ProductName:                   SQL Server 2016
      Type:                          RTM
      Version:                       13
      SPLevel:                       0
      Installation location:         I:x64setup
      Installation edition:          Enterprise
    User Input Settings:
      ACTION:                        Repair
      AGTDOMAINGROUP:                <empty>
      AGTSVCACCOUNT:                 NT ServiceSQLSERVERAGENT
      AGTSVCPASSWORD:                <empty>
      AGTSVCSTARTUPTYPE:             Manual
      ASCONFIGDIR:                   Config
      ASSVCACCOUNT:                  NT ServiceMSSQLServerOLAPService
      ASSVCPASSWORD:                 <empty>
      ASTELSVCACCT:                  NT ServiceSSASTELEMETRY
      ASTELSVCPASSWORD:              <empty>
      ASTELSVCSTARTUPTYPE:           Automatic
      CLTSTARTUPTYPE:                0
      CLTSVCACCOUNT:                 <empty>
      CLTSVCPASSWORD:                <empty>
      CONFIGURATIONFILE:             C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server130Setup BootstrapLog20180723_092704ConfigurationFile.ini
      CTLRSTARTUPTYPE:               0
      CTLRSVCACCOUNT:                <empty>
      CTLRSVCPASSWORD:               <empty>
      ENU:                           true
      EXTSVCACCOUNT:                 <empty>
      EXTSVCPASSWORD:                <empty>
      FAILOVERCLUSTERGROUP:          <empty>
      FTSVCACCOUNT:                  NT ServiceMSSQLFDLauncher
      FTSVCPASSWORD:                 <empty>
      HELP:                          false
      INDICATEPROGRESS:              false
      INSTANCENAME:                  MSSQLSERVER
      ISSVCACCOUNT:                  NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service
      ISSVCPASSWORD:                 <empty>
      ISSVCSTARTUPTYPE:              Automatic
      ISTELSVCACCT:                  <empty>
      ISTELSVCPASSWORD:              <empty>
      ISTELSVCSTARTUPTYPE:           0
      QUIET:                         false
      QUIETSIMPLE:                   false
      SQLSVCACCOUNT:                 NT ServiceMSSQLSERVER
      SQLSVCPASSWORD:                <empty>
      SQLTELSVCACCT:                 NT ServiceSQLTELEMETRY
      SQLTELSVCPASSWORD:             <empty>
      SQLTELSVCSTARTUPTYPE:          Automatic
      UIMODE:                        Normal
      X86:                           false
      Configuration file:            C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server130Setup BootstrapLog20180723_092704ConfigurationFile.ini
    Detailed results:
      Feature:                       Database Engine Services
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      Reason for failure:            An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
      Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
      Component name:                SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
      Component error code:          0x80004005
      Error description:             The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
      Error help link:               http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=13.0.1711.0&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325
      Feature:                       Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      Reason for failure:            An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
      Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
      Component name:                SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
      Component error code:          0x80004005
      Error description:             The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
      Error help link:               http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=13.0.1711.0&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325
      Feature:                       Reporting Services - Native
      Status:                        Passed
      Feature:                       Analysis Services
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      Reason for failure:            An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
      Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
      Component name:                SQL Server Analysis Services
      Component error code:          0x84BB0001
      Error description:             The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
      Error help link:               http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkId=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=50000&ProdVer=13.0.1711.0&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325&EvtType=0xDC112D1C%400xDC80C325
      Feature:                       SQL Browser
      Status:                        Passed
      Feature:                       SQL Writer
      Status:                        Passed
      Feature:                       SQL Client Connectivity
      Status:                        Passed
      Feature:                       SQL Client Connectivity SDK
      Status:                        Passed
      Feature:                       Setup Support Files
      Status:                        Passed
    Rules with failures:
    Global rules:
    There are no scenario-specific rules.
    Rules report file:               C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server130Setup BootstrapLog20180723_092704SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm
    The following warnings were encountered while configuring settings on your SQL Server.  These resources / settings were missing or invalid so default values were used in recreating the missing resources.  Please review to make sure they don’t require further customization for your applications:
    Service SID support has been enabled on the service.

    大致意思就是数据库服务无法正常启动,更要命的是Error Help Link点击打开后自动回到了微软官网,没有缩小错误范围的价值。于是继续查看Detail.txt,文件内容比较多只把error和exception作为搜索关键字定位,下面只贴出相关信息(期间学习了一下:查看和阅读 SQL Server 安装程序日志文件):

    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: The configuration failure category of current exception is ConfigurationFailure
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: Configuration action failed for feature SQL_Engine_Core_Inst during timing ConfigRC and scenario ConfigRC.
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.Service.StartService(String[] startParams)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlServerServiceSCM.StartSqlServer(String[] parameters, Boolean withFailpoint)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.UpgradeSQLServerSystemDatabases(EffectiveProperties properties, Boolean isConfiguringTemplateDBs, Boolean fShutdown)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.Upgrade_ConfigRC(Version fromVersion, EffectiveProperties properties, Boolean shutdownRightAway)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.RepairFailedUpgrade(ConfigActionTiming timing, Dictionary`2 actionData)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.Repair(ConfigActionTiming timing, Dictionary`2 actionData, PublicConfigurationBase spcb)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.PrivateConfigurationBase.Execute(ConfigActionScenario scenario, ConfigActionTiming timing, ConfigBaseAction action, Dictionary`2 actionData, PublicConfigurationBase spcbCurrent)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SqlFeatureConfigBase.Execute(ConfigActionScenario scenario, ConfigActionTiming timing, ConfigBaseAction action, Dictionary`2 actionData, PublicConfigurationBase spcbCurrent)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SlpConfigAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SlpConfigAction.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: The following is an exception stack listing the exceptions in outermost to innermost order
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: Inner exceptions are being indented
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: 
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: Exception type: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:     Message: 
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:     HResult : 0x80004005
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:     Error : 1053
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:     Data: 
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:       SQL.Setup.FailureCategory = ConfigurationFailure
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:       WatsonConfigActionData = REPAIR@CONFIGRC@SQL_ENGINE_CORE_INST
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:       WatsonExceptionFeatureIdsActionData = System.String[]
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:     Stack: 
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.Service.StartService(String[] startParams)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlServerServiceSCM.StartSqlServer(String[] parameters, Boolean withFailpoint)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.UpgradeSQLServerSystemDatabases(EffectiveProperties properties, Boolean isConfiguringTemplateDBs, Boolean fShutdown)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.Upgrade_ConfigRC(Version fromVersion, EffectiveProperties properties, Boolean shutdownRightAway)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.RepairFailedUpgrade(ConfigActionTiming timing, Dictionary`2 actionData)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlEngine.SqlEngineDBStartConfig.Repair(ConfigActionTiming timing, Dictionary`2 actionData, PublicConfigurationBase spcb)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.PrivateConfigurationBase.Execute(ConfigActionScenario scenario, ConfigActionTiming timing, ConfigBaseAction action, Dictionary`2 actionData, PublicConfigurationBase spcbCurrent)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SqlFeatureConfigBase.Execute(ConfigActionScenario scenario, ConfigActionTiming timing, ConfigBaseAction action, Dictionary`2 actionData, PublicConfigurationBase spcbCurrent)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SlpConfigAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp:         at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SqlConfigBase.SlpConfigAction.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
    (01) 2018-07-23 09:32:14 Slp: Watson Bucket 1 
     Original Parameter Values 

    看了几个错误日志,总之就是围绕启动服务出错。干脆启动SQL Server单机模式碰碰运气。在cmd里输入:

    sqlservr.exe -m

    运行后,错误提示:"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)"。还是没有得到进一步的进展,我决定运行Procmon分别抓取正常机器和这台错误机器的执行信息,发现区别就在于错误的机器在读取sqltses.ini后便退出了进程。在这之前werfault相关的操作也进入视野,决定用WinDbg看一下相关的hdmp文件。运行WinDbg并输入:

    !analyze -v
    *                                                                             *
    *                        Exception Analysis                                   *
    *                                                                             *
    Unable to load image C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL13.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBinnsqldk.dll, Win32 error 0n2
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for sqldk.dll
    GetUrlPageData2 (WinHttp) failed: 12002.
    Timeline: !analyze.Start
        Name: <blank>
        Time: 2018-07-23T06:27:15.719Z
        Diff: 3227719 mSec
    Timeline: Dump.Current
        Name: <blank>
        Time: 2018-07-23T05:33:28.0Z
        Diff: 0 mSec
    Timeline: Process.Start
        Name: <blank>
        Time: 2018-07-23T05:33:27.0Z
        Diff: 1000 mSec
    Timeline: OS.Boot
        Name: <blank>
        Time: 2018-07-23T02:45:30.0Z
        Diff: 10078000 mSec
    CONTEXT:  (.ecxr)
    rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00000000000000c4 rcx=00000000ffffffff
    rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=000000000000009d rdi=000007faeafbce48
    rip=000007fb0bd831f3 rsp=0000001803fef100 rbp=0000000000000000
     r8=0000000000000000  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000
    r11=000007faeb398310 r12=000007faeab52ab0 r13=0000000000000000
    r14=000007faeab50000 r15=0000000000000000
    iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
    cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
    000007fb`0bd831f3 c5e173d034      vpsrlq  xmm3,xmm0,34h
    Resetting default scope
    msvcr120!log10+313 [f:ddvctoolscrtfpw32	ranamd64log10.asm @ 420]
    000007fb`0bd831f3 c5e173d034      vpsrlq  xmm3,xmm0,34h
    EXCEPTION_RECORD:  (.exr -1)
    ExceptionAddress: 000007fb0bd831f3 (msvcr120!log10+0x0000000000000313)
       ExceptionCode: c000001d (Illegal instruction)
      ExceptionFlags: 00000000
    NumberParameters: 0
    ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc000001d - {EXCEPTION}  Illegal Instruction  An attempt was made to execute an illegal instruction.
    EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc000001d - {EXCEPTION}  Illegal Instruction  An attempt was made to execute an illegal instruction.
    EXCEPTION_CODE_STR:  c000001d
    WATSON_BKT_PROCVER:  2015.130.1601.5
    WATSON_BKT_MODULE:  msvcr120.dll
    WATSON_BKT_MODSTAMP:  56bc00d3
    WATSON_BKT_MODVER:  12.0.40649.5
    MODULE_VER_PRODUCT:  Microsoft? Visual Studio? 2013
    BUILD_VERSION_STRING:  6.2.9200.16384 (win8_rtm.120725-1247)
    MODLIST_WITH_TSCHKSUM_HASH:  c6a5860b5b55160212c48b9276e6eba3de41b840
    MODLIST_SHA1_HASH:  8ff0cba4b013ab435c80aab51efa92ac767733be
    SUITE_MASK:  400
    DUMP_FLAGS:  d96
    DUMP_TYPE:  0
    PROCESS_NAME:  unknown
    ANALYSIS_SESSION_TIME:  07-23-2018 14:27:15.0719
    ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.17712.1000 amd64fre
        ID:     [0n321]
        Class:  Primary
        Scope:  DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID (Failure Bucket ID prefix)
        Name:   Omit
        Data:   Add
                String: [ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION]
        PID:    [Unspecified]
        TID:    [Unspecified]
        Frame:  [0]
    LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 000007faeabdb342 to 000007fb0bd831f3
    00000018`03fef100 000007fa`eabdb342 : 00000000`000000dd 000007fa`ea7e2679 00003862`7c0b2ebe 000007fb`1906c113 : msvcr120!log10+0x313
    00000018`03fef160 000007fb`0bd1276b : 00000000`000000c4 00000000`00000000 00000000`0000009d 000007fb`1905a57e : sqltses!InitializeRoundArrays+0x42
    00000018`03fef250 000007fa`eab869d6 : 00000000`00000000 00000018`03fef8d0 00000018`03fef8d0 000007fa`ea698920 : msvcr120!_initterm+0x3f
    00000018`03fef280 000007fa`eab52b72 : 00000000`00000001 00000018`03fef670 00000000`00000001 000007fa`eab52ab0 : sqltses!CRT_INIT+0x1df
    00000018`03fef2c0 000007fb`1905b9be : 000007fa`eab50000 00000018`03fef8d0 00000000`00000001 00000018`041551e0 : sqltses!DllMainCRTStartup+0xb6
    00000018`03fef300 000007fb`1907b3fc : 00000018`04154f10 000007fa`eab50000 00000018`04154e90 00000018`04154df0 : ntdll!LdrpCallInitRoutine+0x3e
    00000018`03fef350 000007fb`1907a88b : 00000018`04154f10 00000018`04154f01 00000018`03fef400 000007fb`190c9dd0 : ntdll!LdrpInitializeNode+0x192
    00000018`03fef450 000007fb`1907e74e : 00000018`04154400 00000018`04154700 00000018`03fef4d0 000007fb`1906aa52 : ntdll!LdrpInitializeGraph+0x6f
    00000018`03fef490 000007fb`1907e74e : 00000000`00000000 00000018`041523b0 00000018`03fef510 00000000`00000003 : ntdll!LdrpInitializeGraph+0x8d
    00000018`03fef4d0 000007fb`19082858 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000018`03fef550 00000000`00000001 : ntdll!LdrpInitializeGraph+0x8d
    00000018`03fef510 000007fb`19081826 : 00000018`03fef8d0 000007fb`19083ce3 00000000`00000000 000007f7`7d8b8000 : ntdll!LdrpInitializeProcess+0x1a1b
    00000018`03fef810 000007fb`1906c1ae : 00000018`03fef8d0 00000000`00000000 000007f7`7d8b8000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!_LdrpInitialize+0x1565e
    00000018`03fef880 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk+0xe
    msvcr120!log10+313 [f:ddvctoolscrtfpw32	ranamd64log10.asm @ 420]
    000007fb`0bd831f3 c5e173d034      vpsrlq  xmm3,xmm0,34h
    THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC:  4bb6d88aecf5843ccdb8c6a0528c256becdc603e
    THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC_OFFSET:  1732d2863928a4e53da11554f7406e3cc67c47dd
    THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD:  b5fd421a131c6f1c77c4a87353281934f433e4d5
    msvcr120!log10+313 [f:ddvctoolscrtfpw32	ranamd64log10.asm @ 420]
    000007fb`0bd831f3 c5e173d034      vpsrlq  xmm3,xmm0,34h
    FAULT_INSTR_CODE:  d073e1c5
    FAULTING_SOURCE_LINE:  f:ddvctoolscrtfpw32	ranamd64log10.asm
    FAULTING_SOURCE_FILE:  f:ddvctoolscrtfpw32	ranamd64log10.asm
    No source found for 'f:ddvctoolscrtfpw32	ranamd64log10.asm'
    SYMBOL_NAME:  msvcr120!log10+313
    FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner
    MODULE_NAME: msvcr120
    IMAGE_NAME:  msvcr120.dll
    STACK_COMMAND:  dt ntdll!LdrpLastDllInitializer BaseDllName ; dt ntdll!LdrpFailureData ; ~0s ; .ecxr ; kb
    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION_c000001d_msvcr120.dll!log10
    FAILURE_IMAGE_NAME:  msvcr120.dll
    BUCKET_ID_IMAGE_STR:  msvcr120.dll
    FAILURE_MODULE_NAME:  msvcr120
    BUCKET_ID_MODULE_STR:  msvcr120
    BUCKET_ID_MODVER_STR:  12.0.40649.5
    FAILURE_SYMBOL_NAME:  msvcr120.dll!log10
    WATSON_STAGEONE_URL:  http://watson.microsoft.com/StageOne/unknown/2015.130.1601.5/5724ae45/msvcr120.dll/12.0.40649.5/56bc00d3/c000001d/000931f3.htm?Retriage=1
    TARGET_TIME:  2018-07-23T05:33:28.000Z
    OSBUILD:  9200
    OSNAME:  Windows 8
    OSEDITION:  Windows 8 Server TerminalServer DataCenter SingleUserTS
    USER_LCID:  0
    OSBUILD_TIMESTAMP:  2012-07-26 10:15:22
    BUILDDATESTAMP_STR:  120725-1247
    BUILDLAB_STR:  win8_rtm
    BUILDOSVER_STR:  6.2.9200.16384
    FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING:  um:illegal_instruction_c000001d_msvcr120.dll!log10
    FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {5866d3bb-feda-328f-6d8f-83f8512752ce}
    Followup:     MachineOwner

    初步看了一下是调用msvcr120!log10出现了错误并提示“illegal instruction”,原来是VC 2013的错误,log10应该是数学库提供的函数。于是打开必应输入关键字"vc2013 log10 Illegal Instruction",果然是VC 2013的bug,下载对应更新包安装重启计算机问题解决。

    官方地址:FIX: Programs that are built in Visual C++ 2013 crash with "Illegal Instruction" exception

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    Android 上传图片到 Asp.Net 服务器的问题
    iOS 开发之 ReactiveCocoa(进阶)
    iOS 开发之 ReactiveCocoa(基础)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/junchu25/p/9355693.html
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