Gaussian field consensus论文解读及MATLAB实现
作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园
论文:Wang G , Chen Y , Zheng X . Gaussian field consensus: A robust nonparametric matching method for outlier rejection[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2018, 74:305-316.
An image pair and its putative correspondences. Blue and red lines represent inliers and outliers respectively.
二、GFC algorithm
三、Experimental results
function criterion=results() % GFC; % 读取图像及对应关系数据 % church % ImgName1 = './TestData/church1.jpg' ; % ImgName2 = './TestData/church2.jpg' ; % load('./TestData/church.mat'); % eye ImgName1 = './TestData/14_a.jpg' ; ImgName2 = './TestData/14_b.jpg' ; load('./TestData/14_20.mat'); I1 = imread(ImgName1) ; I2 = imread(ImgName2) ; t0=cputime; [precision, recall, accuracy, f1]=demo_GFC(I1, I2, X, Y, CorrectIndex); run_time=cputime-t0; criterion=[precision; recall; accuracy; f1; run_time];
function [precision, recall, accuracy, f1]=demo_GFC(I1, I2, X, Y, CorrectIndex) label=CorrectIndex; delta =0.5; [index] = GFC_match(X,Y,delta); [precision, recall, accuracy, f1] = evaluatePR(label, index, size(X,1)); % Plot results %原始结果 % N=size(X); % temp=1:N; % temp=temp'; % plot_matches(I1, I2, X, Y, temp, label); %实验结果 plot_matches(I1, I2, X, Y, index, label);
function A = adjacency(DATA, TYPE, PARAM, DISTANCEFUNCTION); % Compute the adjacency graph of the data set DATA % % A = adjacency(DATA, TYPE, PARAM, DISTANCEFUNCTION); % % DATA - NxK matrix. Data points are rows. % TYPE - string 'nn' or string 'epsballs'. % PARAM - integer if TYPE='nn', real number if TYPE='epsballs'. % DISTANCEFUNCTION - function mapping a (DxM) and a (D x N) matrix % to an M x N distance matrix (D:dimensionality) % Returns: A, sparse symmetric NxN matrix of distances between the % adjacent points. % % Example: % % A = adjacency(X,'nn',6) % A contains the adjacency matrix for the data % set X. For each point, the distances to 6 adjacent points are % stored. N % % Note: the adjacency relation is symmetrized, i.e. if % point a is adjacent to point b, then point b is also considered to be % adjacent to point a. % % % Author: % % Mikhail Belkin % % % Modified by: Vikas Sindhwani % June 2004 % disp('Computing Adjacency Graph'); if (nargin < 3) | (strcmp(TYPE,'nn') & strcmp(TYPE,'epsballs')) | ~isreal(PARAM) disp(sprintf('ERROR: Too few arguments given or incorrect arguments. ')); disp(sprintf('USAGE: A = laplacian(DATA, TYPE, PARAM)')); disp(sprintf('DATA - the data matrix. Data points are rows.')); disp(sprintf('Nearest neigbors: TYPE =''nn'' PARAM = number of nearest neigbors')); disp(sprintf('Epsilon balls: TYPE =''epsballs'' PARAM = redius of the ball ')); return; end n = size(DATA,1); %disp (sprintf ('DATA: %d points in %d dimensional space.',n,size (DATA,2))); switch TYPE case {'nn'} % disp(sprintf('Creating the adjacency matrix. Nearest neighbors, N=%d.', PARAM)); case{'eps', 'epsballs'} %disp(sprintf('Creating the adjacency matrix. Epsilon balls, eps=%f.', PARAM)); end; A = sparse(n,n); step = 100; if (strcmp(TYPE,'nn')) for i1=1:step:n i2 = i1+step-1; if (i2> n) i2=n; end; XX= DATA(i1:i2,:); dt = feval(DISTANCEFUNCTION, XX',DATA'); [Z,I] = sort ( dt,2); for i=i1:i2 if ( mod(i, 500) ==0) %disp(sprintf('%d points processed.', i)); end; for j=2:PARAM+1 A(i,I(i-i1+1,j))= Z(i-i1+1,j); A(I(i-i1+1,j),i)= Z(i-i1+1,j); end; end end; % epsilon balls else for i1=1:step:n i2 = i1+step-1; if (i2> n) i2=n; end; XX= DATA(i1:i2,:); dt = feval(DISTANCEFUNCTION, XX',DATA'); [Z,I] = sort ( dt,2 ); for i=i1:i2 % if ( mod(i, 500) ==0) disp(sprintf('%d points processed.', i)); end; j=2; while ( (Z(i-i1+1,j) < PARAM)) j = j+1; jj = I(i-i1+1,j); A(i,jj)= Z(i-i1+1,j); A(jj,i)= Z(i-i1+1,j); end; end end; end;
function K=con_K(x,y,beta) if nargin<3 error('Error! Not enough input parameters.'); end ks=-2 * beta^2; [n, d]=size(x); [m, d]=size(y); K=repmat(x,[1 1 m])-permute(repmat(y,[1 1 n]),[3 2 1]); K=squeeze(sum(K.^2,2)); K=K/ks; K=exp(K);
function [E, G] = costfun_GFC(param, X, Y, U, beta,lambda,sigma2) [N, D] = size(X); M = size(U, 2); Alpha = reshape(param, [M D]); options=ml_options('Kernel','rbf', 'KernelParam', beta,'NN',5); options.GraphWeights= 'heat'; options.GraphWeightParam=sqrt(sigma2); L=laplacian(X,'nn',options); E=lambda * trace(Alpha'*U'*L*U*Alpha); V = Y-(X+ U*Alpha); a = -2 / N / (2*sigma2)^(D/2); F = exp(-sum(V.^2, 2) / (2*sigma2)); E = E + a * sum(F); G = -a * U' * ( V .* repmat(F, [1 D]) / sigma2 ) + 2*lambda * U'* L * U *Alpha;
function d = euclidean(a,b,df) % EUCLIDEAN - computes Euclidean distance matrix % % E = euclidean(A,B) % % A - (DxM) matrix % B - (DxN) matrix % df = 1, force diagonals to be zero; 0 (default), do not force % % Returns: % E - (MxN) Euclidean distances between vectors in A and B % % % Description : % This fully vectorized (VERY FAST!) m-file computes the % Euclidean distance between two vectors by: % % ||A-B|| = sqrt ( ||A||^2 + ||B||^2 - 2*A.B ) % % Example : % A = rand(400,100); B = rand(400,200); % d = distance(A,B); % Author : Roland Bunschoten % University of Amsterdam % Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) group % Kruislaan 403 1098 SJ Amsterdam % tel.(+31)20-5257524 % % Last Rev : Wed Oct 20 08:58:08 MET DST 1999 % Tested : PC Matlab v5.2 and Solaris Matlab v5.3 % Copyright notice: You are free to modify, extend and distribute % this code granted that the author of the original code is % mentioned as the original author of the code. % Fixed by JBT (3/18/00) to work for 1-dimensional vectors % and to warn for imaginary numbers. Also ensures that % output is all real, and allows the option of forcing diagonals to % be zero. if (nargin < 2) error('Not enough input arguments'); end if (nargin < 3) df = 0; % by default, do not force 0 on the diagonal end if (size(a,1) ~= size(b,1)) error('A and B should be of same dimensionality'); end if ~(isreal(a)*isreal(b)) disp('Warning: running distance.m with imaginary numbers. Results may be off.'); end if (size(a,1) == 1) a = [a; zeros(1,size(a,2))]; b = [b; zeros(1,size(b,2))]; end aa=sum(a.*a); bb=sum(b.*b); ab=a'*b; d = sqrt(repmat(aa',[1 size(bb,2)]) + repmat(bb,[size(aa,2) 1]) - 2*ab); % make sure result is all real d = real(d); % force 0 on the diagonal? if (df==1) d = d.*(1-eye(size(d))); end
function [precision, recall, accuracy, f1] = evaluatePR(CorrectIndex, Index, siz) tmp=zeros(1, siz); tmp(Index) = 1; tmp(CorrectIndex) = tmp(CorrectIndex)+1; GFCCorrect = find(tmp == 2); NumCorrectIndex = length(CorrectIndex); NumGFCIndex = length(Index); NumGFCCorrect = length(GFCCorrect); % corrRate = NumCorrectIndex/siz; precision = NumGFCCorrect/NumGFCIndex; TP=NumGFCCorrect; FP=NumGFCIndex-TP; recall = NumGFCCorrect/NumCorrectIndex; FN=NumCorrectIndex-TP; TN=siz-NumGFCIndex-FN; accuracy=(TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN); f1=(2*precision*recall)/(precision+recall);
function [idt, V , param] = GFC(X, Y, delta) [N1, D] = size(X); eta=0.98; history.x = [ ]; history.fval = [ ]; beta =1.5; lambda = 3; sigma2=power(det(X'*X/N1), 1/(2^D)); M=round(sqrt(N1)); x0 = zeros(M*D, 1); options = optimset( 'display','iter'); options = optimset(options, 'outputfcn',@GFCoutfun); options = optimset( options, 'LargeScale','off'); options = optimset(options, 'MaxFunEvals', 100); options = optimset(options, 'MaxIter', 100); options = optimset(options, 'GradObj', 'on'); U=get_U(X,beta,M); param = fminunc(@(x)costfun_GFC(x, X, Y, U, beta, lambda, sigma2), x0, options); Alpha = reshape(param, [M D]); V=X+U*Alpha; Pb = exp(-sum((Y-V).^2, 2) / (sigma2)) ; idt = find(Pb > delta); function stop = GFCoutfun(x,optimValues,state,varargin) stop = false; switch state case 'init' case 'iter' history.fval = [history.fval; optimValues.fval]; history.x = [history.x; reshape(x,1,length(x))]; Alpha = reshape(x, [M D]); V=X+U*Alpha; sigma2=sigma2 * eta; case 'done' otherwise end end end function U=get_U(X,beta,M) tmp_X = unique(X, 'rows'); idx = randperm(size(tmp_X,1)); idx = idx(1:min(M,size(tmp_X,1))); ctrl_pts=tmp_X(idx,:); U = con_K(X, ctrl_pts, beta); end
function [idt]=GFC_match(X,Y,delta) Ni=2; Xk=X; k=1; s=1; while s X2=Xk;Y2=Y; normal.xm=0; normal.ym=0; normal.xscale=1; normal.yscale=1; [nX, nY, normal]=norm2s(X2,Y2); [idt, trans] = GFC(nX,nY,delta); trans=(trans)*normal.yscale+repmat(normal.ym,size(Y2,1),1); Xk = trans; if k==Ni s=0; else k=k+1; end end end
function L = laplacian(DATA, TYPE, options) % Calculate the graph laplacian of the adjacency graph of data set DATA. % % L = laplacian(DATA, TYPE, PARAM) % % DATA - NxK matrix. Data points are rows. % TYPE - string 'nn' or string 'epsballs' % options - Data structure containing the following fields % NN - integer if TYPE='nn' (number of nearest neighbors), % or size of 'epsballs' % % DISTANCEFUNCTION - distance function used to make the graph % WEIGHTTYPPE='binary' | 'distance' | 'heat' % WEIGHTPARAM= width for heat kernel % NORMALIZE= 0 | 1 whether to return normalized graph laplacian or not % % Returns: L, sparse symmetric NxN matrix % % Author: % % Mikhail Belkin % % % Modified by: Vikas Sindhwani ( % June 2004 % disp('Computing Graph Laplacian.'); NN=options.NN; DISTANCEFUNCTION=options.GraphDistanceFunction; WEIGHTTYPE=options.GraphWeights; WEIGHTPARAM=options.GraphWeightParam; NORMALIZE=options.GraphNormalize; % calculate the adjacency matrix for DATA A = adjacency(DATA, TYPE, NN, DISTANCEFUNCTION); W = A; % disassemble the sparse matrix [A_i, A_j, A_v] = find(A); switch WEIGHTTYPE case 'distance' for i = 1: size(A_i) W(A_i(i), A_j(i)) = A_v(i); end; case 'binary' disp('Laplacian : Using Binary weights '); for i = 1: size(A_i) W(A_i(i), A_j(i)) = 1; end; case 'heat' % disp(['Laplacian : Using Heat Kernel sigma : ' num2str(WEIGHTPARAM)]); t=WEIGHTPARAM; for i = 1: size(A_i) W(A_i(i), A_j(i)) = exp(-A_v(i)^2/(2*t*t)); end; otherwise error('Unknown Weighttype'); end D = sum(W(:,:),2); if NORMALIZE==0 L = spdiags(D,0,speye(size(W,1)))-W; else % normalized laplacian D=diag(sqrt(1./D)); L=eye(size(W,1))-D*W*D; end
function options = ml_options(varargin) % ML_OPTIONS - Generate/alter options structure for training classifiers % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% % options = ml_options('PARAM1',VALUE1,'PARAM2',VALUE2,...) % % Creates an options structure "options" in which the named parameters % have the specified values. Any unspecified parameters are set to % default values specified below. % options = ml_options (with no input arguments) creates an options structure % "options" where all the fields are set to default values specified below. % % Example: % options=ml_options('Kernel','rbf','KernelParam',0.5,'NN',6); % % "options" structure is as follows: % % Field Name: Description : default % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 'Kernel': 'linear' | 'rbf' | 'poly' : 'linear' % 'KernelParam': -- | sigma | degree : 1 % 'NN': number of nearest neighbor : 6 %'GraphDistanceFuncion': distance function for graph: 'euclidean' | 'cosine' : 'euclidean' % 'GraphWeights': 'binary' | 'distance' | 'heat' : 'binary' % 'GraphWeightParam': e.g For heat kernel, width to use : 1 % 'GraphNormalize': Use normalized Graph laplacian (1) or not (0) : 1 % 'ClassEdges': Disconnect Edges across classes:yes(1) no (0) : 0 % 'gamma_A': RKHS norm regularization parameter (Ambient) : 1 % 'gamma_I': Manifold regularization parameter (Intrinsic) : 1 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Acknowledgement: Adapted from Anton Schwaighofer's software: % % % Author: Vikas Sindhwani ( % June 2004 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% % options default values options = struct('Kernel','linear', ... 'KernelParam',1, ... 'NN',6,... 'GraphDistanceFunction','euclidean',... 'GraphWeights', 'binary', ... 'GraphWeightParam',1, ... 'GraphNormalize',1, ... 'ClassEdges',0,... 'gamma_A',1.0,... 'gamma_I',1.0); numberargs = nargin; Names = fieldnames(options); [m,n] = size(Names); names = lower(Names); i = 1; while i <= numberargs arg = varargin{i}; if isstr(arg) break; end if ~isempty(arg) if ~isa(arg,'struct') error(sprintf('Expected argument %d to be a string parameter name or an options structure.', i)); end for j = 1:m if any(strcmp(fieldnames(arg),Names{j,:})) val = getfield(arg, Names{j,:}); else val = []; end if ~isempty(val) [valid, errmsg] = checkfield(Names{j,:},val); if valid options = setfield(options, Names{j,:},val); else error(errmsg); end end end end i = i + 1; end % A finite state machine to parse name-value pairs. if rem(numberargs-i+1,2) ~= 0 error('Arguments must occur in name-value pairs.'); end expectval = 0; while i <= numberargs arg = varargin{i}; if ~expectval if ~isstr(arg) error(sprintf('Expected argument %d to be a string parameter name.', i)); end lowArg = lower(arg); j = strmatch(lowArg,names); if isempty(j) error(sprintf('Unrecognized parameter name ''%s''.', arg)); elseif length(j) > 1 % Check for any exact matches (in case any names are subsets of others) k = strmatch(lowArg,names,'exact'); if length(k) == 1 j = k; else msg = sprintf('Ambiguous parameter name ''%s'' ', arg); msg = [msg '(' Names{j(1),:}]; for k = j(2:length(j))' msg = [msg ', ' Names{k,:}]; end msg = sprintf('%s).', msg); error(msg); end end expectval = 1; else [valid, errmsg] = checkfield(Names{j,:}, arg); if valid options = setfield(options, Names{j,:}, arg); else error(errmsg); end expectval = 0; end i = i + 1; end function [valid, errmsg] = checkfield(field,value) % CHECKFIELD Check validity of structure field contents. % [VALID, MSG] = CHECKFIELD('field',V) checks the contents of the specified % value V to be valid for the field 'field'. % valid = 1; errmsg = ''; if isempty(value) return end isFloat = length(value==1) & isa(value, 'double'); isPositive = isFloat & (value>=0); isString = isa(value, 'char'); range = []; requireInt = 0; switch field case 'NN' requireInt = 1; range=[1 Inf]; case 'GraphNormalize' requireInt = 1; range=[0 1]; case 'ClassEdges' requireInt = 1; range=[0 1]; case {'Kernel', 'GraphWeights', 'GraphDistanceFunction'} if ~isString, valid = 0; errmsg = sprintf('Invalid value for %s parameter: Must be a string', field); end case {'gamma_A', 'gamma_I','GraphWeightParam'} range = [0 Inf]; case 'KernelParam' valid = 1; otherwise valid = 0; error('Unknown field name for Options structure.') end if ~isempty(range), if (value<range(1)) | (value>range(2)), valid = 0; errmsg = sprintf('Invalid value for %s parameter: Must be scalar in the range [%g..%g]', ... field, range(1), range(2)); end end if requireInt & ((value-round(value))~=0), valid = 0; errmsg = sprintf('Invalid value for %s parameter: Must be integer', ... field); end
function [X, Y, normal] =norm2s(x,y) x = double(x); y = double(y); n=size(x,1); m=size(y,1); normal.xm=mean(x); normal.ym=mean(y); x=x-repmat(normal.xm,n,1); y=y-repmat(normal.ym,m,1); normal.xscale=sqrt(sum(sum(x.^2,2))/n); normal.yscale=sqrt(sum(sum(y.^2,2))/m); X=x/normal.xscale; Y=y/normal.yscale;
function plot_matches(I1, I2, X, Y, VFCIndex, CorrectIndex) % PLOT_MATCHES(I1, I2, X, Y, VFCINDEX, CORRECTINDEX) % only plots the ture positives with blue lines, false positives with red % lines, and false negatives with green lines. For visibility, it plots at % most NUMPLOT (Default value is 50) matches proportionately. % % Input: % I1, I2: Tow input images. % % X, Y: Coordinates of intrest points in I1, I2 respectively. % % VFCIndex: Indexes preserved by VFC. % % CorrectIndex: Ground truth indexes. % % See also:: VFC(), FastVFC(), SparseVFC(). % Authors: Jiayi Ma ( % Date: 04/17/2012 % Define the maximum number of matches to plot %blue = true positive+true negative, green = false negative, red = false positive NumPlot = 50; TruePos = intersect(VFCIndex, CorrectIndex);%Ture positive FalsePos = setdiff(VFCIndex, CorrectIndex); %False positive FalseNeg = setdiff(CorrectIndex, VFCIndex); %False negative NumPos = length(TruePos)+length(FalsePos)+length(FalseNeg); if NumPos > NumPlot t_p = length(TruePos)/NumPos; n1 = round(t_p*NumPlot); f_p = length(FalsePos)/NumPos; n2 = ceil(f_p*NumPlot); f_n = length(FalseNeg)/NumPos; n3 = ceil(f_n*NumPlot); else n1 = length(TruePos); n2 = length(FalsePos); n3 = length(FalseNeg); end per = randperm(length(TruePos)); TruePos = TruePos(per(1:n1)); per = randperm(length(FalsePos)); FalsePos = FalsePos(per(1:n2)); per = randperm(length(FalseNeg)); FalseNeg = FalseNeg(per(1:n3)); interval = 20; WhiteInterval = 255*ones(size(I1,1), interval, 3); figure;imagesc(cat(2, I1, WhiteInterval, I2)) ; hold on ; line([X(FalsePos,1)'; Y(FalsePos,1)'+size(I1,2)+interval], [X(FalsePos,2)' ; Y(FalsePos,2)'],'linewidth', 1, 'color', 'r') ; line([X(FalseNeg,1)'; Y(FalseNeg,1)'+size(I1,2)+interval], [X(FalseNeg,2)' ; Y(FalseNeg,2)'],'linewidth', 1, 'color', 'g') ; line([X(TruePos,1)'; Y(TruePos,1)'+size(I1,2)+interval], [X(TruePos,2)' ; Y(TruePos,2)'],'linewidth', 1, 'color', 'b') ; axis equal ;axis off ; drawnow;
criterion = 0.9259 1.0000 0.9604 0.9615 0.8125