
1 class Operation: 2 def GetResult(self): 3 pass 4 5 class OperationAdd(Operation): 6 def GetResult(self): 7 return self.op1+self.op2 8 9 10 class OperationSub(Operation): 11 def GetResult(self): 12 return self.op1-self.op2 13 14 15 class OperationMul(Operation): 16 def GetResult(self): 17 return self.op1*self.op2 18 19 20 class OperationDiv(Operation): 21 def GetResult(self): 22 try: 23 result = self.op1/self.op2 24 return result 25 except: 26 print "error:divided by zero." 27 return 0 28 29 class OperationUndef(Operation): 30 def GetResult(self): 31 print "Undefine operation." 32 return 0 33 34 class OperationFactory: 35 operation = {} 36 operation["+"] = OperationAdd(); 37 operation["-"] = OperationSub(); 38 operation["*"] = OperationMul(); 39 operation["/"] = OperationDiv(); 40 def createOperation(self,ch): 41 if ch in self.operation: 42 op = self.operation[ch] 43 else: 44 op = OperationUndef() 45 return op 46 47 if __name__ == "__main__": 48 op = raw_input("operator: ") 49 opa = input("a: ") 50 opb = input("b: ") 51 factory = OperationFactory() 52 cal = factory.createOperation(op) 53 cal.op1 = opa 54 cal.op2 = opb 55 print cal.GetResult()

1 class CashSuper: 2 def AcceptCash(self,money): 3 return 0 4 5 class CashNormal(CashSuper): 6 def AcceptCash(self,money): 7 return money 8 9 class CashRebate(CashSuper): 10 discount = 0 11 def __init__(self,ds): 12 self.discount = ds 13 def AcceptCash(self,money): 14 return money * self.discount 15 16 class CashReturn(CashSuper): 17 total = 0; 18 ret = 0; 19 def __init__(self,t,r): 20 self.total = t 21 self.ret = r 22 def AcceptCash(self,money): 23 if (money>=self.total): 24 return money - self.ret 25 else: 26 return money 27 28 class CashContext: 29 def __init__(self,csuper): 30 self.cs = csuper 31 def GetResult(self,money): 32 return self.cs.AcceptCash(money) 33 34 if __name__ == "__main__": 35 money = input("money:") 36 strategy = {} 37 strategy[1] = CashContext(CashNormal()) 38 strategy[2] = CashContext(CashRebate(0.8)) 39 strategy[3] = CashContext(CashReturn(300,100)) 40 ctype = input("type:[1]for normal,[2]for 80% discount [3]for 300 -100.") 41 if ctype in strategy: 42 cc = strategy[ctype] 43 else: 44 print "Undefine type.Use normal mode." 45 cc = strategy[1] 46 print "you will pay:%d" %(cc.GetResult(money))

1 class Person: 2 def __init__(self,tname): 3 self.name = tname 4 def Show(self): 5 print "dressed %s" %(self.name) 6 7 class Finery(Person): 8 componet = None 9 def __init__(self): 10 pass 11 def Decorate(self,ct): 12 self.componet = ct 13 def Show(self): 14 if(self.componet!=None): 15 self.componet.Show() 16 17 class TShirts(Finery): 18 def __init__(self): 19 pass 20 def Show(self): 21 print "Big T-shirt " 22 self.componet.Show() 23 24 class BigTrouser(Finery): 25 def __init__(self): 26 pass 27 def Show(self): 28 print "Big Trouser " 29 self.componet.Show() 30 31 if __name__ == "__main__": 32 p = Person("somebody") 33 bt = BigTrouser() 34 ts = TShirts() 35 bt.Decorate(p) 36 ts.Decorate(bt) 37 ts.Show()

1 class Interface : 2 def Request(self): 3 return 0 4 5 class RealSubject(Interface): 6 def Request(self): 7 print "Real request." 8 9 class Proxy(Interface): 10 def Request(self): 11 self.real = RealSubject() 12 self.real.Request() 13 14 if __name__ == "__main__": 15 p = Proxy() 16 p.Request()

1 class LeiFeng: 2 def Sweep(self): 3 print "LeiFeng sweep" 4 5 class Student(LeiFeng): 6 def Sweep(self): 7 print "Student sweep" 8 9 class Volenter(LeiFeng): 10 def Sweep(self): 11 print "Volenter sweep" 12 13 class LeiFengFactory: 14 def CreateLeiFeng(self): 15 temp = LeiFeng() 16 return temp 17 18 class StudentFactory(LeiFengFactory): 19 def CreateLeiFeng(self): 20 temp = Student() 21 return temp 22 23 class VolenterFactory(LeiFengFactory): 24 def CreateLeiFeng(self): 25 temp = Volenter() 26 return temp 27 28 if __name__ == "__main__": 29 sf = StudentFactory() 30 s=sf.CreateLeiFeng() 31 s.Sweep() 32 sdf = VolenterFactory() 33 sd=sdf.CreateLeiFeng() 34 sd.Sweep()

1 import copy 2 class WorkExp: 3 place="" 4 year=0 5 6 class Resume: 7 name = '' 8 age = 0 9 def __init__(self,n): 10 self.name = n 11 def SetAge(self,a): 12 self.age = a 13 def SetWorkExp(self,p,y): 14 self.place = p 15 self.year = y 16 def Display(self): 17 print self.age 18 print self.place 19 print self.year 20 def Clone(self): 21 #实际不是“克隆”,只是返回了自身 22 return self 23 24 if __name__ == "__main__": 25 a = Resume("a") 26 b = a.Clone() 27 c = copy.copy(a) 28 d = copy.deepcopy(a) 29 a.SetAge(7) 30 b.SetAge(12) 31 c.SetAge(15) 32 d.SetAge(18) 33 a.SetWorkExp("PrimarySchool",1996) 34 b.SetWorkExp("MidSchool",2001) 35 c.SetWorkExp("HighSchool",2004) 36 d.SetWorkExp("University",2007) 37 a.Display() 38 b.Display() 39 c.Display() 40 d.Display()

1 class TestPaper: 2 def TestQuestion1(self): 3 print "Test1:A. B. C. D." 4 print "(%s)" %self.Answer1() 5 6 def TestQuestion2(self): 7 print "Test1:A. B. C. D." 8 print "(%s)" %self.Answer2() 9 def Answer1(self): 10 return "" 11 def Answer2(self): 12 return "" 13 14 class TestPaperA(TestPaper): 15 def Answer1(self): 16 return "B" 17 def Answer2(self): 18 return "C"; 19 20 class TestPaperB(TestPaper): 21 def Answer1(self): 22 return "D" 23 def Answer2(self): 24 return "D"; 25 26 if __name__ == "__main__": 27 s1 = TestPaperA() 28 s2 = TestPaperB() 29 print "student 1" 30 s1.TestQuestion1() 31 s1.TestQuestion2() 32 print "student 2" 33 s2.TestQuestion1() 34 s2.TestQuestion2()

1 class SubSystemOne: 2 def MethodOne(self): 3 print "SubSysOne" 4 5 class SubSystemTwo: 6 def MethodTwo(self): 7 print "SubSysTwo" 8 9 class SubSystemThree: 10 def MethodThree(self): 11 print "SubSysThree" 12 13 class SubSystemFour: 14 def MethodFour(self): 15 print "SubSysFour" 16 17 18 class Facade: 19 def __init__(self): 20 self.one = SubSystemOne() 21 self.two = SubSystemTwo() 22 self.three = SubSystemThree() 23 self.four = SubSystemFour() 24 def MethodA(self): 25 print "MethodA" 26 self.one.MethodOne() 27 self.two.MethodTwo() 28 self.four.MethodFour() 29 def MethodB(self): 30 print "MethodB" 31 self.two.MethodTwo() 32 self.three.MethodThree() 33 34 if __name__ == "__main__": 35 facade = Facade() 36 facade.MethodA() 37 facade.MethodB()

1 class Person: 2 def CreateHead(self): 3 pass 4 def CreateHand(self): 5 pass 6 def CreateBody(self): 7 pass 8 def CreateFoot(self): 9 pass 10 11 class ThinPerson(Person): 12 def CreateHead(self): 13 print "thin head" 14 def CreateHand(self): 15 print "thin hand" 16 def CreateBody(self): 17 print "thin body" 18 def CreateFoot(self): 19 print "thin foot" 20 21 class ThickPerson(Person): 22 def CreateHead(self): 23 print "thick head" 24 def CreateHand(self): 25 print "thick hand" 26 def CreateBody(self): 27 print "thick body" 28 def CreateFoot(self): 29 print "thick foot" 30 31 class Director: 32 def __init__(self,temp): 33 self.p = temp 34 def Create(self): 35 self.p.CreateHead() 36 self.p.CreateBody() 37 self.p.CreateHand() 38 self.p.CreateFoot() 39 40 if __name__ == "__main__": 41 p = ThickPerson() 42 d = Director(p) 43 d.Create()

1 class Observer: 2 def __init__(self,strname,strsub): 3 self.name = strname 4 self.sub = strsub 5 def Update(self): 6 pass 7 8 class StockObserver(Observer): 9 #no need to rewrite __init__() 10 def Update(self): 11 print "%s:%s,stop watching Stock and go on work!" %(self.name,self.sub.action) 12 13 class NBAObserver(Observer): 14 def Update(self): 15 print "%s:%s,stop watching NBA and go on work!" %(self.name,self.sub.action) 16 17 class SecretaryBase: 18 def __init__(self): 19 self.observers = [] 20 def Attach(self,new_observer): 21 pass 22 def Notify(self): 23 pass 24 25 class Secretary(SecretaryBase): 26 def Attach(self,new_observer): 27 self.observers.append(new_observer) 28 def Notify(self): 29 for p in self.observers: 30 p.Update() 31 32 if __name__ == "__main__": 33 p = Secretary() 34 s1 = StockObserver("xh",p) 35 s2 = NBAObserver("wyt",p) 36 p.Attach(s1); 37 p.Attach(s2); 38 p.action = "WARNING:BOSS "; 39 p.Notify()
IUser和IDepartment是两种不同的抽象产品,它们都有Access和SQL Server这两种不同的实现;IFactory是产生IUser和IDepartment的抽象工厂,根据具体实现(AccessFactory和SqlFactory)产生对应的具体的对象(CAccessUser与CAccessDepartment,或者CSqlUser与CSqlDepartment)。

1 class IUser: 2 def GetUser(self): 3 pass 4 def InsertUser(self): 5 pass 6 7 class IDepartment: 8 def GetDepartment(self): 9 pass 10 def InsertDepartment(self): 11 pass 12 13 class CAccessUser(IUser): 14 def GetUser(self): 15 print "Access GetUser" 16 def InsertUser(self): 17 print "Access InsertUser" 18 19 20 class CAccessDepartment(IDepartment): 21 def GetDepartment(self): 22 print "Access GetDepartment" 23 def InsertDepartment(self): 24 print "Access InsertDepartment" 25 26 class CSqlUser(IUser): 27 def GetUser(self): 28 print "Sql GetUser" 29 def InsertUser(self): 30 print "Sql InsertUser" 31 32 33 class CSqlDepartment(IDepartment): 34 def GetDepartment(self): 35 print "Sql GetDepartment" 36 def InsertDepartment(self): 37 print "Sql InsertDepartment" 38 39 class IFactory: 40 def CreateUser(self): 41 pass 42 def CreateDepartment(self): 43 pass 44 45 class AccessFactory(IFactory): 46 def CreateUser(self): 47 temp=CAccessUser() 48 return temp 49 def CreateDepartment(self): 50 temp = CAccessDepartment() 51 return temp 52 53 class SqlFactory(IFactory): 54 def CreateUser(self): 55 temp = CSqlUser() 56 return temp 57 def CreateDepartment(self): 58 temp = CSqlDepartment() 59 return temp 60 61 if __name__ == "__main__": 62 factory = SqlFactory() 63 user=factory.CreateUser() 64 depart=factory.CreateDepartment() 65 user.GetUser() 66 depart.GetDepartment()

1 class State: 2 def WirteProgram(self): 3 pass 4 5 class Work: 6 def __init__(self): 7 self.hour = 9 8 self.current = ForenoonState() 9 def SetState(self,temp): 10 self.current = temp 11 def WriteProgram(self): 12 self.current.WriteProgram(self) 13 14 class NoonState(State): 15 def WriteProgram(self,w): 16 print "noon working" 17 if (w.hour<13): 18 print "fun." 19 else: 20 print "need to rest." 21 22 class ForenoonState(State): 23 def WriteProgram(self,w): 24 if (w.hour<12): 25 print "morning working" 26 print "energetic" 27 else: 28 w.SetState(NoonState()) 29 w.WriteProgram() 30 31 if __name__ == "__main__": 32 mywork = Work() 33 mywork.hour = 9 34 mywork.WriteProgram() 35 mywork.hour =14 36 mywork.WriteProgram()

1 class Target: 2 def Request(): 3 print "common request." 4 5 class Adaptee(Target): 6 def SpecificRequest(self): 7 print "specific request." 8 9 class Adapter(Target): 10 def __init__(self,ada): 11 self.adaptee = ada 12 def Request(self): 13 self.adaptee.SpecificRequest() 14 15 if __name__ == "__main__": 16 adaptee = Adaptee() 17 adapter = Adapter(adaptee) 18 adapter.Request()

1 class Originator: 2 def __init__(self): 3 self.state = "" 4 def Show(self): 5 print self.state 6 def CreateMemo(self): 7 return Memo(self.state) 8 def SetMemo(self,memo): 9 self.state = memo.state 10 11 class Memo: 12 state= "" 13 def __init__(self,ts): 14 self.state = ts 15 16 class Caretaker: 17 memo = "" 18 19 if __name__ == "__main__": 20 on = Originator() 21 on.state = "on" 22 on.Show() 23 c = Caretaker() 24 c.memo=on.CreateMemo() 25 on.state="off" 26 on.Show() 27 on.SetMemo(c.memo) 28 on.Show()

1 class Component: 2 def __init__(self,strName): 3 self.m_strName = strName 4 def Add(self,com): 5 pass 6 def Display(self,nDepth): 7 pass 8 9 class Leaf(Component): 10 def Add(self,com): 11 print "leaf can't add" 12 def Display(self,nDepth): 13 strtemp = "" 14 for i in range(nDepth): 15 strtemp=strtemp+"-" 16 strtemp=strtemp+self.m_strName 17 print strtemp 18 19 class Composite(Component): 20 def __init__(self,strName): 21 self.m_strName = strName 22 self.c = [] 23 def Add(self,com): 24 self.c.append(com) 25 def Display(self,nDepth): 26 strtemp="" 27 for i in range(nDepth): 28 strtemp=strtemp+"-" 29 strtemp=strtemp+self.m_strName 30 print strtemp 31 for com in self.c: 32 com.Display(nDepth+2) 33 34 if __name__ == "__main__": 35 p = Composite("Wong") 36 p.Add(Leaf("Lee")) 37 p.Add(Leaf("Zhao")) 38 p1 = Composite("Wu") 39 p1.Add(Leaf("San")) 40 p.Add(p1) 41 p.Display(1);
说明:这个模式没有写代码实现,原因是使用Python的列表和for ... in list就能够完成不同类型对象聚合的迭代功能了。
说明: 为了实现单例模式费了不少工夫,后来查到一篇博文对此有很详细的介绍,而且实现方式也很丰富,通过对代码的学习可以了解更多Python的用法。以下的代码出自GhostFromHeaven的专栏,地址:http://blog.csdn.net/ghostfromheaven/article/details/7671853。不过正如其作者在Python单例模式终极版所说:

1 #-*- encoding=utf-8 -*- 2 print '----------------------方法1--------------------------' 3 #方法1,实现__new__方法 4 #并在将一个类的实例绑定到类变量_instance上, 5 #如果cls._instance为None说明该类还没有实例化过,实例化该类,并返回 6 #如果cls._instance不为None,直接返回cls._instance 7 class Singleton(object): 8 def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): 9 if not hasattr(cls, '_instance'): 10 orig = super(Singleton, cls) 11 cls._instance = orig.__new__(cls, *args, **kw) 12 return cls._instance 13 14 class MyClass(Singleton): 15 a = 1 16 17 one = MyClass() 18 two = MyClass() 19 20 two.a = 3 21 print one.a 22 #3 23 #one和two完全相同,可以用id(), ==, is检测 24 print id(one) 25 #29097904 26 print id(two) 27 #29097904 28 print one == two 29 #True 30 print one is two 31 #True 32 33 print '----------------------方法2--------------------------' 34 #方法2,共享属性;所谓单例就是所有引用(实例、对象)拥有相同的状态(属性)和行为(方法) 35 #同一个类的所有实例天然拥有相同的行为(方法), 36 #只需要保证同一个类的所有实例具有相同的状态(属性)即可 37 #所有实例共享属性的最简单最直接的方法就是__dict__属性指向(引用)同一个字典(dict) 38 #可参看:http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66531/ 39 class Borg(object): 40 _state = {} 41 def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): 42 ob = super(Borg, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw) 43 ob.__dict__ = cls._state 44 return ob 45 46 class MyClass2(Borg): 47 a = 1 48 49 one = MyClass2() 50 two = MyClass2() 51 52 #one和two是两个不同的对象,id, ==, is对比结果可看出 53 two.a = 3 54 print one.a 55 #3 56 print id(one) 57 #28873680 58 print id(two) 59 #28873712 60 print one == two 61 #False 62 print one is two 63 #False 64 #但是one和two具有相同的(同一个__dict__属性),见: 65 print id(one.__dict__) 66 #30104000 67 print id(two.__dict__) 68 #30104000 69 70 print '----------------------方法3--------------------------' 71 #方法3:本质上是方法1的升级(或者说高级)版 72 #使用__metaclass__(元类)的高级python用法 73 class Singleton2(type): 74 def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict): 75 super(Singleton2, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict) 76 cls._instance = None 77 def __call__(cls, *args, **kw): 78 if cls._instance is None: 79 cls._instance = super(Singleton2, cls).__call__(*args, **kw) 80 return cls._instance 81 82 class MyClass3(object): 83 __metaclass__ = Singleton2 84 85 one = MyClass3() 86 two = MyClass3() 87 88 two.a = 3 89 print one.a 90 #3 91 print id(one) 92 #31495472 93 print id(two) 94 #31495472 95 print one == two 96 #True 97 print one is two 98 #True 99 100 print '----------------------方法4--------------------------' 101 #方法4:也是方法1的升级(高级)版本, 102 #使用装饰器(decorator), 103 #这是一种更pythonic,更elegant的方法, 104 #单例类本身根本不知道自己是单例的,因为他本身(自己的代码)并不是单例的 105 def singleton(cls, *args, **kw): 106 instances = {} 107 def _singleton(): 108 if cls not in instances: 109 instances[cls] = cls(*args, **kw) 110 return instances[cls] 111 return _singleton 112 113 @singleton 114 class MyClass4(object): 115 a = 1 116 def __init__(self, x=0): 117 self.x = x 118 119 one = MyClass4() 120 two = MyClass4() 121 122 two.a = 3 123 print one.a 124 #3 125 print id(one) 126 #29660784 127 print id(two) 128 #29660784 129 print one == two 130 #True 131 print one is two 132 #True 133 one.x = 1 134 print one.x 135 #1 136 print two.x 137 #1

1 class HandsetSoft(object): 2 def Run(self): 3 pass 4 5 class HandsetGame(HandsetSoft): 6 def Run(self): 7 print "Game" 8 9 class HandsetAddressList(HandsetSoft): 10 def Run(self): 11 print "Address List" 12 13 class HandsetBrand(object): 14 def __init__(self): 15 self.m_soft = None 16 def SetHandsetSoft(self,temp): 17 self.m_soft= temp 18 def Run(self): 19 pass 20 21 class HandsetBrandM(HandsetBrand): 22 def Run(self): 23 if not (self.m_soft == None): 24 print "BrandM" 25 self.m_soft.Run() 26 27 class HandsetBrandN(HandsetBrand): 28 def Run(self): 29 if not (self.m_soft == None): 30 print "BrandN" 31 self.m_soft.Run() 32 33 if __name__ == "__main__": 34 brand = HandsetBrandM() 35 brand.SetHandsetSoft(HandsetGame()) 36 brand.Run() 37 brand.SetHandsetSoft(HandsetAddressList()) 38 brand.Run()

1 class Barbucer: 2 def MakeMutton(self): 3 print "Mutton" 4 def MakeChickenWing(self): 5 print "Chicken Wing" 6 7 class Command: 8 def __init__(self,temp): 9 self.receiver=temp 10 def ExecuteCmd(self): 11 pass 12 13 class BakeMuttonCmd(Command): 14 def ExecuteCmd(self): 15 self.receiver.MakeMutton() 16 17 class ChickenWingCmd(Command): 18 def ExecuteCmd(self): 19 self.receiver.MakeChickenWing() 20 21 class Waiter: 22 def __init__(self): 23 self.order =[] 24 def SetCmd(self,command): 25 self.order.append(command) 26 print "Add Order" 27 def Notify(self): 28 for cmd in self.order: 29 #self.order.remove(cmd) 30 #lead to a bug 31 cmd.ExecuteCmd() 32 33 34 if __name__ == "__main__": 35 barbucer=Barbucer() 36 cmd=BakeMuttonCmd(barbucer) 37 cmd2=ChickenWingCmd(barbucer) 38 girl=Waiter() 39 girl.SetCmd(cmd) 40 girl.SetCmd(cmd2) 41 girl.Notify()

c=[0,1,2,3] for i in c: print i c.remove(i) #output: #0 #2

class Request: def __init__(self,tcontent,tnum): self.content = tcontent self.num = tnum class Manager: def __init__(self,temp): self.name = temp def SetSuccessor(self,temp): self.manager = temp def GetRequest(self,req): pass class CommonManager(Manager): def GetRequest(self,req): if(req.num>=0 and req.num<10): print "%s handled %d request." %(self.name,req.num) else: self.manager.GetRequest(req) class MajorDomo(Manager): def GetRequest(self,req): if(req.num>=10): print "%s handled %d request." %(self.name,req.num) if __name__ == "__main__": common = CommonManager("Zhang") major = MajorDomo("Lee") common.SetSuccessor(major) req = Request("rest",33) common.GetRequest(req) req2 = Request("salary",3) common.GetRequest(req2)

class Mediator: def Send(self,message,col): pass class Colleague: def __init__(self,temp): self.mediator = temp class Colleague1(Colleague): def Send(self,message): self.mediator.Send(message,self) def Notify(self,message): print "Colleague1 get a message:%s" %message class Colleague2(Colleague): def Send(self,message): self.mediator.Send(message,self) def Notify(self,message): print "Colleague2 get a message:%s" %message class ConcreteMediator(Mediator): def Send(self,message,col): if(col==col1): col2.Notify(message) else: col1.Notify(message) if __name__ == "__main__": m =ConcreteMediator() col1 = Colleague1(m) col2 = Colleague1(m) m.col1=col1 m.col2=col2 col1.Send("How are you?"); col2.Send("Fine.");

import sys class WebSite: def Use(self): pass class ConcreteWebSite(WebSite): def __init__(self,strName): self.name = strName def Use(self,user): print "Website type:%s,user:%s" %(self.name,user) class UnShareWebSite(WebSite): def __init__(self,strName): self.name = strName def Use(self,user): print "UnShare Website type:%s,user:%s" %(self.name, user) class WebFactory: def __init__(self): test = ConcreteWebSite("test") self.webtype ={"test":test} self.count = {"test":0} def GetWeb(self,webtype): if webtype not in self.webtype: temp = ConcreteWebSite(webtype) self.webtype[webtype] = temp self.count[webtype] =1 else: temp = self.webtype[webtype] self.count[webtype] = self.count[webtype]+1 return temp def GetCount(self): for key in self.webtype: #print "type: %s, count:%d" %(key,sys.getrefcount(self.webtype[key])) print "type: %s, count:%d " %(key,self.count[key]) if __name__ == "__main__": f = WebFactory() ws=f.GetWeb("blog") ws.Use("Lee") ws2=f.GetWeb("show") ws2.Use("Jack") ws3=f.GetWeb("blog") ws3.Use("Chen") ws4=UnShareWebSite("TEST") ws4.Use("Mr.Q") print f.webtype f.GetCount()

class Context: def __init__(self): self.input="" self.output="" class AbstractExpression: def Interpret(self,context): pass class Expression(AbstractExpression): def Interpret(self,context): print "terminal interpret" class NonterminalExpression(AbstractExpression): def Interpret(self,context): print "Nonterminal interpret" if __name__ == "__main__": context= "" c = [] c = c + [Expression()] c = c + [NonterminalExpression()] c = c + [Expression()] c = c + [Expression()] for a in c: a.Interpret(context)

1 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 2 class Person: 3 def Accept(self,visitor): 4 pass 5 6 class Man(Person): 7 def Accept(self,visitor): 8 visitor.GetManConclusion(self) 9 10 class Woman(Person): 11 def Accept(self,visitor): 12 visitor.GetWomanConclusion(self) 13 14 class Action: 15 def GetManConclusion(self,concreteElementA): 16 pass 17 def GetWomanConclusion(self,concreteElementB): 18 pass 19 20 class Success(Action): 21 def GetManConclusion(self,concreteElementA): 22 print "男人成功时,背后有个伟大的女人" 23 def GetWomanConclusion(self,concreteElementB): 24 print "女人成功时,背后有个不成功的男人" 25 26 class Failure(Action): 27 def GetManConclusion(self,concreteElementA): 28 print "男人失败时,闷头喝酒,谁也不用劝" 29 def GetWomanConclusion(self,concreteElementB): 30 print "女人失败时,眼泪汪汪,谁也劝不了" 31 32 33 class ObjectStructure: 34 def __init__(self): 35 self.plist=[] 36 def Add(self,p): 37 self.plist=self.plist+[p] 38 def Display(self,act): 39 for p in self.plist: 40 p.Accept(act) 41 42 if __name__ == "__main__": 43 os = ObjectStructure() 44 os.Add(Man()) 45 os.Add(Woman()) 46 sc = Success() 47 os.Display(sc) 48 fl = Failure() 49 os.Display(fl)