AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());//用于模块切换时的状态保护, 1.AfxGetStaticModuleState()指向当前模块状态; 2.当前函数调用结束后原模块的状态自动被恢复; 3.用于DLL中所调用MFC函数、类、资源时的模块状态切换 现在刚上班就看看源代码,看到这个玩意儿没见过,就到网上,搜了一下,就搜到了。 AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) 看看这个东东到底是干吗的呢? 摘自MSDN: By default, MFC uses the resource handle of the main application to load the resource template. If you have an exported function in a DLL, such as one that launches a dialog box in the DLL, this template is actually stored in the DLL module. You need to switch the module state for the correct handle to be used. You can do this by adding the following code to the beginning of the function: AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); This swaps the current module state with the state returned from AfxGetStaticModuleState until the end of the current scope. dll中资源是共享的用了这个函数的防止不同的进程修改资源产生错误! 缺省情况下MFC使用主应用程序的资源句柄来载入资源模板,而DLL中的资源模板是存在于DLL模板中,因此要使用这一语句切换到由AfxGetStaticModuleState返回的正确的模块状态,得到正确的句柄。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 动态链接到MFC的规则DLL所有输出的函数应该以如下语句开始: AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )) //此语句用来正确地切换MFC模块状态。作用在MSDN的解释: |