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  • 彻底卸载 RAD Studio 2009/2010/XE

    彻底卸载 RAD Studio 2009/2010/XE: 控制面板-->添加/删除程序中执行了卸载操作以后, 还需要做以下工作:

    1. 删除以下目录(注意有些目录是隐藏的): %ALLUSERSPROFILE%/{01F2D2DE-8BA7-41BD-8001-3CD11C14BA7F}/ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%/{2D559015-4C05-4AE5-8C8B-7E13E1EAB09D}/ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%/{6A883631-DE6E-4096-9348-4D606A536BCB}/ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%/{2563F97A-045F-4E4C-9DB1-D5D26C269882}/ %ALLUSERSPROFILE%/Embarcadero/ %APPDATA%/CodeGear/ %APPDATA%/Embarcadero/ %ProgramFiles%/Embarcadero/RAD Studio/ %ProgramFiles%/Common Files/CodeGear Shared/

    2. 删除注册中以下键值(如果存在): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/CodeGear HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Embarcadero HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/CodeGear HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Embarcadero

    3. 完成以后重启. 另外, 以上环境变量的默认值: // 63 63 72 75 6E 2E 63 6F 6D

    Windows 7 中: ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:/ProgramData ProgramFiles=C:/Program Files APPDATA=C:/Users/用户名/AppData/Roaming

    Windows XP 中: ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:/Documents and Settings/All Users ProgramFiles=C:/Program Files APPDATA=C:/Documents and Settings/用户名/Application Data

    记录在这里, 仅作备忘.


    1)在“控制面板”中卸载下面3个程序组件;     Embarcadero Delphi and C++Builder XE6 Help System     Boost Libraries for C++Builder XE6     Embarcadero Rad Studio XE6

    Please follow these instructions to remove any leftover files:  


    Remove the %USERPROFILE%DocumentsRad_Studio_XE6_Downloads folder    

    Remove the C:Program FilesEmbarcaderoStudio14.0 directory    

    Remove the C:UsersPublicDocumentsEmbarcaderoStudio14.0 directory    

    Remove the C:ProgramDataEmbarcaderoStudio14.0 directory    

    Remove the following folders with a GUID name in

    C:ProgramData         {8BC39306-28C8-4CAB-801D-9BB22E813571} (help)        

    {315FB277-DFEF-4F1B-801B-9CD2EA8C3324} (boost)        

    {0DE47792-19BD-4AF4-B9CF-6378FBA44825} (main installer)    

    Remove the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREEmbarcaderoBDS14.0 registry key    

    Remove the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREEmbarcaderoBDS14.0 registry key    

    Remove the following files from WindowsSystem32:        

    BDEAdmin.*         CC32*.DLL         Midas.*         Xerces*.DLL

    Field testers should also do the following (and others may want to as well):


    Delete sample files from %PUBLIC%Public DocumentsEmbarcaderoStudio14.0    

    Delete DBExpress connection files from %PUBLIC%Public DocumentsEmbarcaderoStudiodbExpress14.0

    On 64-bit machines: 64位操作系统要删除这些东东:    

    Program Files = C:Program Files (x86)EmbarcaderoStudio14.0

        Registry keys = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeEmbarcaderoBDS14.0

        WindowsSystem32 = C:WindowsSysWOW64


    {0DE47792-19BD-4AF4-B9CF-6378FBA44825}  ---------------XE6



    {0903F23D-53A8-4207-8B70-39755D51B4DA} ---------------XE5








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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/key-ok/p/4092091.html
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