一、简单的 增、删、改、查
insert into Student (sName,sGender,sAge)values('key','男',19);
delete from Student where sId=1;
update Student set sName='胡章诚',sGender='男',sAge=21 where sId=5
select sName sGender from Student where sId=1;
1、 单表查询
select sName, 2013-sAge from Student where sName='胡章诚'; 2013-sAge
select distinct sGender from Student; distinct 用于过滤重复数据
= > < >= <= != <> !> !< NOT(上述运算符)
(not) between...and (not) in(...) (not) like
is null is not null and or not
select * from Student where sAge<20;
select * from Student where sAge between 18 and 20; 18=< <=20
select * from Student where sId in(1,2,3,4,5);
select * from Student where sName like'左__'; _ 代表任意长度的单个字符
select * from Student where sName like'左%'; % 代表任意长度的字符串
select * from Student where sClass is null;
order by:
分组后的 select 后面只能加 聚合函数得到的值 或者 group by 的时候使用的字段
select sAge from Student where sGender='男' group by sAge having sAge=20
count(*) 取出又对少条数据
sum() 求和
avg() 求平均值
max() 最大值
min() 最小值
: http://www.2cto.com/database/201111/112114.html
3、嵌套查询: 将括号里查询出的结果当做参数来使用,父级查询 和 子级查询 可以来自不同的表
select * from Student where sAge
in (select sAge from Student where sGender='男'); 当子查询里面得到的值只有一个的时候,将 in 用 = 代替
select * from Student where sAge
>= ANY(select sAge from Student where sName='胡章诚'); 只要 >= 其中的一个就满足条件
select * from Student where sAge 要比里面所有的都大才满足条件
>= ALL(select sAge from Student where sName='胡章诚');
select sno from Student where sGender='男' “求并集”, 如果将all去掉,就会筛选掉重复数据,否则不会
union all
select sno from Sc where Cno='101';
select sno from Student where sGender='男' 求交集
select sno from Sc where Cno='101';
select sno from Student where sGender='男' 求差集
select sno from Sc where Cno='101';
---添加主键约束 :
Alter Table stuInfo
Add Constraint PK_stuNO primary Key(stuNo)
Alter Table stuInfo
Add Constraint UQ_stuID unique(stuID)
Alter Table stuInfo
Add Constraint DF_stuAddress default('地址不详') for stuAddress
Alter Table stuInfo
Add Constraint CK_stuAge check(stuAge between 15 and 40)
Alter Table stuMarks
Add Constraint FK_stuNo foreign key(stuNo) references stuInfo(stuNo)
Alter Table 表名
Drop Constraint 约束名
四、常用函数: http://blog.csdn.net/hamber_bao/article/details/6504905
create view jsj_student as select * from Student where Sdept='计算机'
create view j2_student(Sno,Sname,Grade,Sage)
as select Student.Sno,Sname,Grade,Sage from Student,Sc
where Sdept='经济系' and Student.Sno=Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno='101'
select Sno,Sage from j2_student