Write a function 'toWeirdCase' ('weirdcase' in Ruby) that accepts a string, and returns the same string with all even indexed characters in each word upper cased, and all odd indexed characters in each word lower cased. The indexing just explained is zero based, so the zero-ith index is even, therefore that character should be upper cased.
The passed in string will only consist of alphabetical characters and spaces(' '). Spaces will only be present if there are multiple words. Words will be separated by a single space(' ').
console.log(toWeirdCase( "String" )); // "StRiNg"
console.log(toWeirdCase( "Weird string case" )); //"WeIrD StRiNg CaSe"
my answer:
function toWeirdCase(arrr){
var arr= arrr.toLowerCase().split(' ');
var arrnew =[];
for(var j=0;j<arr.length;j++){
var str=arr[j];
var newStr = '';
for(var i=0;i<str.length;i+=2){
newStr += str[i].toUpperCase()+str[i+1].toLowerCase();
newStr += str[i].toUpperCase();
return arrnew.join(' ') ;
console.log(toWeirdCase("Weird string case")); // WeIrD StRiNg CaSe
console.log(toWeirdCase( "String" )); // StRiNg
other answer:用map(),index,arr), thisValue)
index (可选) 当前元素的索引值
arr (可选) 当前元素属于的数组对象
thisValue(可选) 对象作为该执行回调时使用,传递给函数,用作 "this" 的值。
如果省略了 thisValue ,"this" 的值为 "undefined"
- map()方法返回一个新数组,数组中的元素为原始数组元素调用函数处理后的值。
- map() 方法按照原始数组元素顺序依次处理元素。
- map() 不会对空数组进行检测。
- map() 不会改变原始数组。
function toWeirdCase(string){
return string.split(' ').map(function(word){
return word.split('').map(function(letter, index){
return index % 2 == 0 ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter.toLowerCase()
}).join(' ');
function toWeirdCaseCharacter(letter, index){
return index % 2 ? letter.toLowerCase() : letter.toUpperCase();
function toWeirdCaseWord(word){
return word.split("").map(toWeirdCaseCharacter).join("");
function toWeirdCase(string){
return string.split(" ").map(toWeirdCaseWord).join(" ");