1 __author__ = 'Tony_zhangl' 2 #!/usr/bin/env python 3 #coding=utf8 4 import httplib,urllib,json 5 httpClient = None 6 WebSuc, WebFal = 0,0 7 InfoOfWebFalse = [] 8 ListofFalseUrl = [] 9 InfoOfServerFalse = [] 10 UrlList = [{'ip':"",'port':8080,'action':'xxx','post':{'uid':1,'vsn':'2.3','ctype':1}}, 11 {'ip':"",'port':8080,'action':'xxx','post':{'uid':3,'vsn':'2.3','ctype':1,'activityAreaType':1,'page':1,'pageNum':10}}, 12 {'ip':"",'port':8080,'action':'xxx','post':{'uid':3,'vsn':2.3,'ctype':1}}, 13 {'ip':"",'port':8080,'action':'xxx','post':{'uid':3,'vsn':'2.3','ctype':1}}, 14 {'ip':"",'port':8080,'action':'xxx','post':{'vsn':'2.3','ctype':1,'channel':1,'page':1,'pageNum':10}}, 15 {'ip':"",'port':8080,'action':'xxx','post':{'uid':3,'vsn':'2.3','ctype':1,'page':1,'pageNum':10}}] 16 for items in UrlList: 17 try: 18 params = urllib.urlencode(items.get('post')) 19 headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded","Accept":"text/plain"} 20 httpClient = httplib.HTTPConnection(items.get('ip'),items.get('port'),timeout=30) 21 httpClient.request("POST",items.get('action'),params,headers) 22 response = httpClient.getresponse() 23 # print response.status 24 ServerStatus = response.reason 25 # print response.read() 26 tmp = response.read() 27 # print tmp 28 d = json.loads(tmp) 29 # print type(tmp) 30 # print type(d) 31 if ServerStatus is not 'OK': 32 if not d.get('success'): 33 WebFal += 1 34 InfoOfWebFalse.append(d) 35 ListofFalseUrl.append(items) 36 else: 37 WebSuc +=1 38 else: 39 WebFal +=1 40 InfoOfServerFalse.append(response.status) 41 42 except Exception, e: 43 print e 44 finally: 45 if httpClient: 46 httpClient.close() 47 print 'The number of success:' 48 print WebSuc 49 print 'The number of false:' 50 print WebFal 51 if InfoOfWebFalse is not None: 52 print 'The information of false for Webservice: ' 53 print InfoOfWebFalse 54 if InfoOfServerFalse is not None: 55 print 'The information of false for Server:' 56 print InfoOfServerFalse 57 if ListofFalseUrl is not None: 58 print 'The list of url:' 59 print ListofFalseUrl