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  • c++链表简单功能实现



    #ifndef NODE_H_INCLUDED
    #define NODE_H_INCLUDED
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    class node {
        friend class linklist;
        // 无参数构造函数
        node ( void );
        // 有参数构造函数,给定节点值
        node ( double );
        // 有参数构造函数,给定节点值及其地址
        node ( double, node* );
        // 复制构造函数
        node ( const node & );
        // 赋值运算符重载
        node &operator= ( const node & );
        // 析构函数
        // 设置节点值
        void setdate ( const double & );
        // 取节点值
        double getdate() const;
        // 设置节点地址
        void setpnext ( node * );
        // 获取节点地址
        node *getpnext() const;
        // 打印节点
        void printnode() const;
        double date;
        node *pnext;
    // 默认参数为零,指针为空 node::node() : date ( 0 ), pnext ( NULL ) { }
    // 默认指针为空 node::node ( double num ) : date ( num ), pnext ( NULL ) { } node::node ( double num, node *node1 ) : date ( num ), pnext ( node1 ) { } node::node ( const node &node1 ) : date ( node1.date ), pnext ( NULL ) { } node &node::operator= ( const node &node1 ) { date = node1.date; pnext = NULL; return *this; } node::~node() { } void node::setdate ( const double & num ) { date = num; } double node::getdate() const { return date; } void node::setpnext ( node *node1 ) { pnext = node1; } node *node::getpnext() const { return pnext; } void node::printnode() const { cout << setw ( 10 ) << "date:" << setw ( 10 ) << date << setw ( 10 ) << "pnext:" << setw ( 10 ) << pnext << endl; } #endif // NODE_H_INCLUDED


    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include "node.h"
    using namespace std;
    class linklist {
        // 无参数构造函数,创建一个空链表
        // 有参数构造函数,创建含一个节点的链表
        linklist ( double );
        // 复制构造函数
        linklist ( const linklist& );
        // 重载复制运算符
        linklist &operator= ( const linklist& );
        // 析构函数
        // 获取链表头节点
        node *gethead() const;
        // 获取链表长度
        int lengthlist() const;
        // 获取指定位置节点数值,返回数值
        double getvalue ( int ) const;
        // 获取指定位置节点地址,返回节点地址
        node *getnode ( int ) const;
        // 改变特定位置节点值
        void changevalue ( int, double );
        // 首部插入节点
        void insertliststart ( double );
        // 删除首节点
        void removeliststart();
        // 尾部插入节点
        void insertlistend ( double );
        // 移除尾部节点
        void removelistend();
        // 特定位置插入节点
        void insertlist ( int, double );
        // 移除指定位置节点
        void removelist ( int );
        // 链表反转(比较废时的计算方法,计算复杂度n^2)
        void reverselist();
        // 链表反转(计算时间缩短,计算复杂度n)
        void reverselist2();
        // 打印链表
        void printlist() const;
        node *head;
    linklist::linklist() : head ( NULL ) {
    linklist::linklist ( double num ) : head ( new node ( num ) ) {
    linklist::linklist ( const linklist &list1 ) : head ( NULL ) {
        node *temp = list1.gethead();
        if ( NULL != temp ) {
            head = new node ( temp->getdate() );  // 创建表头
            node *temp1 = head;
            while ( NULL != temp->getpnext() ) {  // 遍历list1,创建链表
                temp = temp->getpnext();
                temp1->setpnext ( new node ( temp->getdate() ) );
                temp1 = temp1->getpnext();
    linklist &linklist::operator= ( const linklist &list1 ) {
        node *temp = list1.gethead();
        if ( NULL == temp ) {  // 空链表
            head = NULL;
        } else {  // 非空链表
            head = new node ( temp->getdate() );  // 创建表头
            node *temp1 = head;
            while ( NULL != temp->getpnext() ) {  // 遍历list1,创建链表
                temp = temp->getpnext();
                temp1->setpnext ( new node ( temp->getdate() ) );
                temp1 = temp1->getpnext();
        return *this;
    linklist::~linklist() {
        if ( NULL != head ) {  // 非空链表
            node *temp = NULL;
            while ( NULL != head ) {  // 遍历链表,逐个释放
                temp = head;
                head = head->getpnext();
                delete temp;
            delete head;
    node *linklist::gethead() const {
        return head;
    int linklist::lengthlist() const {
        node *temp = head;
        int countlist = 0;
        while ( NULL != temp ) {  // 遍历非空链表
            temp = temp->getpnext();
        return countlist;
    double linklist::getvalue ( int pos ) const {
        int length_list = lengthlist();  // 获取链表长度
        if ( 0 == length_list ) {  // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
            return 0;
        } else {  // 非空链表
            if ( pos < 1 ) {  // 给定位置为负值时,返回链表头部节点值
                pos = 1;
                cout << "output the first node's value of the list" << endl;
            if ( pos > length_list ) {  // 给定位置超出链表长度,返回链表尾部节点值
                pos = length_list;
                cout << "output the last node's value of the list" << endl;
            node *temp = head;
            for ( int countlist = 1; countlist < pos; countlist++ ) {  // 获取指定节点位置值
                temp = temp->getpnext();
            return temp->getdate();
    node *linklist::getnode ( int pos ) const {
        int length_list = lengthlist();
        if ( 0 == length_list ) {  // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
            return NULL;
        } else {  // 非空链表
            if ( pos < 1 ) {
                pos = 1;
                cout << "output the first node's value of the list" << endl;
            if ( pos > length_list ) {
                pos = length_list;
                cout << "output the last node's value of the list" << endl;
            node *temp = head;
            for ( int countlist = 1; countlist < pos; countlist++ ) {
                temp = temp->getpnext();
            return temp;
    void linklist::changevalue ( int pos, double num ) {
        int length_list = lengthlist();
        if ( 0 == length_list ) {  // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
        } else {  // 非空链表
            if ( pos < 1 ) {  
                cout << "exceed the range of list,operate false" << endl;
            } else if ( pos > length_list ) {
                cout << "exceed the range of list,operate false" << endl;
            } else {
                node *temp = getnode ( pos );
                temp->setdate ( num );
    void linklist::insertliststart ( double num ) {
        if ( NULL == head ) {  // 空链表
            head = new node ( num );
        } else {  // 非空链表
            node *temp = head;
            head = new node ( num );
            head->setpnext ( temp );
    void linklist::removeliststart() {
        if ( NULL == head ) {  // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
        } else {  // 非空链表
            node *temp = head;
            head = head->getpnext();
            delete temp;
    void linklist::insertlistend ( double num ) {
        if ( NULL == head ) {  // 空链表
            head = new node ( num );
        } else {  // 非空链表
            node *temp = head;
            node *newnode = new node ( num );
            while ( NULL != temp->getpnext() ) {
                temp = temp->getpnext();
            temp->setpnext ( newnode ) ;
    void linklist::removelistend() {
        if ( NULL == head ) {  // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
        } else if ( NULL == head->getpnext() ) { // 非空链表,只有一个节点
            node *temp = head;
            head = head->getpnext();
            delete temp;
        } else {  // 非空链表,多个节点
            int length_list = lengthlist();
            node *temp = getnode ( length_list - 1 );
            node *deletenode = temp->getpnext();
            temp->setpnext ( NULL );
            delete deletenode;
    void linklist::insertlist ( int pos, double num ) {
        int length_list = lengthlist();
        if ( pos <= 1 ) {  // 给定位置为负值,或者小于1时,在链表开头插入新节点
            insertliststart ( num );
            if ( pos < 0 ) {
                cout << "insert the value at the start of the list" << endl;
        } else if ( pos > length_list ) { // 给定位置超出链表长度时,在链表尾部插入新节点
            insertlistend ( num );
            cout << "insert the value at the end of the list" << endl;
        } else {  // 在链表中间位置插入新节点
            node *newnode = new node ( num );
            node *temp = getnode ( pos - 1 );
            newnode->setpnext ( temp->getpnext() );
            temp->setpnext ( newnode );
    void linklist::removelist ( int pos ) {
        int length_list = lengthlist();
        if ( pos <= 1 ) {  // 给定位置为负值或小于1时,移除头部节点
            if ( pos < 0 ) {
                cout << "remove the first node of the list" << endl;
        } else if ( pos > length_list ) {  // 给定位置超出链表长度,移除尾部节点
            cout << "remove the last node of the list" << endl;
        } else { // 移除中间位置节点
            node *temp = getnode ( pos - 1 );
            node *deletenode = temp->getpnext();
            temp->setpnext ( deletenode->getpnext() );
            delete deletenode;
    void linklist::reverselist() {
        if ( NULL != head ) { // 非空链表
            if ( NULL != head->getpnext() ) {  // 链表节点数大于1
                int list_length = lengthlist();
                int pos;
                node *tempend = getnode ( list_length );  // 获取尾部节点地址
                node *temp = NULL;
                node *tempnext = NULL;
                for ( pos = list_length - 1; pos > 0; pos-- ) {  // 从尾部开始逐个反转链表
                    temp = head;
                    for ( int countlist = 1; countlist < pos; countlist++ ) { // 获取待反转位置节点前一个节点位置
                        temp = temp->getpnext();
                    tempnext = temp->getpnext(); // 链表反转
                    tempnext->setpnext ( temp ); // 节点迁移
                    temp->setpnext ( NULL );
                head = tempend;  // 设置开始节点位置
        } else { // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
    void linklist::reverselist2() {
        if ( NULL != head ) {  // 非空链表
            if ( NULL != head->getpnext() ) {  // 链表节点数为1
                node *temp = head;
                node *temp1 = head->getpnext();
                if ( NULL == temp1->getpnext() ) { // 链表节点数为2
                    temp1->setpnext ( temp );
                    temp->setpnext ( NULL );
                    head = temp1;
                } else {  // 链表节点数目大于2
                    temp->setpnext ( NULL );
                    node *temp2 = temp1->getpnext();
                    while ( NULL != temp2->getpnext() ) {
                        temp1->setpnext ( temp );
                        temp = temp1;
                        temp1 = temp2;
                        temp2 = temp2->getpnext();
                    temp1->setpnext ( temp );
                    temp2->setpnext ( temp1 );
                    head = temp2;
        } else {  // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
    void linklist::printlist() const {  
        if ( NULL != head ) {  // 非空链表
            node *temp = head;
            int countlist = 0;
            while ( NULL != temp ) {
                cout << setw ( 5 ) << temp->getdate();
                if ( 0 == ( countlist + 1 ) % 10 ) {
                    cout << endl;
                temp = temp->getpnext();
            cout << endl;
        } else {  // 空链表
            cout << "the list is empty" << endl;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include "node.h"
    #include "linklist.h"
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
        linklist list1;
        for ( int i = 1; i < 10; i++ ) {
            list1.insertlistend ( i );
        return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kljfdsa/p/7780914.html
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