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  • 1. iwconfig代码框架


    iwconfig 作用域WLAN层,和ifconfig类似, 但仅作用于80211设备。


    iw_sockets_open      //函数根据不同的协议创建对应的socket,以便和无线设备驱动进行交互。
    iw_enum_devices      //当输入的一个参入时,则罗列出全部接口,如果是网络接口,则输出网络接口状态信息。
    print_info		//获取参数信息传入后,打印出与参数对应的需求信息。
    set_info		//设置参数输入后,进行ioctl操作,向无线设备驱动传参,并生效。


     * The structure to exchange data for ioctl.
     * This structure is the same as 'struct ifreq', but (re)defined for
     * convenience...
     * Do I need to remind you about structure size (32 octets) ?
    struct    iwreq 
            char    ifrn_name[IFNAMSIZ];    /* if name, e.g. "eth0" 接口名称*/
        } ifr_ifrn;
        /* Data part (defined just above) */
        union    iwreq_data    u; //存放数据的地方
    /* ------------------------ IOCTL REQUEST ------------------------ */
     * This structure defines the payload of an ioctl, and is used 
     * below.
     * Note that this structure should fit on the memory footprint
     * of iwreq (which is the same as ifreq), which mean a max size of
     * 16 octets = 128 bits. Warning, pointers might be 64 bits wide...
     * You should check this when increasing the structures defined
     * above in this file...
    union    iwreq_data
        /* Config - generic */
        char        name[IFNAMSIZ];
        /* Name : used to verify the presence of  wireless extensions.
         * Name of the protocol/provider... */
        struct iw_point    essid;        /* Extended network name */
        struct iw_param    nwid;        /* network id (or domain - the cell) */
        struct iw_freq    freq;        /* frequency or channel :
                         * 0-1000 = channel
                         * > 1000 = frequency in Hz */
        struct iw_param    sens;        /* signal level threshold */
        struct iw_param    bitrate;    /* default bit rate */
        struct iw_param    txpower;    /* default transmit power */
        struct iw_param    rts;        /* RTS threshold threshold */
        struct iw_param    frag;        /* Fragmentation threshold */
        __u32        mode;        /* Operation mode */
        struct iw_param    retry;        /* Retry limits & lifetime */
        struct iw_point    encoding;    /* Encoding stuff : tokens */
        struct iw_param    power;        /* PM duration/timeout */
        struct iw_quality qual;        /* Quality part of statistics */
        struct sockaddr    ap_addr;    /* Access point address */
        struct sockaddr    addr;        /* Destination address (hw/mac) */
        struct iw_param    param;        /* Other small parameters */
        struct iw_point    data;        /* Other large parameters */


    1. iw_enum_device

     1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     2 /*
     3  * Enumerate devices and call specified routine
     4  * The new way just use /proc/net/wireless, so get all wireless interfaces,
     5  * whether configured or not. This is the default if available.
     6  * The old way use SIOCGIFCONF, so get only configured interfaces (wireless
     7  * or not).
     8  */
     9 void
    10 iw_enum_devices(int        skfd,
    11         iw_enum_handler    fn,
    12         char *        args[],
    13         int        count)
    14 {
    15   char        buff[1024];
    16   FILE *    fh;
    17   struct ifconf ifc;
    18   struct ifreq *ifr;
    19   int        i;
    21 #ifndef IW_RESTRIC_ENUM
    22   /* Check if /proc/net/dev is available */
    23   fh = fopen(PROC_NET_DEV, "r");
    24 #else
    25   /* Check if /proc/net/wireless is available */
    26   fh = fopen(PROC_NET_WIRELESS, "r");
    27 #endif
    29   if(fh != NULL)
    30     {
    31       /* Success : use data from /proc/net/wireless */
    33       /* Eat 2 lines of header 跳过2行开头 */
    34       fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fh);
    35       fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fh);
    37       /* Read each device line */
    38       while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fh))
    39     {
    40       char    name[IFNAMSIZ + 1];
    41       char *s;
    43       /* Skip empty or almost empty lines. It seems that in some
    44        * cases fgets return a line with only a newline. 跳过空行 */
    45       if((buff[0] == '') || (buff[1] == ''))
    46         continue;
    48       /* Extract interface name 获取接口名称 easy skip */
    49       s = iw_get_ifname(name, sizeof(name), buff);
    51       if(!s)
    52         {
    53           /* Failed to parse, complain and continue */
    54 #ifndef IW_RESTRIC_ENUM
    55           fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse " PROC_NET_DEV "
    56 #else
    57           fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse " PROC_NET_WIRELESS "
    58 #endif
    59         }
    60       else
    61         /* Got it, print info about this interface */
    62         (*fn)(skfd, name, args, count);
    63     }
    65       fclose(fh);
    66     }
    67   else
    68     {
    69       /* Get list of configured devices using "traditional" way */
    70       ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buff);
    71       ifc.ifc_buf = buff;
    72       if(ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0)
    73     {
    74       fprintf(stderr, "SIOCGIFCONF: %s
    ", strerror(errno));
    75       return;
    76     }
    77       ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
    79       /* Print them */
    80       for(i = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); --i >= 0; ifr++)c
    81     (*fn)(skfd, ifr->ifr_name, args, count);
    82     }
    83 }

     从代码和图片可以看到,iwconfig列出来的所有接口是从/proc/dev/net 这个文件中读出来的。

  • 相关阅读:
    Android 4.0.4模拟器安装完全教程(图文)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kmist/p/14378161.html
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