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    Oct 14th

    Tree 结构是否会比其它结构更难建立? no!! 创建的时间都是一样的,每个元素都添加一遍 一定是O(n) 的时间复杂度

    Before the Start

    Basic Knowledge:
    mycodeschool video

    Height of the tree: no of edges in longest -> height of an empty tree = -1, height of tree with 1 node = 0

    Binary Tree
    one node only have two child node, one node can have no more than two child node
    Strict binary tree 2 or 0
    Complete Binary Tree -> all levels except possibly the last are completely filled
    Perfect Binary Tree -> Complete binary tree in which all levels are full.
    Balanced/ Unbalanced Tree -> difference between height of left and right subtree for every node is not more than 1
    Binary Search Tree: binary tree + left <= root <= right

    Implement of binary tree using:
    a. dynamically created nodes

    b. arrays (most for complete binary tree and heap)

    Divide and Conquer
    参考 Merge sort中的分治法思想

    1.Binary Tree Preorder Traversal --AC

    Des: implement the preorder traversal


    1. Preorder: ROOT -> LEFT -> RIGHT result.add(root.val), traverse(root.left), traverse(root.right)
    2. No recursion -> use stack, according to the preorder, push + pop the key point is understanding the whole process of preorder traversal


    1. 在一个function 内 定义两个function -> 注意花括号的位置
    2. return in a '''void''' function -> It just exits the method at that point. Once return is executed, the rest of the code won't be executed.


    List result = new ArrayList(); // create a new List
    Stack stack = new Stack(); // create a new stack <> 内写明栈内元素的数据类型
    void traverse(List result, TreeNode root) {
    if (root == null) { //递归的出口 -> leaf node
    return; //just exit the method here

    2.Subtree with Maximum Average -Give up Skip

    Des: Binary tree, the subtree

    Think: Find all the subtree, calculate the average, find the max

    3.Binary Tree Paths - JiuZhang example

    Des: Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.



    1.for each loop in java
    for (String path : leftPaths) {
    paths.add(root.val + "->" + path);
    2.注意变量中的单复数的命名 -> 体现编程功底的细节
    3.二叉树问题中 divide conquer 基本可以无脑考虑left subtree + right subtree

    Oct 17th

    1.Binary Tree Paths

    Des: Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.

    Think: Recursion solution
    如何定义递归,root 节点, 保留root


    1. 定义新变量需要声明类型
    2. return语句 与add语句要分开

    2. Minimum Subtree --NO CLUE

    Des: Given a binary tree, find the subtree with minimum sum

    D & C
    sum: 从根节点开始加起,
    最后的比较筛选过程如何实现??-> 所有的sum都需要筛选一遍

    Solution: 定义一个新的helper() function 去完成两件事情

    1. 求出以root为根节点的subtree 的sum值 sum = helper(root.left) + helper(root.right+) + root.val;
    2. 将所有的sum值依次进行比较找出最小值
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kong-xy/p/7670431.html
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