Who We Are
The Exploit Database is maintained by Offensive Security[2], an information security training company that provides various Information Security Certifications as well as high end penetration testing services.The Exploit Database is a non-profit project that is provided as a public service by Offensive Security.

我们是谁 Exploit Database 被一个叫Offensive Security的公司维护,一个提供多种信息安全认证和高端渗透测试服务的信息安全培训公司。Exploit Database是Offensive Security公司作为的非盈利性项目提供的。
What We Do
The Exploit Database is a CVE compliant archive of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software,developed for use by penetration testers and vulnerability researchers. Our aim is to serve the most comprehensive collection of exploits[3] gathered through direct submissions, mailing lists,as well as other public sources[4], and present them in a freely-available and easy-to-navigate database.The Exploit Database is a repository for exploits and proof-of-concepts rather than advisories,making it a valuable resource for those who need actionable data right away.

我们做什么 Exploit Database 是一个CVE(Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures)标准的关于公共漏洞利用和相应的漏洞软件的存档,它为渗透测试人员和漏洞研究人员开发。我们的目的是提供最全面的漏洞集合的收集,通过直接提交,邮件列表以及其他公共资源,并且把它们呈现在一个自由可用和易于导航的数据库中。Exploit Database 是一个漏洞利用(exp)和观点证明(poc)的仓库而非公告,这对于那些马上需要可操作数据的人来说是非常有价值的资源。
How to Navigate the Database
Each exploit in the Exploit Database may have several additional fields, such as Date, Description,Platform, Author, and D,A,V. While the first four titles are self explanatory, the latter three are not.Here’s a short breakdown of their meanings[5]:

Exploit Database 中的每一个漏洞利用都有若干字段,比如日期、描述、平台、作者和D,A,V等。前四个标题是不言而喻的,后三个需要解释一下。下面是这些含义的简短分解:

1. “D” for Download. This link will download the raw source code[6] of the exploit as it was submitted to us.

2. “A” for Application. We make an effort to archive vulnerable applications for the benefit of researchers whenever we can. This facilitates debugging and analysis should the vulnerable application become unavailable[7].

3. “V” for Verified. We make an effort to verify exploits in our labs, when possible[8]. A “non verified” exploit(marked by a clock icon) simply means we did not have the opportunity to test the exploit internally.

How to Submit Exploits
Refer to our “Submit” page to review the Exploit Database guidelines for acceptance.

参考我们的“提交”页面,检查 Exploit Database 的验收规则。
Answers to Common Questions People Have for Us.

你们为什么不接收我提交的漏洞? 我们不提交违反我们漏洞接收政策或者已测试的和无效的漏洞。更多的请阅读“提交”页面。