1. C++有三个支持RTTI的元素。
- 如果可能的话,dynamic_cast运算符将使用一个指向基类的指针来生成一个指向派生类的指针,否则,该运算符返回0——空指针。
- typeid运算符返回一个对type_info对象的引用。
- type_info结构存储了有关特定类型的信息。
2. 通常,如果指向的对象(*pt)的类型为Type或者是从Type直接或间接派生而来的类型,则下面的表达式将指针pt转换为Type类型的指针:
dynamic_cast<Type *> (pt)
3. typeid运算符使得能够确定两个对象是否为同种类型。它与sizeof有些相像,可以接受两种参数:
- 类名
- 结果为对象的表达式
typeid(Magnificent) == typeid(*pg)
cout << “Now processing type ” << typeid(*pg).name() << “. ”;
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; class Grand { private: int hold; public: Grand(int h = 0) : hold(h){} virtual void Speak() const { cout << "I am a grand class! "; } virtual int Value() const { return hold; } }; class Superb : public Grand { public: Superb(int h = 0) :Grand(h){} void Speak() const{ cout << "I am a Superb class!! "; }//const可以删除 virtual void Say() const { cout << "I hold the superb value of " << Value() << endl; } }; class Magnificent : public Superb { private: char ch; public: Magnificent(int h = 0, char cv = 'A') : Superb(h), ch(cv){} void Speak() const { cout << "I am a magnificent class!!! "; } void Say() const { cout << "I hold the character " << ch << " and the integer " << Value() << "!" <<endl; } }; Grand * Getone(); int main() { srand(time(0)); Grand *pg; Superb *ps; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { pg = Getone(); cout << "Now processing type " << typeid(*pg).name() << ". "; pg->Speak(); if (ps = dynamic_cast<Superb *>(pg)) ps->Say(); if (typeid(Magnificent) == typeid(*pg)) cout << "You are really Magnificent. "; } return 0; } Grand * Getone() { Grand *p; switch (rand() % 3) { case 0: p = new Grand(rand() % 100); break; case 1: p = new Superb(rand() % 100); break; case 2: p = new Magnificent(rand() % 100, 'A' + rand() % 26); break; default: break; } return p; }