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  • Linux下gcc,g++,gdb,scon部分用法笔记

    1 Ubuntu下编译安装GCC-4.1.2

    • 拷贝gcc-4.1.2.tar.bz2(我下载的压缩文件)到/usr/local/src
    • 解压


    • 配置shell> ${srcdir}/configure --prefix=${destdir} [其它选项]

    例如,如果想将GCC 4.1.2安装到/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2目录下,则${destdir}就表示这个路径。

    root@w-ProLiant-ML350-Gen9:/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2# chmod a+x ../src/gcc-4.1.2/configure
    root@w-ProLiant-ML350-Gen9:/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2# ../src/gcc-4.1.2/configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2 --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --enable--long-long --host=w-ProLiant-ML350-Gen9 --with-system-zlib --enable-languages=c,c++,java
    root@w-ProLiant-ML350-Gen9:/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2# make
    root@w-ProLiant-ML350-Gen9:/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2# make install

    2 g++编译中参数-l-L含义

    The "-l" tell the compiler to look for a library and the "-L" tells it where to do the search (which is what you are probably missing).

    # 定位library的位置
    shell> locate cutil_x86_64
    # eg
    shell> g++ -o application main.cpp -L/home/cho/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/lib -lcutil

    3 gdb设置和管理断点

    • setting breakpoint
      • 以条件表达式设置断点:break 7 if i==99
    • setting temporary breakpoint
      • tb line-number
    • 删除断点

    clear : 删除程序中所有的断点

    clear 行号 : 删除这行的断点

    clear 函数名 : 删除该函数的断点

    delete b_id1 b_id2 ... : 删除指定编号的断点

    4 scons简单例子

    SCons是一个开放源代码、以 Python 语言编写的下一代的程序建造工具。

    # simple case of hello.c:
    shell> ls
    hello.c SConstruct
    shell> cat SConstruct
    shell> scons
    scons: Reading SConscript files ...
    scons: done reading SConscript files.
    scons: Building targets ...
    gcc -o hello.o -c hello.c
    gcc -o hello hello.o
    scons: done building targets.
    shell> ls
    hello  hello.c  hello.o  SConstruct
    • 编译之后清除(-c或--clean): scons -c
    • 使Scons输出更简洁: scons -Q
    • 指定目标文件的名字: Program('new_filename','filename.c')
    • 编译多个源文件: Program(['prog.c','file1.c','file2.c'])
    • 关键字参数:
    src_files=Split('main.c  file1.c  file2.c')
    Program(target='program', source=src_files)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lawlietfans/p/6286319.html
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