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  • Docker image 镜像介绍


    使用 docker 命令行操作 docker 镜像


    使用「docker pull +镜像名称」从网络上下载image镜像

    core@localhost ~ $ docker pull
    Usage: docker pull NAME[:TAG]
    Pull an image or a repository from the registry
    core@localhost ~/php $ docker  pull ubuntu
    #pull +镜像的名称会下载该镜像集的laste tag的镜像
    Pulling repository ubuntu
    2185fd50e2ca: Pulling dependent layers
    9cbaf023786c: Pulling dependent layers
    3db9c44f4520: Pulling dependent layers
    a9561eb1b190: Pulling dependent layers
    195eb90b5349: Pulling dependent layers
    463ff6be4238: Pulling dependent layers
    c5881f11ded9: Pulling dependent layers
    511136ea3c5a: Download complete
    97fd97495e49: Downloading [=====>                                             ] 6.868 MB/67.5 MB 10m20s
    core@localhost ~/php $ docker  pull ubuntu:14.04
    #表示下载该镜像集中14.04 tag的镜像
    core@localhost ~/php $ docker  pull dl.dockerpool.com:5000/alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g
    #下载其它非官方仓库中的镜像,一般站点会给出具体的 pull 命令
    Pulling repository dl.dockerpool.com:5000/alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g
    ba16d5d5e1aa: Pulling image (latest) from dl.dockerpool.com:5000/alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g, endpoint: http://dl.dockerpool.com:5000ba16d5d5e1aa: Download complete
    8dbd9e392a96: Download complete
    #这一串数字是表示文件系统的层次,docker 的镜像和容器就是这一层一层的文件系统组成的
    215be6e94fbb: Download complete
    ef2887b77b73: Download complete
    97774de1565b: Download complete
    c6a02636680f: Download complete
    2ae911074081: Download complete
    e1787c817b10: Download complete
    5e312dc5fae8: Download complete
    cb35ce95b58c: Download complete
    5f0e28679c8e: Download complete


    使用「docker images」列出本地宿主主机上拥有的image镜像

    core@localhost ~ $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    base/163                                                latest              468d347c06bc        28 hours ago        249.1 MB
    test/supervisord                                        latest              468d347c06bc        28 hours ago        249.1 MB
    ubuntu                                                  14.04               1357f421be38        4 days ago          192.7 MB
    dl.dockerpool.com:5000/ubuntu                           14.04               1357f421be38        4 days ago          192.7 MB
    dl.dockerpool.com:5000/mysql                            5.7                 e95cbb9f48ea        6 days ago          258.6 MB
    mysql                                                   5.7                 e95cbb9f48ea        6 days ago          258.6 MB
    mysql                                                   latest              9a09222edf60        6 days ago          235.6 MB
    tutum/lamp                                              latest              4b32789c7d66        5 weeks ago         469.8 MB
    tutum/tomcat                                            8.0                 866eb07a675e        6 weeks ago         539.4 MB
    tutum/tomcat                                            latest              02e84f04100e        6 weeks ago         539.4 MB
    dl.dockerpool.com:5000/alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g   latest              ba16d5d5e1aa        7 months ago        2.388 GB
    此处共同拥有5列。分别表示镜像的名称、镜像的tag标记、镜像的唯一 image id、创建时间、大小


    创建镜像的方法有 2 种:

    1. 从文件系统导入


    比方:下载了一个ubuntu14.04的镜像 cat ubuntu-14.04-x86_64-minimal.tar.gz |docker import - ubuntu:14.04 然后用docker images看下:

    core@localhost ~ $ docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    ubuntu              14.04               05ac7c0b9383        17 seconds ago      215.5 MB


    2. 从 dockerfile 创建


    3. 从现有的容器 commit 提交到一个新的 image

    core@localhost ~ $ docker commit
    Usage: docker commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]
    Create a new image from a container's changes
      -a, --author=""     Author (e.g., "John Hannibal Smith <hannibal@a-team.com>")
      -m, --message=""    Commit message
      -p, --pause=true    Pause container during commit
    core@localhost ~ $ docker run -ti ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
    root@a925cb40b3f0:/# touch test
    root@a925cb40b3f0:/# exit
    core@localhost ~ $ docker commit a92 for_test
    #将刚才的容器提交为一个叫 for_test 的镜像,这里我们使用容器的 id 来指定我们要提交的容器。也能够使用容器的名字。他们都是唯一的
    #返回新镜像的 id
    core@localhost ~ $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    for_test                                                latest              9e9c814023bc        4 seconds ago       192.7 MB


    使用「docker rmi + 镜像 id」删除镜像,当还有容器使用该镜像的时候是无法删除的。

    core@localhost ~ $ docker rmi
    Usage: docker rmi IMAGE [IMAGE...]
    Remove one or more images
      -f, --force=false    Force removal of the image
      --no-prune=false     Do not delete untagged parents
    core@localhost ~ $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    for_test                                                latest              60734a0ee3d6        3 seconds ago       192.7 MB
    base/163                                                latest              468d347c06bc        29 hours ago        249.1 MB
    test/supervisord                                        latest              468d347c06bc        29 hours ago        249.1 MB
    ubuntu                                                  14.04               1357f421be38        4 days ago          192.7 MB
    dl.dockerpool.com:5000/ubuntu                           14.04               1357f421be38        4 days ago          192.7 MB
    dl.dockerpool.com:5000/mysql                            5.7                 e95cbb9f48ea        6 days ago          258.6 MB
    mysql                                                   5.7                 e95cbb9f48ea        6 days ago          258.6 MB
    mysql                                                   latest              9a09222edf60        6 days ago          235.6 MB
    tutum/lamp                                              latest              4b32789c7d66        5 weeks ago         469.8 MB
    tutum/tomcat                                            8.0                 866eb07a675e        6 weeks ago         539.4 MB
    tutum/tomcat                                            latest              02e84f04100e        6 weeks ago         539.4 MB
    dl.dockerpool.com:5000/alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g   latest              ba16d5d5e1aa        7 months ago        2.388 GB
    core@localhost ~ $ docker rmi 9a0
    #当我们删除镜像 9a0 即 mysql:latest 镜像时。它删除了这个镜像所附带的全部aufs层
    Untagged: mysql:latest
    Deleted: 9a09222edf600a03ea48bd23cfa363841e45a8715237e3a58cb0167f0e8bad54
    Deleted: 4daeda4ad839a152a3b649672bd5135977d7f81866d3bc0e16d0af3f65cc8af6
    Deleted: cf07a411bf0883bd632940e8108dac49c64456a47f7390507de5685bbd6daf85
    Deleted: 4f513746df18b222a07bb8d76d4b6d29752ce5dcb69bfad0ce92e6c1449a3821
    Deleted: 228ecd435c8a29d25b77999036701a27f2d67874c915bb8eb9fb175b1f98aa60
    Deleted: 37e4b3932afa186924a09eab332bc8ebec3aac8bac074314ed9a2d1e94547f50
    Deleted: 898883ccfcee705e440547e30e240cb025c12410d7c9e4d2bcb11973ba075975
    Deleted: 0a09ddcf99b7fd8fcb3525c41b54696038ecf13677f4459f1c98c742ffa60ab2
    Deleted: 35bc8591e39be5089265a093e234d13a4b155a01d2ab9e8904eafa81664fb597
    Deleted: 857e856e4481d59ee88a4cdedd9aaf855666bd494fa38506e6788361c0af4cda
    core@localhost ~ $ docker ps
    #使用 -ps 參数能够看到眼下有上个容器在执行。当中一个容器是以tutum/lamp:laste镜像启动的
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                          NAMES
    9cb2e45814e0        tutum/lamp:latest                  "/run.sh"              4 hours ago         Up 4 hours>3306/tcp,>80/tcp   loving_feynman
    e3c136d76b44        tutum/tomcat:8.0                   "/run.sh"              6 hours ago         Up 6 hours>8080/tcp                           tomcat001
    fe9e65aaf58c        dl.dockerpool.com:5000/mysql:5.7   "/entrypoint.sh mysq   6 hours ago         Up 6 hours          3306/tcp                                       db001,tomcat001/tomysql
    core@localhost ~ $ docker rmi 4b3
    #当我们试图删除tutum/lamp:laste 镜像时,提示我们眼下还有容器在使用该镜像,无法删除。如需删除则须要停止容器并用-f 參数删除镜像
    Error response from daemon: Conflict, cannot delete 4b32789c7d66 because the running container 9cb2e45814e0 is using it (docker untagged the image), stop it and use -f to force
    2014/10/15 08:23:59 Error: failed to remove one or more images


    使用「docker search + keyword」搜索共享的镜像。默认搜索官方仓库的镜像,搜索私有仓库的语法在私有仓库章节具体介绍。

    core@localhost ~ $ docker search
    Usage: docker search TERM
    Search the Docker Hub for images
      --automated=false    Only show automated builds
      --no-trunc=false     Don't truncate output
      -s, --stars=0        Only displays with at least x stars
    #一般使用不带參数的搜寻就可以,比方要搜寻mysqlkeyword的 image
    core@localhost ~ $ docker search mysql
    NAME                                          DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
    mysql                                         MySQL is a widely used, open-source relati...   193       [OK]
    tutum/mysql                                   MySQL Server image - listens in port 3306....   69                   [OK]
    orchardup/mysql                                                                               36                   [OK]
    tutum/lamp                                    LAMP image - Apache listens in port 80, an...   30                   [OK]
    tutum/wordpress                               Wordpress Docker image - listens in port 8...   24                   [OK]
    paintedfox/mariadb                            A docker image for running MariaDB 5.5, a ...   19                   [OK]
    dockerfile/mysql                              Trusted automated MySQL (http://dev.mysql....   11                   [OK]
    anapsix/gitlab-ci                             GitLab-CI Continuous Integration in Docker...   11                   [OK]
    centurylink/drupal                            Drupal docker image without a DB included ...   10                   [OK]
    google/mysql                                  MySQL server for Google Compute Engine          10                   [OK]
    stenote/docker-lemp                           MySQL 5.6、PHP 5.5、Nginx、Memcache                9                    [OK]


    使用「docker push +keyword 」上传镜像到官方仓库,上传私有仓库的语法在私有仓库章节具体介绍。

    core@localhost ~ $ docker push
    Usage: docker push NAME[:TAG]
    Push an image or a repository to the registry
    core@localhost ~ $ docker push base/163
    The push refers to a repository [base/163] (len: 1)
    Sending image list
    Please login prior to push:
    Username: waitfish
    Email: xxx@xxx.com

    很多其它内容请关注 http://www.dockerpool.com

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lcchuguo/p/5243267.html
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