1 将药板从黑色背景中分离(药板部分显示为白色,背景显示为黑色);
2 根据分割结果将药板旋转至水平;
3 提取药板中的药丸的位置信息;
由此计算胶囊板的倾斜角度θ=arctan(|X2-X1|/| Y2-Y1|),利用imrotate命令将图像旋转至水平。处理后图像如下图所示:
clc; I=imread('C:UserskkzhangDesktop1xl-130-16.tiff'); a=rgb2gray(I); figure(1) imshow(I); figure(2) imshow(a); x=size(a,1); y=size(a,2); g=zeros(x,y); for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y if(a(i,j)<120) g(i,j)=0 ; else g(i,j)=255; end end end %imshow(g); fillg=zeros(x,y); fillg=imfill(g,'holes'); %将胶囊的边缘平滑整齐 se=strel('square',5); closeg=imclose(g,se); figure(3) imshow(closeg); title('闭运算后') BW=edge(fillg,'roberts'); figure(5) imshow(BW); tiqu1=y/2-100; tiqu2=y/2+100; cishu1=0; cishu2=0; for i=1:1:x if(cishu1==0) if(g(i,tiqu1)==255) x1=i; cishu1=1; end end end for i=1:1:x if(cishu2==0) if(g(i,tiqu2)==255) x2=i; cishu2=1; end end end theta=atan(abs(x1-x2)/abs(tiqu2-tiqu1))*180/pi; S = imrotate(BW,-theta); A= imrotate(closeg,-theta); B= imrotate(fillg,-theta); I= imrotate(I,-theta); BW=imrotate(BW,-theta); C=B-A; figure(6) imshow(C); %标签定位 fill_write=B; figure(4) imshow(B); start1=0; start2=0; for i=1:1:y if(start1==0) if(BW(i,y/2)==1) sta_y=i; start1=1; end end end for i=1:1:x if(start2==0) if(BW(i,x/2)==1) sta_x1=i; start2=1; i=i+20; end end if(start2==1) if(BW(i,x/2)==1) sta_x2=i; start2=2; end end end sta_x=sta_x2-sta_x1; for j=(sta_y+round(sta_x/3)):1:y for i=1:1:x fill_write(i,j)=0; end end imshow(fill_write); img = regionprops(fill_write,'boundingbox'); locate = cat(1,img.BoundingBox); T = graythresh(C); bw_img = im2bw(C, T); img_reg = regionprops(bw_img,'area', 'boundingbox','Centroid'); areas = [img_reg.Area]; rects = cat(1,img_reg.BoundingBox); zhixin = cat(1,img_reg.Centroid); figure(7); imshow(I); for i = 1:size(rects, 1) rectangle('position', rects(i, :), 'EdgeColor', 'r'); hold on plot(zhixin(i,1),zhixin(i,2),'ob'); hold on end for i = 1:size(locate, 1) rectangle('position', locate(i, :), 'EdgeColor', 'r'); hold on end
Don't wait for the perfect moment,take the moment and make it perfect!