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  • 以厦门市为例做地区悬浮上浮效果


    先展示下成果,Make A Pie - 以厦门市为例做地区悬浮事件上浮效果

    参考了这个老铁的作品,Make A Pie - echarts地图渲染(厦门市)

    结合Echarts官网关于shadowBlur和它的小伙伴的介绍,Documentation - Apache ECharts



      1 <template>
      2   <div>
      3     <el-card id="mapTest" style=" 900px; height: 700px"></el-card>
      4   </div>
      5 </template>
      7 <script>
      8 import * as echarts from "echarts";
      9 export default {
     10   data() {
     11     return {};
     12   },
     13   mounted() {
     14     (window.onresize = () => {
     15       this.myChart.resize();
     16     }),
     17       this.drawMap();
     18   },
     19   methods: {
     20     drawMap() {
     21       if (
     22         this.myChart != null &&
     23         this.myChart != "" &&
     24         this.myChart != undefined
     25       ) {
     26         this.myChart.dispose();
     27       }
     28       this.$nextTick(() => {
     29         let self = this;
     30         this.myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("mapTest"));
     31         // HuaiAn
     32         // let geoJson = "http://localhost:8080/static/mapHuaiAn.geoJson";
     33         // XiaMen
     34         let geoJson = "http://localhost:8080/static/mapXiaMen.geoJson";
     35         // let geoJson =
     36         //   "https://geo.datav.aliyun.com/areas_v3/bound/350200_full.json";
     37         //   "https://geo.datav.aliyun.com/areas_v3/bound/geojson?code=350200_full";
     38         // var uploadedDataURL = "/asset/get/s/data-1628045698067-F_q-w3jYq.json";
     40         $.get(geoJson, (res) => {
     41           var mapData = res;
     42           echarts.registerMap("xiamen", mapData);
     43           var centerMap = {};
     44           if (mapData && mapData.features && mapData.features.length > 0) {
     45             for (var i = 0; i < mapData.features.length; i++) {
     46               var feature = mapData.features[i];
     47               var properties = feature.properties || {};
     48               if (properties && properties.name) {
     49                 centerMap[properties.name] = properties.cp || [];
     50               }
     51             }
     52           }
     53           console.log("centerMap:", centerMap);
     55           var option = {
     56             backgroundColor: "#fff",
     57             title: {
     58               text: "厦门市",
     59             },
     60             // visualMap: {
     61             //     show: false,
     62             //     max: 100,
     63             //     seriesIndex: [3],
     64             //     inRange: {
     65             //         color: ['#A5DCF4', '#006edd'],
     66             //     },
     67             // },
     68             tooltip: {
     69               trigger: "item",
     70               formatter: function (params) {
     71                 console.log(params);
     72                 return params.name + params.data;
     73               },
     74             },
     75             geo: [
     76               {
     77                 map: "xiamen",
     78                 layoutCenter: ["50%", "50%"], //地图位置
     79                 layoutSize: "630",
     80                 itemStyle: {
     81                   borderColor: "#2b9bf9", //省市边界线,
     82                   borderWidth: 2,
     83                   normal: {
     84                     show: false,
     85                     color: "#e9e6b3", //地图背景色
     86                     borderColor: "#2b9bf9", //省市边界线
     87                     borderWidth: 1,
     88                   },
     89                   emphasis: {
     90                     show: true,
     91                     color: "#d6eaff", //悬浮背景
     92                     // focus: "self",  // emphasis only itself [default:none]
     93                     // itemStyle: {
     94                     shadowOffsetX: 5,
     95                     shadowOffsetY: 5,
     96                     //   shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
     97                     shadowBlur: 5,
     98                     // },
     99                   },
    100                 },
    101                 label: {
    102                   show: true,
    103                 },
    104                 // roam:true, // control the zoom
    105                 regions: [
    106                   {
    107                     name: "湖里区", //区块名称
    108                     itemStyle: {
    109                       normal: {
    110                         areaColor: "#ebccb9",
    111                       },
    112                     },
    113                   },
    114                   {
    115                     name: "思明区", //区块名称
    116                     itemStyle: {
    117                       normal: {
    118                         areaColor: "#e4a2a3",
    119                       },
    120                     },
    121                   },
    122                   {
    123                     name: "翔安区", //区块名称
    124                     itemStyle: {
    125                       normal: {
    126                         areaColor: "#d8c0d6",
    127                       },
    128                     },
    129                   },
    130                   {
    131                     name: "海沧区", //区块名称
    132                     itemStyle: {
    133                       normal: {
    134                         areaColor: "#acd4a0",
    135                       },
    136                     },
    137                   },
    138                   {
    139                     name: "集美区", //区块名称
    140                     itemStyle: {
    141                       normal: {
    142                         areaColor: "#b4d3d6",
    143                       },
    144                     },
    145                   },
    146                   {
    147                     name: "同安区", //区块名称
    148                     itemStyle: {
    149                       normal: {
    150                         areaColor: "#e9e6b3",
    151                       },
    152                     },
    153                   },
    154                 ],
    155               },
    156             ],
    157             series: [
    158               {
    159                 type: "scatter",
    160                 coordinateSystem: "geo",
    161                 data: [
    162                   {
    163                     name: "湖里区",
    164                     value: 10,
    165                   },
    166                   {
    167                     name: "思明区",
    168                     value: 1123,
    169                   },
    170                   {
    171                     name: "集美区",
    172                     value: 3421,
    173                   },
    174                   {
    175                     value: [112.68353, 22.38265],
    176                   },
    177                 ],
    178                 symbolSize: "10",
    179                 itemStyle: {
    180                   normal: {
    181                     color: "rgba(209,248,0,1)",
    182                   },
    183                 },
    184               },
    185             ],
    186           };
    188           self.myChart.setOption(option);
    189         });
    191         // jQuery---
    192         // $.get(geoJson, function (res) {
    193         //   echarts.registerMap("huaiAn", res);
    194         //   self.myChart.setOption({
    195         //     series: [
    196         //       {
    197         //         type: "map",
    198         //         map: "huaiAn",
    199         //       },
    200         //     ],
    201         //   });
    202         // });
    203         // Axios---
    204         // this.get(geoJson)
    205         //   .then((res) => {
    206         //     echarts.registerMap("HuaiAn", res);
    207         //     this.myChart.setOption({
    208         //       series: [
    209         //         {
    210         //           type: "map",
    211         //           map: "HuaiAn",
    212         //         },
    213         //       ],
    214         //     });
    215         //   })
    216         //   .catch((err) => {
    217         //     console.log("ERR", err);
    218         //   });
    220         // });
    221       });
    222     },
    223   },
    224 };
    225 </script>
    227 <style>
    228 </style>
    View Code



    label: {
                        show: true,
                        color: "#222",


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lepanyou/p/15181478.html
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