Table of Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- 1. XML for Data
- 2. XML Protocols: XML-RPC and SOAP
- 3. Writing XML with Java
- 4. Converting Flat Files to XML
- 5. Reading XML
- 6. SAX
- 7. The XMLReader Interface
- 8. SAX Filters
- 9. The Document Object Model
- 10. Creating XML Documents with DOM
- 11. The Document Object Model Core
- 12. The DOM Traversal Module
- 13. Output from DOM
- 14. JDOM
- 15. The JDOM Model
- 16. XPath
- 17. XSLT
- A. XML APIs Quick Reference
- B. SOAP 1.1 Schemas
- Recommended Reading
- Index
List of Figures
- 1.1. The clock order styled by CSS
- 1.2. The PDF version of the clock order produced by XSL
- 2.1. Slashdot headlines in XML
- 2.2. NASDAQ Stock Data Retrieved via a Query String
- 4.1. The list of maps data structure for the budget
- 4.2. A UML diagram for the budget class hierarchy
- 6.1. The Swing Based Tree Viewer
- 8.1. The XML parsing process
- 8.2. XML parsing with a filter
- 8.3. XML parsing with multiple filters
- 8.4. How data flows through the RDDL stripper program
- 8.5. The end of the RDDL specification as normally presented
- 8.6. The end of the RDDL specification after rddl:resource elements are replaced by small tables
- 16.1. XPath Explorer
- 16.2. An XPath data model
List of Tables
- 2.1. Primitive Data Types defined in the W3C XML Schema Language
- 2.2. Simple Value Elements defined in SOAP
- 3.1. Standard Character Sets and Encodings
- 4.1. Budget Fields
- 9.1. Node properties
- 9.2. DOM Parser Features
- 16.1. XPath Expanded Names and String-values
- 16.2. Abbreviated syntax for XPath
- 17.1. Xalan Conversions from XSLT to Java
- 17.2. Xalan Conversions from Java to XSLT
- A.1. Node properties
List of Examples
- 1.1. A plain text document indicating an order for 12 Birdsong Clocks, SKU 244
- 1.2. An XML document indicating an order for 12 Birdsong Clocks, SKU 244
- 1.3. A document indicating an order for 12 Birdsong Clocks, SKU 244?
- 1.4. Still an order for 12 Birdsong Clocks, SKU 244
- 1.5. An XML document indicating an order for multiple products shipped to multiple addresses
- 1.6. An XML document that uses a default namespace
- 1.7. An XML document that uses two default namespaces
- 1.8. A DTD for order documents
- 1.9. order.xsd: a schema for order documents
- 1.10. order.sct: a Schematron schema for order documents
- 1.11. A CSS stylesheet for order documents
- 1.12. An XSLT stylesheet for order documents
- 1.13. An XSL-FO document for the clock order
- 2.1. An XML document that labels elements with schema simple types
- 2.2. URLGrabber
- 2.3. URLGrabberTest
- 2.4. An RSS 0.91 document
- 2.5. An RSS 1.0 document
- 2.6. An XML-RPC request document
- 2.7. POSTing an XML-RPC request document
- 2.8. An XML-RPC response
- 2.9. An XML-RPC request that passes an array as an argument
- 2.10. An XML-RPC response document that returns an array
- 2.11. An XML-RPC Request that passes a struct as an argument
- 2.12. An XML-RPC fault
- 2.13. A DTD for XML-RPC
- 2.14. A Schema for XML-RPC
- 2.15. A SOAP document requesting the current stock price of Red Hat
- 2.16. A SOAP Response
- 2.17. A SOAP document requesting the current stock price of Red Hat
- 2.18. A SOAP document returning the current stock price of Red Hat
- 2.19. A SOAP fault response
- 2.20. A SOAP document that specifies the encoding style
- 2.21. A schema that assigns type to elements in the namespace
- 2.22. A SOAP Request with a digital signature in the header
- 2.23. A SOAP Request with two header entries
- 2.24. A SOAP Request with a mustUnderstand attribute
- 2.25. A Master Schema for SOAP Trading documents
- 3.1. A program that calculates the Fibonacci numbers
- 3.2. The first 10 Fibonacci numbers in an XML document
- 3.3. A program that outputs the Fibonacci numbers as an XML document
- 3.4. Using named constants for element names
- 3.5. A Java program that writes an XML document that uses attributes
- 3.6. A Java program that generates a valid document
- 3.7. A MathML document containing Fibonacci numbers
- 3.8. A Java program that generates a MathML document
- 3.9. A Java program that writes an XML file
- 3.10. Connecting an XML-RPC server with URLConnection
- 3.11. Connecting to a SOAP server with URLConnection
- 3.12. A servlet that generates XML
- 4.1. A class that parses comma separated values into a List of HashMaps
- 4.2. Naively reproducing the original table structure in XML
- 4.3. A schema for the XML budget data
- 4.4. Converting to XML with attributes
- 4.5. A hierarchical arrangement of the budget data
- 4.6. The Budget class
- 4.7. The Agency class
- 4.8. The Bureau Class
- 4.9. An Account Class
- 4.10. The Subfunction Class
- 4.11. The driver class that builds the data structure and writes it out again
- 4.12. An XSLT stylesheet that converts flat XML data to hierarchical XML data
- 4.13. An XQuery that converts flat data to hierarchical data
- 4.14. A program that connects to a relational database using JDBC and converts the table to hierarchical XML
- 5.1. A response from the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.2. Reading an XML-RPC Response
- 5.3. A SAX based client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.4. The ContentHandler for the SAX client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.5. A DOM based client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.6. A JAXP based client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.7. A JDOM based client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.8. A dom4j based client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.9. An ElectricXML based client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 5.10. An XMLPULL based client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 6.1. A SAX program that parses a document
- 6.2. The SAX ContentHandler interface
- 6.3. A SAX ContentHandler that writes all #PCDATA onto a
- 6.4. The driver method for the text extractor program
- 6.5. A subclass of DefaultHandler that writes all #PCDATA onto a
- 6.6. A ContentHandler interface that resets its data structures between documents
- 6.7. A ContentHandler class that builds a GUI representation of an XML document
- 6.8. The SAX Attributes interface
- 6.9. A ContentHandler class that spiders XLinks
- 6.10. A SAX client for the Fibonacci XML-RPC server
- 6.11. A ContentHandler that prints processing instruction targets and data on System.out
- 6.12. The NamespaceSupport class
- 6.13. A document that uses ignorable white space to prettify the XML
- 6.14. An XML document containing a potentially skipped entity reference
- 6.15. The SAX Locator interface
- 6.16. Determining the locations of events
- 7.1. The SAX InputSource class
- 7.2. The EntityResolver interface
- 7.3. An XHTML EntityResolver
- 7.4. The SAXException class
- 7.5. The SAXParseException class
- 7.6. A SAX program that parses a document and identifies the line numbers of any well-formedness errors
- 7.7. The ErrorHandler interface
- 7.8. A SAX program that reports all problems found in an XML document
- 7.9. A SAX program that validates documents
- 7.10. A SAX program that echoes the parsed document
- 7.11. The LexicalHandler interface
- 7.12. An implementation of the LexicalHandler interface
- 7.13. The DeclHandler interface
- 7.14. A program that prints out a complete DTD
- 7.15. Making maximal use of Xerces’s special abilities
- 7.16. The DTDHandler interface
- 7.17. A caching DTDHandler
- 7.18. A Notation utility class
- 7.19. An UnparsedEntity utility class
- 7.20. A program that lists the unparsed entities and notations used in an XML document
- 8.1. The XMLFilter interface
- 8.2. A filter that blocks all events
- 8.3. A filter that filters nothing
- 8.4. A filter that times all parsing
- 8.5. Parsing a document through a filter
- 8.6. A ContentHandler filter
- 8.7. A filter that substitutes its own ContentHandler
- 8.8. A program that filters documents
- 8.9. A ContentHandler filter that throws away non-XHTML elements
- 8.10. The AttributesImpl helper class
- 8.11. Changing one element into another
- 8.12. A subclass of XMLFilterImpl
- 8.13. Accessing databases through SAX
- 8.14. A very simple user interface for extracting XML data from a relational database
- 8.15. Attaching multiple handlers of the same type to a single parser
- 9.1. Which modules does Oracle support?
- 9.2. An XML-RPC request document
- 9.3. A program that uses Xerces to check documents for well-formedness
- 9.4. A program that uses the Oracle XML parser to check documents for well-formedness
- 9.5. A program that uses JAXP to check documents for well-formedness
- 9.6. Using JAXP to check documents for well-formedness
- 9.7. A program that uses DOM3 to check documents for well-formedness
- 9.8. The Node interface
- 9.9. Changing short type constants to strings
- 9.10. A class to inspect the properties of a node
- 9.11. Walking the tree with the Node interface
- 9.12. A method that changes a document by reordering nodes
- 9.13. The NodeList interface
- 9.14. Using JAXP to both read and write an XML document
- 9.15. The DOMException class
- 10.1. The DOMImplementation interface
- 10.2. The DOMImplementationRegistry class
- 10.3. The DOMImplementationSource interface
- 10.4. The Document interface
- 10.5. Building an SVG document in memory using DOM
- 10.6. A DOM program that outputs the Fibonacci numbers as an XML document
- 10.7. A valid MathML document containing Fibonacci numbers
- 10.8. A DOM program that outputs the Fibonacci numbers as a MathML document
- 10.9. A valid MathML document using prefixed names
- 10.10. The properties of a Document object
- 10.11. An XML-RPC request document
- 10.12. An XML-RPC response document
- 10.13. A DOM based XML-RPC servlet
- 10.14. A DOM based SOAP servlet
- 11.1. The Element interface
- 11.2. Extracting examples from DocBook
- 11.3. A document that uses attributes
- 11.4. A DOM program that adds attributes
- 11.5. The NamedNodeMap interface
- 11.6. An XLink spider that uses DOM
- 11.7. The CharacterData interface
- 11.8. ROT13 encoder for XML documents
- 11.9. The Text interface
- 11.10. Printing the text nodes in an XML document
- 11.11. The CDATASection interface
- 11.12. Merging CDATA sections with text nodes
- 11.13. The EntityReference interface
- 11.14. Inserting entity references into a document
- 11.15. The Attr interface
- 11.16. Specifying all attributes
- 11.17. The ProcessingInstruction interface
- 11.18. Reading PseudoAttributes from a ProcessingInstruction
- 11.19. The Comment interface
- 11.20. Printing comments
- 11.21. The DocumentType interface
- 11.22. The Entity interface
- 11.23. Listing parsed entities used in the document
- 11.24. The Notation interface
- 11.25. Listing the Notations declared in a DTD
- 12.1. The NodeIterator interface
- 12.2. The DocumentTraversal factory interface
- 12.3. Using a NodeIterator to extract all the comments from a document
- 12.4. Using a NodeIterator to retrieve the complete text content of an element
- 12.5. The NodeFilter interface
- 12.6. An implementation of the NodeFilter interface
- 12.7. The TreeWalker interface
- 12.8. The ExampleFilter class
- 12.9. Navigating a sub-tree with TreeWalker
- 13.1. Using Xerces’ OutputFormat class to pretty print XML
- 13.2. Using Xerces’ OutputFormat class to pretty print MathML
- 13.3. The DOM3 DOMWriter interface
- 13.4. The DOM3 DOMErrorHandler interface
- 13.5. Serializing with DOMWriter
- 13.6. The DOM3 DOMImplementationLS interface
- 13.7. An implementation independent DOM3 program to build and serialize an XML document
- 13.8. The DOMWriterFilter interface
- 13.9. Filtering everything that isn’t XHTML on output
- 13.10. Using a DOMWriterFilter
- 14.1. A JDOM program that produces an XML document containing Fibonacci numbers
- 14.2. A Fibonacci DTD
- 14.3. A JDOM program that produces an XML document containing Fibonacci numbers
- 14.4. A MathML document containing the first three Fibonacci numbers
- 14.5. A JDOM program that uses namespaces
- 14.6. A JDOM program that uses the default namespace
- 14.7. A JDOM program that checks XML documents for well-formedness
- 14.8. A JDOM program that validates XML documents
- 14.9. A JDOM program that lists the elements used in a document
- 14.10. A JDOM program that lists the nodes used in a document
- 14.11. A JDOM program that schema validates documents
- 14.12. A JDOM program that passes documents to a SAX ContentHandler
- 15.1. The JDOM Document class
- 15.2. Inspecting elements
- 15.3. An XML-RPC request document
- 15.4. The JDOM Filter interface
- 15.5. The ContentFilter class
- 15.6. The ElementFilter class
- 15.7. A filter for xml-stylesheet processing instructions in the prolog
- 15.8. Moving elements between documents
- 15.9. Searching for RDDL resources
- 15.10. The JDOM Attribute class
- 15.11. The JDOM Text class
- 15.12. JDOM based ROT13 encoder for XML documents
- 15.13. The JDOM CDATA class
- 15.14. The JDOM ProcessingInstruction class
- 15.15. The JDOM Comment class
- 15.16. Printing comments
- 15.17. The JDOM Namespace class
- 15.18. An XML document that uses namespace prefixes in attribute values
- 15.19. The JDOM DocType class
- 15.20. Validating XHTML with the DocType class
- 15.21. The JDOM EntityRef class
- 16.1. Weather data in XML
- 16.2. A SOAP response document
- 16.3. An XML-RPC request document
- 16.4. A SOAP request document
- 16.5. The Xalan XPathAPI class
- 16.6. The XPathEvaluator interface
- 16.7. The XPathResult interface
- 16.8. An XML document containing namespace bindings and an XPath search expression
- 16.9. The DOM3 XPathExpression interface
- 17.1. An XSLT stylesheet for XML-RPC request documents
- 17.2. An XSLT stylesheet that echoes XML-RPC requests
- 17.3. An XML-RPC request document
- 17.4. An XML-RPC response document
- 17.5. An XSLT stylesheet that calculates Fibonacci numbers
- 17.6. A servlet that uses TrAX and XSLT to respond to XML-RPC requests
- 17.7. Testing the availability of TrAX features
- 17.8. The TrAX URIResolver interface
- 17.9. A URIResolver class
- 17.10. The TrAX ErrorListener interface
- 17.11. An ErrorListener that uses the Logging API
- 17.12. The TrAX OutputKeys class
- 17.13. The TrAX DOMSource class
- 17.14. The TrAX DOMResult class
- 17.15. The TrAX SAXSource class
- 17.16. The TrAX SAXResult class
- 17.17. The TrAX StreamSource class
- 17.18. The TrAX StreamResult class
- 17.19. A Java class that calculates Fibonacci numbers
- 17.20. The Xalan ExpressionContext interface
- 17.21. A stylesheet that uses an extension element
Copyright 2001, 2002 Elliotte Rusty Harold Last Modified September 25, 2002 Up To Cafe con Leche