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  • Python Cryptography Toolkit

    Python Cryptography Toolkit

    Design Goals

    The Python cryptography toolkit is intended to provide a reliable and
    stable base for writing Python programs that require cryptographic

    A central goal has been to provide a simple, consistent interface for
    similar classes of algorithms. For example, all block cipher objects
    have the same methods and return values, and support the same feedback
    modes. Hash functions have a different interface, but it too is
    consistent over all the hash functions available. Some of these
    interfaces have been codified as Python Enhancement Proposal
    documents, as PEP 247, "API for Cryptographic Hash Functions", and
    PEP 272, "API for Block Encryption Algorithms".

    This is intended to make it easy to replace old algorithms with newer,
    more secure ones. If you're given a bit of portably-written Python
    code that uses the DES encryption algorithm, you should be able to use
    AES instead by simply changing from Crypto.Cipher import DES to
    from Crypto.Cipher import AES, and changing all references to
    DES.new() to AES.new(). It's also fairly simple to
    write your own modules that mimic this interface, thus letting you use
    combinations or permutations of algorithms.

    Some modules are implemented in C for performance; others are written
    in Python for ease of modification. Generally, low-level functions
    like ciphers and hash functions are written in C, while less
    speed-critical functions have been written in Python. This division
    may change in future releases. When speeds are quoted in this
    document, they were measured on a 500 MHz Pentium II running Linux.
    The exact speeds will obviously vary with different machines,
    different compilers, and the phase of the moon, but they provide a
    crude basis for comparison. Currently the cryptographic
    implementations are acceptably fast, but not spectacularly good. I
    welcome any suggestions or patches for faster code.

    I have placed the code under no restrictions; you can redistribute the
    code freely or commercially, in its original form or with any
    modifications you make, subject to whatever local laws may apply in your
    jurisdiction. Note that you still have to come to some agreement with
    the holders of any patented algorithms you're using. If you're
    intensively using these modules, please tell me about it; there's little
    incentive for me to work on this package if I don't know of anyone using

    I also make no guarantees as to the usefulness, correctness, or legality
    of these modules, nor does their inclusion constitute an endorsement of
    their effectiveness. Many cryptographic algorithms are patented;
    inclusion in this package does not necessarily mean you are allowed to
    incorporate them in a product and sell it. Some of these algorithms may
    have been cryptanalyzed, and may no longer be secure. While I will
    include commentary on the relative security of the algorithms in the
    sections entitled "Security Notes", there may be more recent analyses
    I'm not aware of. (Or maybe I'm just clueless.) If you're implementing
    an important system, don't just grab things out of a toolbox and put
    them together; do some research first. On the other hand, if you're
    just interested in keeping your co-workers or your relatives out of your
    files, any of the components here could be used.

    This document is very much a work in progress. If you have any
    questions, comments, complaints, or suggestions, please send them to me.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2479967.html
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