1. 用户输入帐号密码进行登陆
2. 用户信息保存在文件内
3. 用户密码输入错误三次后锁定用户
1. file的操作: with open
2. 读取file信息, 从string 转为 list
3. 读取file信息, 从string 转为list, 专为字典 (此处注意,是一一添加的)
4. 字符串格式化输出 (%) : % user_name, psw 注意没有parenthese
5. 最后须仔细测试,同时调整代码逻辑及格式。
#!usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Jane Yue import sys
locked_list = [] # 题点:将file信息 读到 List里 with open('locked_file', 'r+') as f: for line in f.readlines(): locked_list.append(line.strip()) # print返回值:['BigHead'] user_info = {} with open('user_info', 'r+') as f: for line in f.readlines(): user_list = line.strip().split() # 题点:将string变3个list user_info[user_list[0]] = user_list[1] # 题点:将 list加到 dictionary def login(): # 定义 login 函数 count = 3 while count >= 0: psw = input('Password: ') # 输入password if psw == user_info.get(user_name): print('Welcome to login, %s' % user_name) sys.exit() else: count -= 1 if count > 0: print("Login incorrect. You can try another %d times" % count) continue else: print('You account has been blocked. Please contact the administrator') with open('locked_file', 'a') as f1: f1.write(" %s" % user_name) sys.exit() while True: user_name = input('Username: ') # 主程序 if user_name in user_info.keys(): if user_name in locked_list: print('Your account has been blocked, please contact the administrator') else: login() else: print('Username does not exist') continue
SAMPLE 1: By 刘
1. 字符串读取转成字典
user_info = 'Eric:123456#Catherine:098765' user_list = user_info.split('#') print(user_list) user_dic ={} # 创建空字典 for item in user_list: item_list = item.split(':') # >>> ['eric','123456',''Catherine','098765'] user_dic[item_list[0]] = item_list[-1] #??? print(user_dic)
{'Eric': '123456', 'Catherine': '098765'}
2. 从文件中读取字符串
f = open('user_info.txt','r') user_info = f.read() f.close() user_list = user_info.split('#') print(user_list) user_dic ={} # 创建空字典 for item in user_list: item_list = item.split(':') # >>> ['eric','123456',''Catherine','098765'] user_dic[item_list[0]] = item_list[-1] # print(user_dic)
3. 程序的主要部分
import sys user_info = {'alex': "123",'wenwei': 'gdalex'} count = 0 username = input('用户名 >>> : ') if username in user_info: # lock_list = 读取锁定文件的信息 lock_list = ['alex'] if user_info in lock_list: print('被锁定') sys.exit() else: while count < 3: password = input('pwd >>>:') if password == user_info[username]: print('登陆成功,欢迎%s' % username) sys.exit() else: count += 1 if count == 3: print('被说点,请联系管理员') sys.exit() else: print('密码错误!请重新输入。还有%s次机会' % (3-count)) else: print('用户名不存在')