1. WebDesignerWall
2. Veerle’s Blog
3. Tutorial9
4. UX Booth
5. Inspired Magazine
6. Lord Likely
7. Fudge Graphics
8. Work Awesome
9. LINE25
10. SimpleBits
11. Franscesco Mugnai
12. 1stWebdesigner
13. The Design Buzz
14. Onextrapixel
15. Abduzeedo
16. Usability Post
17. pv.mgarage
18. We Graphics
19. Janko At Warp Speed
20. Visual Swirl
21. WDL
22. ThinkVitamin
23. Dawghouse
24. SpyreStudios
25. AppStorm
26. Cats Who Blog
27. Underworld Magazines
28. Smashing Magazine
(编译来源:梦想天空 原文来自:The Before & After Series: Showcase of 28 Famous Re-designed Weblogs)