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  • Neville 插值方法


    wikipedia: Neville's method

    在数学上,Neville 算法是一种计算插值多项式方法,由数学家Eric Harold Neville提出。由给定的n+1个节点,存在一个唯一的幂次≤n的多项式存在,并且通过给定点。


    给定n+1个节点及其对应函数值 ((x_i, y_i)),假设 (P_{i,j}) 表示 (j-i) 阶多项式,并且满足通过节点 ((x_k, y_k) quad k =i, i+1, cdots, j)(P_{i,j}) 满足以下迭代关系

    [egin{eqnarray} egin{aligned} & p_{i,i}(x) = y_i cr & P_{i,j}(x) = frac{(x_j - x)p_{i,j-1}(x) + (x - x_i)p_{i+1,j}(x)}{x_j - x_i}, quad 0le ile j le n end{aligned} end{eqnarray}]


    [egin{eqnarray} egin{aligned} & p_{1,1}(x) = y_1, cr & p_{2,2}(x) = y_2, p_{1,2}(x), cr & p_{3,3}(x) = y_3, p_{2,3}(x), p_{1,3}(x),cr & p_{4,4}(x) = y_4, p_{3,4}(x), p_{2,4}(x), p_{1,4}(x)cr end{aligned} end{eqnarray}]



    • 由于计算插值点为一向量,为避免过多层循环嵌套,将每个 (P_{i,j}) 都改写为向量形式,各元素分别储存多项式在插值点 (x_0) 处函数值。
    • 只有每次当一列 (P_{i,j}) 计算完后,才能利用迭代公式计算下一列 (P_{i,j}) 多项式,因此外层循环为计算每列 (P_{i,j}) 多项式。
    • 每列 (P_{i,j}) 个数是逐渐减少的,最开始有n个多项式,最终循环只有一个。

    可将矩阵P[nRow,nCol]用于存储多项式 (P_{i,j}(x))。其中每行为 (P_{i,j}(x_k)) 在 nCol 个插值点(x_k)处函数值。每次外层循环 (P_{i,j}(x)) 个数减少,此时从最后一行开始舍弃,每次只循环

    for irow = 1: (nRow - icol) % 


    for icol = 1:nRow - 1
        for irow = 1: (nRow - icol) % 
            x1 = nodes(irow); x2 = nodes(irow + icol);
            P(irow, :) = ( (x2 - x0).*P(irow, :) + (x0 - x1 ).*P(irow+1, :) )./( x2 - x1 );
        end% for
    end% for


    function evalPol = f1300000_Neville(x0, nodes, fnodes)
    % Implement Neville's algorithm to evaluate interpolation polynomial at x0
    % Input:
    %   x0  - the point where we want to evaluate the polynomial
    %   nodes   - vector containing the interpolation nodes
    %   fnodes  - vector containing the values of the function
    % Output:
    %   evalPol - vector containing the value at x0 of the different 
    %               the interpolating polynomials
    if iscolumn(x0)
        x0 = x0'; % transfer to row vector
    if isrow(fnodes)
        fnodes = fnodes';
    nCol = length(x0);
    nRow = length(nodes);
    % P = zeros(nRow, nCol);
    P = repmat(fnodes, 1, nCol);
    for icol = 1:nRow - 1
        for irow = 1: (nRow - icol) % 
            x1 = nodes(irow); x2 = nodes(irow + icol);
            P(irow, :) = ( (x2 - x0).*P(irow, :) + (x0 - x1 ).*P(irow+1, :) )./( x2 - x1 );
        end% for
    end% for
    evalPol = P(1,:);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/li12242/p/5047042.html
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