1 安装websphere application server v6.0
2 安装PC80WebSphereInstaller-100496.exe,准确的说是解压,因为最后的软件是配置出来的。
3 一些操作
1) jdbc: 存放jar文件到C:\jdbc和E:\Was6\lib\ext下。
2) DSPlantOperations.ear: 建back文件夹存放DSPlantOperations.ear,因为在编译DSPlantOperations.ear后文件将会改变,此操作为了需要时重新编译。
编译:命令提示符定位到产品目录下,即有DSPlantOperations.ear文件的地方,输入:java -cp DSDeployTools.jar com.datasweep.plantops.deploytools.URLConfig DSPlantOperations.ear WebSphere iiop://localhost:2809 http://localhost:9080 IBM, 回车进行编译。 注:注意端口号,默认为2809和9080, 注意是IBM或者是SUN。
3) web.xml:
<init-param id="InitParam_1037062312313">
4 管理控制台的配置(https://localhost:9043/ibm/console)
1) Application--Install New Application: Local file system--sepecify path:<Plant_Operations_Install_Location>\DSPlantOperations.ear
the Directory to Install Application: C:\PlantOpsInstallDir, 然后一直默认配置。
2) File-Based Security: 新建文件夹userRegistry,并在里面新建加入2个文件:users.props, 和groups.props。2个文件的内容:
# Format:
# name:passwd:uid:gids:display name
# where name = userId/userName of the user
# passwd = password of the user
# uid = uniqueId of the user
# gid = groupIds of the groups that the user belongs to
# display name = a (optional) display name for the user.
# Format:
# name:gid:users:display name
# where name = groupId of the group
# gid = uniqueId of the group
# users = list of all the userIds that the group contains
# display name = a (optional) display name for the group.
Security--Global security: 选中Enable global security, 去掉Enforce Java 2 security, Active protocol选择CSI, Active user registry, 然后assign,admin/admin, save。
Security--Global security--custom--Custom properties,增加2个文件:
name=groupsFile and value=<your_directory>\userRegistry\groups.props
name=usersFile and value=<your_directory>\userRegistry\users.props
注:注意保持后是否Security--Global security生效了,如果没有,要重新配置Security--Global security。
5 配置Enterprise Administrator
此处已到配置产品的阶段,不做继续介绍。这里在登录时出现了assign database source错误,原因是WebShpere对版本没有打补丁。inistialize 数据库后等录PD时出错, 是因为要改为DSSecurity Provider。
DSSecurity Provider:
User Registries: select “custom”
Server user ID: admin
Server user password: admin
Custom Registry Classname: com.datasweep.common.security.websphere.AppUserRegistry
Custom Properties:
1) Name = com.datasweep.common.security.websphere.db.password
Value = <encrypted value for database password>
注:这里的密码是加密后的密码,密码:123456,加密后为58 98 -23 51 -84 -18。获得方法:命令提示符:<path_to_DSDecurityProvider.jar file> java -classpath DSSecurityProvider.jar com.datasweep.common.security.websphere.EncryptionUtils 123456
2) Name = com.datasweep.common.security.websphere.db.url
Value (SQL server) = jdbc:sqlserver://<host_name>:<port_number>; databaseName=<production_database>
3) Name = com.datasweep.common.security.websphere.db.username
Value = <username>
where <username> is the database username.(sa)
4) Name = com.datasweep.common.security.websphere.logging.dir
Value = <logging_directory>
where <logging_directory> can be anywhere on your application server.
5) Name = com.datasweep.common.security.websphere.logging.level
Value = 5
save and reset the serve, 然后ok!
I am a little tied, but there is no time to have a rest. May I should not think more, forget the future, just do your job.