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  • 搜索引擎Zend_lucene

    Zend Lucene



    Zend_Search_Lucene is a general purpose text search engine written entirely in PHP 5. it stores its index on the filesystem and does not require a database server.

    2. How to install Zend Lucene

    DownLoad WebSite :     http://www.zend.com/community/downloads

    Zend Framework version :   Zend Framework 1.9 minimal

    Download Zend Framework 1.9 minimal from DownLoad WebSite.

    Remove everything from Zend Folder but remain following files and directories:






    3.How to create an index.

    an example of creating an index as below:


    //File Name: createindex.php

    require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene.php';

    $productsData= array(

    0=>array("PID"=>1,"url"=>"http://www.cybozu.jp","productName"=>"garoon","Description"=>"garoon Description","lag"=>"en"),

    1=>array("PID"=>2,"url"=>"http://www.cybozu.jp","productName"=>"share360","Description"=>"share360 Description" ,"lag"=>"en"),

    2=>array("PID"=>3,"url"=>"http://www.cybozu.jp a","productName"=>"日本語の製品名前","Description"=>"日本語の製品","lag"=>"jp"),

    3=>array("PID"=>4,"url"=>"http://www.cybozu.jp a","productName"=>"中文产品名","Description"=>"中文产品描述","lag"=>"zh")


    $index=new Zend_Search_Lucene('index',true);

    $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();

    foreach ($productsData as $productData)


         $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::keyword('PID', $productData['PID'], 'UTF-8'));

         $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('url', $productData['url'], 'UTF-8'));

          $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('productName', $productData['productName'], 'UTF-8'));

          $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('Description', $productData['Description'], 'UTF-8'));

         $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unIndexed('lan', $productData['lan'], 'UTF-8'));  





    echo 'index has been created!';

    In KB project, index data is come from database, using method above , We can index all the text from database.


    4.Searching index

    After creating an index , We can search index as below:


     //File Name: search.php


     $index = new Zend_Search_Lucene('index');


     echo "Index contains {$index->count()} documents.\n";

     $query = Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse( $keywords, 'utf-8' );

     $hits = $index->find($query);

     foreach ($hits as $hit)


                 echo 'PID: '.$hit->PID.'<br>';

                 echo 'Score: '.$hit->score.'<br>';

                 echo 'url: '.$hit->url.'<br>';

                 echo 'productName: '.$hit->productName.'<br>';

                 echo 'lan: '.$hit->lan.'<br>';


    If we want to search the text for multiple language, We can get value of lan , and then display different results by lan.


    5.delete and update index.

    If we want to update index , first we must find the document in index by keyword, then delete it ,after deleting the old document ,We can add a new document. This is an example to update an index. We delete PID :1 product,and update the description.



        $index = new Zend_Search_Lucene('index');

     //new product data to update

     $productNewData =array("PID"=>1,"url"=>"http://www.cybozu.jp","productName"=>"garoon","Description"=>"update garoon Description","lan"=>"en");


     $hits = $index->find($keywords);

     //Delete PID:1

       foreach ($hits as $hit)


                 echo 'PID: '.$hit->PID .'has been deleted <br>';




     //add new product data to index   

     $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();

     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::keyword('PID', $productNewData['PID'], 'UTF-8'));

     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('url', $productNewData['url'], 'UTF-8'));

     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('productName', $productNewData['productName'], 'UTF-8'));

     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('Description', $productNewData['Description'], 'UTF-8'));

     $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unIndexed('lan', $productNewData['lan'], 'UTF-8'));





    6.How to search japanese or chinese text by lucene.

    As default , lucene can only search English text.But in this project , we must search the text by English, Japanese and Chinese. So we have to change default analyzer of Lucene.

    This is an extend of default analyzer of Lucene as below:


    // File Name:chinese.php

    require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene/Analysis/Analyzer.php';

    require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene/Analysis/Analyzer/Common.php';


    class CN_Lucene_Analyzer extends Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common


        private $_position;

        private $_cnStopWords = array( );


        public function setCnStopWords( $cnStopWords )


            $this->_cnStopWords = $cnStopWords;




        * Reset token stream


        public function reset()


            $this->_position = 0;

            $search = array(",", "/", "\\", ".", ";", ":", "\"", "!", "~", "`", "^", "(", ")", "?", "-", "'", "<", ">", "$", "&", "%", "#", "@", "+", "=", "{", "}", "[", "]", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "“", "”", "‘", "’", "", "", "", "—", " ", "", "", "", "…", "", "", "", "" );


            $this->_input = str_replace( $search, '', $this->_input );

            $this->_input = str_replace( $this->_cnStopWords, ' ', $this->_input );




        * Tokenization stream API

        * Get next token

        * Returns null at the end of stream


        * @return Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token|null


        public function nextToken()


            if ($this->_input === null)


                return null;


            $len = strlen($this->_input);

            //print "Old string".$this->_input."<br />";

            while ($this->_position < $len)


                // Delete space at the begining

                while ($this->_position < $len &&$this->_input[$this->_position]==' ' )




                $termStartPosition = $this->_position;

                $temp_char = $this->_input[$this->_position];

                $isCnWord = false;



                    $i = 0;      

                    while( $this->_position < $len && ord( $this->_input[$this->_position] )>127 )


                        $this->_position = $this->_position + 3;

                        $i ++;



                            $isCnWord = true;





                    if($i==1) continue;




                    while ($this->_position < $len && ctype_alnum( $this->_input[$this->_position] ))




                    //echo $this->_position.":".$this->_input[$this->_position-1]."\n";


                if ($this->_position == $termStartPosition)






                $tmp_str = substr($this->_input, $termStartPosition, $this->_position - $termStartPosition);


                $token = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Token( $tmp_str, $termStartPosition,$this->_position );


                $token = $this->normalize($token);




                    $this->_position = $this->_position - 3;



                if ($token !== null)


                    return $token;




            return null;



    With the help of chinese.php we can search Japanese and Chinese in kb. And also we must add codes as below before creating an index and searching.


    require_once 'chinese.php';

    Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(new CN_Lucene_Analyzer());


    7.Is Zend Lucene need downtime?

      By using Zend Lucene , we don’t need any downtime. When add a new article we can add it to index at the same time, If we edit an article, we need to delete old document and update index with new one .




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/likwo/p/1591319.html
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