Security Update 2013-002 (Snow Leopard)Download
- Version: 2013-002
- Post Date: Jun 4, 2013
- Download ID: DL1660
- File Size: 329.85 MB
- Mac OS X 10.6.8
- Deutsch, English, Français, 日本語, Español, Italiano, Nederlands, Dansk, Norsk Bokmål, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Pусский, Suomi, Svensk, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 한국어
Mac OS X v10.6.8 安全性更新 2013-001 (Snow Leopard)
关于本机 安全性更新 2013-001 (Snow Leopard)
“安全性更新 2013-001”提高了 Mac OS X 的安全性,建议所有用户都安装本更新。
- Version: 2013-001
- Post Date: 2013-3-14
- Download ID: DL1642
- File Size: 316.63 MB
- Mac OS X 10.6.8
- Deutsch, English, Français, 日本語, Español, Italiano, Nederlands, Dansk, Norsk Bokmål, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Pусский, Suomi, Svensk, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 한국어
Mac OS X v10.6.8 组合更新 v1.1
大小:磁盘上的 480 MB (479,970,843 字节)
位置:/Volumes/Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update
安装器:选择安装“Mac OS X 更新“无法安装在此磁盘上。本更新要求Mac OS X 10.6.7 或更高版本 。
About Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1
- Enhance the Mac App Store to get your Mac ready to upgrade to Mac OS X Lion
- Resolve an issue that may cause Preview to unexpectedly quit
- Improve support for IPv6
- Improve VPN reliability
- Identify and remove known variants of Mac Defender
建议所有运行 Mac OS X Snow Leopard 的用户使用 10.6.8 更新。本更新包括常规的系统修复,增强了 Mac 的稳定性、兼容性和安全性,其中包括:
- 改进了 Mac App Store,以便 Mac 升级到 Mac OS X Lion
- 解决了可能导致“预览”意外退出的问题
- 增强了对 IPv6 的支持
- 增强了 VPN 的可靠性
- 可识别并移除 Mac Defender 的已知变体
如需本更新的详细信息,请访问此网站: 。
若要进一步了解本更新的安全性内容,请访问: 。
- 版本: 10.6.8
- 发布日期: 2011-7-25
- 下载 ID: DL1399
- 许可: Update
- 文件大小: 1.09 GB
Mac OS X v10.6 - Mac OS X 10.6.7
支持的语言- Deutsch, English, Français, 日本語, Español, Italiano, Nederlands, Dansk, Norsk Bokmål, Polski, Português, Português Brasileiro, Pусский, Suomi, Svensk, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 한국어
关于本机 Mac OS X v10.6.7 组合更新
建议所有运行 Mac OS X Snow Leopard 的用户使用“10.6.7 更新”。本更新对操作系统进行了常规性修复,增强了 Mac 的稳定性、兼容性和安全性。修复的内容包括:
- 增强了“回到我的 Mac”的可靠性
- 解决了将文件传输到某些 SMB 服务器时会出现的问题
- 解决了 Mac App Store 中的一些小问题
如需本更新的详细信息,清访问此网站: 。
如需进一步了解本更新的安全性内容,请访问: 。
- 版本: 10.6.7
- 发布日期: 2011-3-21
- 下载 ID: DL1361
- 文件大小: 1.12 GB
- Mac OS X v10.6 - Mac OS X 10.6.6
- Deutsch, English, Français, 日本語, Español, Italiano, Nederlands, Dansk, Norsk Bokmål, Polski, Português, Português Brasileiro, Pусский, Suomi, Svensk, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 한국어
Mac OS X 版本:10.6.3 / 版号:10d2084 / 序列号:W801929XAGW
CPU: Intel酷睿2双核i7-620M处理器,2.66GHz主频支持睿频技术,可加速至3.3GHz.
Memory: 4GB DDR3
Camera: iSight 130W 像素
Display: 集成Intel + NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M / 512MB / GDDR3 / 128bit / PCI-E 2.0 / ROPs 8
Interface: USB 2.0+mini DisplayPort+IEEE 1394接口+音频输入/输出接口+FireWire 800,RJ45,安全锁孔。
network: 内置1000M以太网卡+支持802.11 n无线网络协议+内置蓝牙2.1+EDR。
- 2.41 厘米 (0.95 英寸) 宽度:
- 36.4 厘米 (14.35 英寸) 深度:
- 24.9 厘米 (9.82 英寸) 重量:
- 2.54 千克 (5.6 磅) 1
- MagSafe 电源适配器端口
- 千兆以太网端口
- 一个 FireWire 800 端口 (速率高达 800 Mbps)
- Mini DisplayPort 端口
- 两个 USB 2.0 端口 (速率高达 480 Mbps)
- SD 卡槽
- 音频输入
- 音频输出
- Kensington 线缆锁孔
- 内置 AirPort Extreme Wi-Fi 无线网络2 (基于 IEEE 802.11n 规范);与 IEEE 802.11a/b/g 兼容
- 内置蓝牙 2.1 + EDR (提升的数据速率)
- 内置 10/100/1000BASE-T 千兆以太网卡 (RJ-45 接头)
- 带有低音炮的立体声扬声器
- 全向麦克风(位于左侧扬声器格栅下方)
- 音频输入迷你插孔(数字/模拟)
- 音频输出/耳机迷你插孔(数字/模拟)
- 支持带有麦克风的 Apple iPhone 耳机
MacBook Pro 具备以下设计特色以减少对环境的影响:
- 高度可回收的铝合金和玻璃外壳
- 不含汞的 LED 背光显示屏
- 不含砷的显示屏玻璃
- 不含溴化阻燃剂 (BFR)
- 不含聚氯乙烯 (PVC) 的内部线缆3
- 缩小的包装体积
- 符合 ENERGY STAR 能源之星 5.0 版要求
- 获 EPEAT 金级认证4
噪声发射标示值符合 ISO 9296 标准
声功率级 LWAd (B) 1B = 10dB | 声压级 操作员位置 LpAm (dB) | |||||
2.4 GHz | 2.53 GHz | 2.66 GHz | 2.4 GHz | 2.53 GHz | 2.66 GHz | |
闲置 | 2.9 | 2.8 | 2.8 | 18 | 16 | 18 |
硬盘驱动器访问 | 2.9 | 2.8 | 2.8 | 18 | 15 | 17 |
CD 驱动器访问 | - | 3.4 | 3.4 | - | 26 | 26 |
- LWAd 表示 A 计权声功率级的统计上限值(四舍五入到最接近的 0.1B)。
- LpAm 表示在操作员位置处测得的 A 计权声压级(四舍五入到最接近的 dB)。
- 1B (bel) = 10dB(分贝)。
- 15.4 英寸 (对角线) LED 背光光面宽显示屏,支持百万色彩
- 支持分辨率 : 16:10 宽高比可显示 1440 x 900 (初始)、1280 x 800、1152 x 720、1024 x 640、800 x 500 像素;4:3 宽高比可显示 1024 x 768、800 x 600 和 640 x 480 像素;4:3 拉伸宽高比可显示 1024 x 768、800 x 600 和 640 x 480 像素;3:2 宽高比可显示 720 x 480 像素;3:2 拉伸宽高比可显示 720 x 480 像素
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 图形处理器,2.4GHz 与 2.53GHz 配置与主内存共享 256MB GDDR3 显存;2.66GHz 配置共享 512MB GDDR3 显存
- Intel HD Graphics 图形处理器,与主内存共享 256MB DDR3 SDRAM 显存5
- 自动显卡切换
- 双显示与视频同步:同时支持初始分辨率下的内置显示屏和高达 2560 x 1600 像素的外接显示屏,两台显示屏都支持百万色彩
- 内置 iSight 摄像头
- Mini DisplayPort 端口
DVI 输出 使用 Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter 转换器(需单独购买)
VGA 输出 使用 Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter 转换器 (需单独购买)
Dual-link DVI 输出 使用 Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter 转换器,支持 30 英寸 Apple Cinema HD Display (需单独购买)
HDMI 输出 使用第三方 Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter 转换器
- 内置 78 (U.S.) 键或 79 (ISO) 键的标准尺寸背光键盘,包括 12 个功能键,4 个方向键(倒 "T" 形排列)
- Multi-Touch 触控板实现精准游标控制;支持双指惯性滚读、开合、旋转、轻扫、三指轻扫、四指轻扫、单击、双击和拖拽操作
- 2.4GHz 或 2.53GHz Intel Core i5 处理器,3MB 片上共享三级缓存;2.66GHz Intel Core i7 处理器,4MB 片上共享三级缓存
- 4GB (两个 2GB SO-DIMM) 1066MHz DDR3 内存;两个 SO-DIMM 插槽,最高支持 8GB
- 320GB 或 500GB 5400-rpm Serial ATA 硬盘6
- 8 倍速吸入式 SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW) 光驱
- 最大刻录速度:8 倍速 DVD-R 和 DVD+R;4 倍速 DVD-R DL (双层)、DVD+R DL (双层)、DVD-RW 和 DVD+RW;24 倍速 CD-R;10 倍速 CD-RW
- 最大读取速度:8 倍速 DVD-R、DVD+R、DVD-ROM;6 倍速 DVD-ROM (双层DVD-9)、DVD-R DL (双层)、DVD+R DL (双层)、DVD-RW、 DVD+RW;24 倍速 CD
- Up to 8-9 hours wireless productivity
- 77.5 瓦时内置锂电池
- 85 瓦 MagSafe 电源适配器,具有线缆管理系统
- MagSafe 电源适配器端口
- 电压:100 至 240 伏特交流电
- 频率:50 至 60Hz
- 操作温度:10℃ 至 35℃ (50°F 至 95°F)
- 存放温度:-24℃ 至 45℃ (-13°F 至 113° F)
- 相对湿度:0% 至 90% 间,非冷凝状态
- 最高操作高度:3,000 米 (10,000 英尺)
- 最高储存高度:4,500 米 (15,000 英尺)
- 最高装运高度:10,667 米 (35,000 英尺)
- MacBook Pro
- 显示屏清洁布
- 85 瓦 MagSafe 电源适配器, AC 插头和电源线
- 随机附送光盘
- 印刷和电子版手册
- Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard (包括 iTunes, Time Machine, Quick Look, Spaces, Spotlight, Dashboard, Mail, iChat, Safari, Address Book, QuickTime, iCal, DVD Player, Photo Booth, Front Row, Xcode 开发者工具)
- iLife (包括 iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, iWeb, GarageBand)
15 英寸配置
2.4GHz MacBook Pro (MC371CH/A) | 2.53GHz MacBook Pro (MC372CH/A) | 2.66GHz MacBook Pro (MC373CH/A) | ||||||
外壳 | 精密铝合金一体成型外壳 | |||||||
处理器 | 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 | 2.53GHz Intel Core i5 | 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 | |||||
三级缓存 | 3MB 共享 | 3MB 共享 | 4MB 共享 | |||||
内存 | 4GB (两个 2GB SO-DIMM) 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM; 最高支持 8GB | |||||||
硬盘6 | 320GB Serial ATA; 5400 rpm | 500GB Serial ATA; 5400 rpm | 500GB Serial ATA; 5400 rpm | |||||
吸入式光驱 | 8 倍速 SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW) | |||||||
图形处理器 | Intel HD Graphics5 和 NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 图形处理器,自动显卡切换 | |||||||
显存 | 256MB GDDR3 | 256MB GDDR3 | 512MB GDDR3 | |||||
视频 | iSight 摄像头; Mini DisplayPort 输出端口,支持 DVI、VGA、Dual-link DVI 和 HDMI (需要转换器,需单独购买) | |||||||
显示器 | 15.4 英寸 (对角线) LED 背光光面宽显示屏,1440 x 900 分辨率 | |||||||
扩展 | 一个 FireWire 800 端口 (高达 800 Mbps),两个 USB 2.0 端口 (高达 480 Mbps),SD 卡槽 | |||||||
音频 | 带有低音炮的立体声扬声器、全向麦克风、音频输入迷你插孔(数字/模拟)、音频输出/耳机迷你插孔(数字/模拟) | |||||||
网络 | 内置 10/100/1000BASE-T (千兆) 以太网卡 | |||||||
无线 | AirPort Extreme Wi-Fi (符合 IEEE 802.11n 规范)2 ;蓝牙 2.1 + EDR (增强的数据速率) 模块 | |||||||
硬件配件 | 85 瓦 MagSafe Power Adapter 电源适配器、交流电源插头、电源线 | |||||||
有限保证与服务 | 你的 MacBook Pro 附有 90 天的免费电话技术支持和为期一年的有限保修8 ; 你可以另外购买 AppleCare Protection Plan 以获得三年的服务和支持。只有 AppleCare Protection Plan 可以让你获得 Apple 的直接支持,并确保所有维修都由经过 Apple 认证的专业人员进行,并使用 Apple 原厂的维修零件。更多资讯,请查阅 Apple 技术支持或拨打 (86) 4006-272273。 | |||||||
Apple 与全球环境 | 进一步了解 Apple 为减少产品和生产流程对环境的影响而做出的贡献。Apple 产品环境规范详细介绍了 Apple 产品的环境特性。 | |||||||
循环利用 | Apple 采用全局观念看待材料管理和减少浪费的问题。了解如何循环利用你的 Mac。 |
Time Capsule
Time Capsule 是拥有内置硬盘的全功能 AirPort Extreme 基站。通过单一设备即可无线备份并建立无线网络连接。
- 1TB 或 2TB 服务器级硬盘
- 经 Wi-Fi 认证,符合 802.11n 2.0 规范
- USB 端口连接 USB 打印机或 USB 外接硬盘
- Apple Remote
- Apple Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter
- Apple Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter
- Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter
- MagSafe Airline Adapter
- AppleCare Protection Plan
- Aperture
- Final Cut Express
- Logic Express
- iWork
- Apple LED Cinema 显示器
- AirPort Extreme 基站
- AirPort Express 基站
- Apple Wireless Keyboard
- Magic Mouse
- Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad
- Apple Mouse
3.某些互联网接入服务商 (ISP) 所提供的上网服务可能与 AirPort 不相容。
4.MacBook Pro 于美国、加拿大、法国、德国和英国获得 EPEAT 授予的金级认证。
5.Mac OS X 的可用内存取决于图形需要。最低图形内存用量是 256MB。
6.1GB = 10 亿字节;格式化之后的实际容量可能较少。
7.2010 年 3 月,Apple 采用配备 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 处理器的试产版 MacBook Pro 机型进行了此项测试。
根据具体配置和使用情况的不同,实际电池使用时间会有所差异。请访问 了解详情。
无线生产力测试结果通过以无线方式浏览各种网站以及用文字处理软件进行文本编辑得出,测试时显示屏亮度调至普通状态的 50%。
8.如“三包”规定中的期限长于“保修期限表”规定的期限的, 则以“三包”规定的期限为准。
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) - Technical Specifications
Size and weight
- 0.95 inch (2.41 cm) Width:
- 14.35 inches (36.4 cm) Depth:
- 9.82 inches (24.9 cm) Weight:
- 5.6 pounds (2.54 kg) 1
Connections and expansion
- MagSafe power port
- Gigabit Ethernet port
- One FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps)
- Mini DisplayPort
- Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
- SD card slot
- Audio line in
- Audio line out
- Kensington lock slot
- AirPort Extreme Wi-Fi wireless networking2 (based on IEEE 802.11n specification); IEEE 802.11a/b/g compatible
- Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
- 10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45 connector)
- Stereo speakers with subwoofers
- Omnidirectional microphone (located under left speaker grille)
- Audio line in minijack (digital/analog)
- Audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog)
- Support for Apple iPhone headset with microphone
Environmental Status Report
MacBook Pro is designed with the following features to reduce its environmental impact:
- Highly recyclable aluminum and glass enclosure
- Mercury-free LED-backlit display
- Arsenic-free display glass
- BFR-free
- PVC-free3
- Reduced packaging volume
- Meets ENERGY STAR Version 5.0 requirements
- Rated EPEAT Gold4
Acoustic Performance
DECLARED NOISE EMISSIONS in accordance with ISO 9296
Sound Power Level LWAd (B) 1 B = 10 dB | Sound Pressure Level Operator Position LpAm (dB) | |||||
2.4 GHz | 2.53 GHz | 2.66 GHz | 2.4 GHz | 2.53 GHz | 2.66 GHz | |
Idle | 2.9 | 2.8 | 2.8 | 18 | 16 | 18 |
Hard drive accessing | 2.9 | 2.8 | 2.8 | 18 | 15 | 17 |
CD drive accessing | no value | 3.4 | 3.4 | no value | 26 | 26 |
- LWAd is the statistical upper-limit A-weighted sound power level (rounded to the nearest 0.1 B).
- LpAm is the mean A-weighted sound pressure level measured at the operator position (rounded to the nearest dB).
- 1 B (bel) = 10 dB (decibel).
- 15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen display with support for millions of colors
- Supported resolutions : 1440 by 900 (native), 1280 by 800, 1152 by 720, 1024 by 640, and 800 by 500 pixels at 16:10 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768, 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768, 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio stretched; 720 by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect ratio; 720 by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect ratio stretched
- Optional 15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen display with 1680 by 1050 pixels (glossy or antiglare)
Graphics and video support
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics processor with 256MB of GDDR3 memory on 2.4GHz and 2.53GHz configurations; or 512MB of GDDR3 memory on 2.66GHz configuration
- Intel HD Graphics with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory5
- Automatic graphics switching
- Dual display and video mirroring: Simultaneously supports full native resolution on the built-in display and up to 2560 by 1600 pixels on an external display, both at millions of colors
- iSight camera
- Mini DisplayPort
Pure digital video output
DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter (optional)
VGA output using Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter (optional)
Dual-link DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter supports 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display (optional)
HDMI output using a third-party Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter
- Full-size backlit keyboard with 78 (U.S.) or 79 (ISO) keys, including 12 function keys and 4 arrow keys (inverted “T” arrangement)
- Multi-Touch trackpad for precise cursor control; supports inertial scrolling, pinch, rotate, swipe, three-finger swipe, four-finger swipe, tap, double-tap, and drag capabilities
Processor and memory
- 2.4GHz or 2.53GHz Intel Core i5 processor with 3MB shared L3 cache; or 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache
- 4GB (two 2GB SO-DIMMs) of 1066MHz DDR3 memory; two SO-DIMM slots support up to 8GB
- 320GB or 500GB 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive; optional 500GB 7200-rpm hard drive, or 128GB, 256GB, or 512GB solid-state drive6
- 8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
- Maximum write: 8x DVD-R, DVD+R; 4x DVD-R DL (double layer), DVD+R DL (double layer), DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD-R; 10x CD-RW
- Maximum read: 8x DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-ROM; 6x DVD-ROM (double layer DVD-9), DVD-R DL (double layer), DVD+R DL (double layer), DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD
Battery and power7
- Built-in 77.5-watt-hour lithium-polymer battery
- 85W MagSafe Power Adapter with cable management system
- MagSafe power port
Electrical and operating requirements
- Line voltage: 100V to 240V AC
- Frequency: 50Hz to 60Hz
- Operating temperature: 50° to 95° F
(10° to 35° C) - Storage temperature: -13° to 113° F
(-24° to 45° C) - Relative humidity: 0% to 90% noncondensing
- Maximum operating altitude: 10,000 feet
- Maximum storage altitude: 15,000 feet
- Maximum shipping altitude: 35,000 feet
What’s in the box
- MacBook Pro
- Display cleaning cloth
- 85W MagSafe Power Adapter, AC wall plug, and power cord
- Software DVDs
- Printed and electronic documentation
- Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard (includes iTunes, Time Machine, Quick Look, Spaces, Spotlight, Dashboard, Mail, iChat, Safari, Address Book, QuickTime, iCal, DVD Player, Photo Booth, Front Row, Xcode Developer Tools)
- iLife (includes iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, iWeb, GarageBand)
15-inch Configurations
2.4GHz MacBook Pro (MC371LL/A) | 2.53GHz MacBook Pro (MC372LL/A) | 2.66GHz MacBook Pro (MC373LL/A) | ||||||
Enclosure | Precision aluminum unibody | |||||||
Processor | 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 | 2.53GHz Intel Core i5 | 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 | |||||
L3 cache | 3MB shared | 3MB shared | 4MB shared | |||||
Memory | 4GB (two 2GB SO-DIMMs) of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM; supports up to 8GB | |||||||
Hard drive6 | 320GB Serial ATA; 5400 rpm | 500GB Serial ATA; 5400 rpm | 500GB Serial ATA; 5400 rpm | |||||
Slot-loading optical drive | 8x SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW) | |||||||
Graphics | Intel HD Graphics5 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M with automatic graphics switching | |||||||
Graphics memory | 256MB GDDR3 | 256MB GDDR3 | 512MB GDDR3 | |||||
Video | iSight camera; Mini DisplayPort output port with support for DVI, VGA, dual-link DVI, and HDMI (requires adapters, sold separately) | |||||||
Display | 15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen display, 1440-by-900 resolution | |||||||
Expansion | One FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps), two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps), SD card slot | |||||||
Audio | Stereo speakers with subwoofers, omnidirectional microphone, audio line in minijack (digital/analog), audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog) | |||||||
Networking | 10/100/1000BASE-T (Gigabit) Ethernet | |||||||
Wireless | AirPort Extreme Wi-Fi (based on IEEE 802.11n specification)2 ; Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology | |||||||
Hardware accessories | 85W MagSafe Power Adapter, AC wall plug, power cord | |||||||
Limited warranty and service | Your MacBook Pro comes with 90 days of free telephone support and a one-year limited warranty. Purchase the AppleCare Protection Plan to extend your service and support to three years from your computer’s purchase date. Only the AppleCare Protection Plan provides you with direct telephone support from Apple technical experts and the assurance that repairs will be handled by Apple-authorized technicians using genuine Apple parts. For more information, visit Apple support or call 800-823-2775. | |||||||
Apple and the global environment | Learn more about Apple’s dedication to reducing the environmental impact of our products and processes. The Apple Product Environmental Specification details the environmental attributes of our products. | |||||||
Recycling | Apple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization. Learn more about how to recycle your Mac. |
Time Capsule
Time Capsule is a full-featured AirPort Extreme base station with a built-in hard drive. Back up wirelessly and create a Wi-Fi network with one device.
- 1TB or 2TB server-grade hard drive
- Wi-Fi Certified for 802.11n 2.0
- USB port for connecting a USB printer or USB external hard drive
Configure to order
- 500GB (5400-rpm) hard drive
- 500GB (7200-rpm) hard drive
- 128GB, 256GB, or 512GB solid-state drive
- Up to 8GB of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
- 1680-by-1050 high-resolution glossy display
- 1680-by-1050 high-resolution antiglare display
- Apple Remote
- Apple Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter
- Apple Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter
- Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter
- MagSafe Airline Adapter
- AppleCare Protection Plan
- Aperture
- Final Cut Express
- Logic Express
- iWork
- Apple LED Cinema Display
- AirPort Extreme Base Station
- AirPort Express Base Station
- Apple Wireless Keyboard
- Magic Mouse
- Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad
- Apple Mouse
2.Wireless Internet access requires a base station or other wireless access point and Internet access; fees may apply. Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort.
3.PVC-free AC power cord is available in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala,Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Venezuela.
4.MacBook Pro achieved a Gold rating from EPEAT in the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, and the UK.
6.1GB=1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less.
7.Testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.66GHz Intel Core i7-based MacBook Pro units. Battery life depends on configuration and use. See for more information.The wireless productivity test measures battery life by wirelessly browsing various websites and editing text in a word processor document with display brightness set to the middle setting.
Max Book Pro 373 / MacBookPro6,2
CPU = Intel Core i7 620M / 2.66GHz
CPU系列:酷睿i7 600(移动版)
插槽类型:LGA 1156
内存控制器:双通道DDR3 800/1066
虚拟化技术:Intel VT
Turbo Boost技术:支持
Intel灵活显示接口(Intel FDI)
增强型Intel SpeedStep动态节能技术
Intel Flex内存访问
Model number | sSpec number | Frequency | Turbo | GPU frequency | Cores | L2 cache | L3 cache | I/O bus | Mult. | Memory | Voltage | TDP | Socket | Release date | Part number(s) | Release price (USD ) |
standard power | ||||||||||||||||
Core i7-620M |
| 2.67 GHz | 3/5[ Note 1] | 500–766 MHz | 2 | 2 × 256 KB | 4 MB | DMI | 20× | 2 × DDR3-1066 | 0.775–1.4 V | 35 W |
| January 2010 |
| $332 |
Essentials | |
| Launched |
Launch Date
| Q1'10 |
Processor Number
| i7-620M |
# of Cores
| 2 |
# of Threads
| 4 |
Clock Speed
| 2.66 GHz |
Max Turbo Frequency
| 3.333 GHz |
Intel® Smart Cache
| 4 MB |
Bus/Core Ratio
| 20 |
| 2.5 GT/s |
Instruction Set
| 64-bit |
Instruction Set Extensions
| SSE4.1, SSE4.2 |
Embedded Options Available
| Yes |
| 32 nm |
| 35 W |
Recommended Customer Price
| TRAY: $332.00 |
Memory Specifications | |
Max Memory Size (dependent on memory type)
| 8 GB |
Memory Types
| DDR3-800/1066 |
# of Memory Channels
| 2 |
Max Memory Bandwidth
| 17.1 GB/s |
Physical Address Extensions
| 36-bit |
ECC Memory Supported
| No |
Graphics Specifications | |
Integrated Graphics
| Yes |
Graphics Base Frequency
| 500 MHz |
Graphics Max Dynamic Frequency
| 766 MHz |
Intel® Flexible Display Interface (Intel® FDI)
| Yes |
Intel® Clear Video HD Technology
| Yes |
Dual Display Capable
| Yes |
Macrovision* License Required
| No |
# of Displays Supported
| 2 |
Expansion Options | |
PCI Express Revision
| 2.0 |
PCI Express Configurations
| 1x16 |
# of PCI Express Lanes
| 1 |
Package Specifications | |
Max CPU Configuration
| 1 |
| 105°C |
Package Size
| rPGA 37.5mmx 37.5mm, BGA 34mmx28mm |
Processing Die Size
| 81 mm2 |
# of Processing Die Transistors
| 382 million |
Graphics and IMC Lithography
| 45 nm |
Graphics and IMC Die Size
| 114 mm2 |
# of Graphics and IMC Die Transistors
| 177 million |
Sockets Supported
| BGA1288, PGA988 |
Low Halogen Options Available
| See MDDS |
Advanced Technologies | |
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology
| Yes |
Intel® vPro Technology
| Yes |
Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology
| Yes |
Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x)
| Yes |
Intel® Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d)
| Yes |
Intel® Trusted Execution Technology
| Yes |
AES New Instructions
| Yes |
Intel® 64
| Yes |
Idle States
| Yes |
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology
| Yes |
Thermal Monitoring Technologies
| Yes |
Intel® Fast Memory Access
| Yes |
Intel® Flex Memory Access
| Yes |
Execute Disable Bit
| Yes |
Intel® VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT)
| Yes |
型号名称= MacBook Pro
型号标识符= MacBookPro6,2
处理器名称= Intel Core i7
处理器速度= 2.66 GHz
L2 高速缓存(每核)= 256 KB
L3 高速缓存= 4 MB
内存= 8 GB
处理器互连速度= 4.8 GT/秒
Boot ROM 版本= MBP61.0057.B0C
SMC 版本(系统)= 1.58f16
序列号(系统)= W801929XAGW
硬件 UUID= 88B63596-3B86-5D20-8D7D-55C7B0F8F2AE
Sudden Motion Sensor=状态:已启用
Memory=8GB / DDR3 1067MHz
ECC: 已停用
大小: 4 GB
类型: DDR3
速度: 1067 MHz
状态: 好
制造商: 0x80CE
部件号: 0x4D34373142353237334348302D4348392020
序列号: 0x97025CC9
大小: 4 GB
类型: DDR3
速度: 1067 MHz
状态: 好
制造商: 0x80CE
部件号: 0x4D34373142353237334348302D4348392020
序列号: 0x970259F3
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M / 512MB / GDDR3 / 128bit / PCI-E 2.0 / ROPs 8
GeForce 326.41 Driver for GeForce 300M Series (Notebooks)
GeForce GTS 360M,
GeForce GTS 350M,
GeForce GT 335M,
GeForce GT 330M,
GeForce GT 325M,
GeForce GT 320M,
GeForce 320M,
GeForce 315M,
GeForce 310M,
GeForce 305M
GPU-Z.0.6.6.exe / 大忽悠JS将失效 显卡帝详解显卡全参数
GPU: GT216 A2
Technology: 40 nm
Bus Interface: PCI-E 2.0 x16 @x16 1.1
Bus Width :128 bit
Brand 25.3GB/s
Memory Type: GDDR3
Memory Size: 512MB
Nvidia SLI: disabled
CUDA 处理器核心 | 48 |
Gigaflops | 182 |
核心频率 (MHz) | Up to 1265 MHz |
显存频率(MHz) | Up to 1066 (DDR3), Up to 800 (GDDR3) |
显存位宽 | 128-bit |
NVIDIA PureVideo® 技术 | HD |
支持NVIDIA PhysX™ | ![]() |
NVIDIA CUDA™ 技术 | ![]() |
OpenCL | ![]() |
HybridPower™ (混合动力) 技术 | ![]() |
Microsoft DirectX | Compute, 10.1 |
OpenGL | 2.1 |
支持的总线 | PCI-E 2.0 |
Windows Vista认证 | ![]() |
PowerMizer功率管理 | 8.0 |
最大数字分辨率 | 2560x1600 |
最大VGA分辨率 | 2048x1536 |
标准显示器接口 | HDMI Dual Link DVI Single Link DVI VGA DisplayPort |
多显示器 | ![]() |
HDCP | ![]() |
HDMI | ![]() |
- 本特性需要专用的视频软件支持。这些特性在不同产品上可能会有所不同。
- HDCP保护内容的播放还需要借助于其它 HDCP 兼容部件。
- 特定的 GeForce GPU (图形处理器)出厂时仅在硬件上支持 NVIDIA PhysX 技术。用户在安装 NVIDIA PhysX 驱动程序之后才可以体验到游戏中的 GPU PhysX 加速效果。如需了解更多信息,敬请浏览。
- 需要支持NVIDIA HybridPower™(混合动力)技术的主板。
- 仅限于SLI®(速力™)笔记本
- 高性能GeForce®(精视™)DirectX 10.1图形处理器
NVIDIA®(英伟达™)GeForce®(精视™)GT高性能级GPU(图形处理器)包含性能强劲的DirectX 10.1、Shader Model 4.1图形处理器,可完全兼容过去和现在的众多游戏,同时呈现所有纹理细节、高动态范围照明效果以及游戏开发人员想让玩家看到的视觉特效。 水流效果、柔性阴影、面部细节、爆炸特效、表面纹理以及复杂的几何结构为用户构建了影院级的虚拟世界,带来惊心动魄的刺激体验。 当然,所有这些特效的呈现将实现高分辨率以及可玩性帧速率,从而为玩家带来身临其境、心跳加速的游戏体验。 - CUDA 技术
NVIDIA®(英伟达™)CUDA™技术可释放GPU(图形处理器)中众多处理核心的强大动力来加速视频转码等最棘手的系统任务,与传统CPU相比,实现了惊人的性能提升。 - PureVideo®(影擎™)HD 1080p技术
NVIDIA®(英伟达™)PureVideo®(影擎™)HD技术可令最新的蓝光电影栩栩如生。 仅消耗极少的电力即可在屏幕上再现锐利的图像、平滑的视频过渡以及鲜艳的色彩。 通过与先进的高清电影软件播放器整合在一起,PureVideo HD引擎取代了功耗巨大的CPU来处理视频解码任务,延长了电池续航时间,减少了风扇噪音并将CPU解放出来使其能够进行多任务处理,从而让你不会错过任 何一个场景。 - 智能SLI®(速力™) — 混合动力(Hybrid Power)技术
NVIDIA®(英伟达™)HybridPower™(混合动力)技术可智能地为GeForce®(精视™)GT GPU(图形处理器)提供电力,从而在你插入外接电源时发挥出最佳性能,在你拔下插头时将其关闭以延长电池续航时间。
Hitachi 500GB 5400rpm(Revolutions Per Minute)
AJA System Test
Check the performance of any drive on your system to ensure it is tuned for the performance you need. Now Gatekeeper certified for OS X Mountain Lion. Note: the AJA System Test is provided as part of the system installation for all KONA cards and the Io HD-it is not a separate download.
BlackMagicDesign / Disk Speed Test
Mac OS X Snow Lepard 10.6.8 / CPU=4.8GT/s
Raid0=Toshiba 500G 3.0Gb/s+ Hitachi 500G 3.0Gb/s
DISK Read = 127.5MB/S
DISK Write = 146.5MB/S
prolink mini DP-HDMI音视频线
Belkin 4K Mini DisplayPort to HDMI 连接线 (2 米/6.5 英尺)
MacOS X 配置公司代理上网方法 (fuck)
export http_proxy=http://07121038:Sn%4012345@
export http_proxy=http://yourusername:yourpassword@host:port/
export https_proxy=$http_proxy
方法儿,编辑文件,局部变量写法,编写文件 vim ~/.bash_profile
export http_proxy=$proxy
export HTTP_PROXY=$proxy
使文件生效,终端输入source ~/.bash_profile
制作正式版10.11 OS X El Capitan 安装U盘(优盘)
全平台通吃 苹果OS X El Capitan安装攻略