B2. Copy owsbrowse.js and backup it {pls note change owsbrowse.js will effect all DLs' display on portal}
B3. Go to bottom insert the below codes:
Reference/*ideas coming from Mark Beecham
Adding Logout functionality to a Sharepoint Portal Site,
Open the OWSBROWS.JS and locate the line:
var browseris = new Browseris();
Paste the following code under this line.
/* START - Custom Code*/
//Attach to Load event
window.attachEvent("onload", new Function("Change_OnLoad();"));
//Change the displayname of a column in DLs
function Change_OnLoad()
var ele = document.getElementsByName("diidSortEditor");
var i=0;
for (i=0;i< ele.length;i++)
ele[i].innerText="Changed By";
//Do Nothing - if it doesn't work then no logout appears
}//end of try
}//end of fucntion Change_Onload
/* END - Custom Code*/