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    package com.xinyartech.erp.core.constant;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
     * 全局常量类
    public class GlobalConstant {
         * 定时任务默认用户
        public static final long USER_DEFAULT = -1L;
         * 批量插入默认单次提交数据量
        public static final int BATCH_INSERT_DEFAULT = 500;
         * 类别层级限制
        public static final int CATEGORY_LIMIT = 5;
         * 金额  *10000
        public static final BigDecimal CALCULATED_QUANTITY_BD = new BigDecimal(10000);
         * 保留位数
        public static final int SCALE = 4;
         * 成分拆分金额保留位数
        public static final int COMPONENT_SCALE = 2;
         * 计算数量  *10000
        public static final int CALCULATED_QUANTITY = 10000;
         * redis token 存活时间 暂定10天
        public  static final Long  EXPIRETIME = 864000L;
         * 计算数量  *10000
        public static final Long CALCULATED_QUANTITY_LONG = 10000L;
         * 初始容量大小
        public static final int INITIALCAPACITY = 30;
         * UTF-8编码
        public static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8";
         * true/启动/正常/激活等
        public static final Byte TRUE = 1;
         * false/不启动/删除/禁用等
        public static final Byte FALSE = 0;
         * 用户默认密码
        public static final String USER_DEFAULT_PSW = "123456";
         * 数字字段为空并且不展示时,设置-1
        public static final int EMPTY_NUMBER_SHOW_DEFAULT = -1;
        public static final String STATE = "2";
         * 是否是系统设置
        public static class System {
             * 不是系统设置
            public static final Integer FALSE = 0;
             * 是系统设置
            public static final Integer True = 1;
         * 审核状态
        public static class Audit {
             * 未审核
            public static final Byte FALSE = 0;
             * 已审核
            public static final Byte TRUE = 1;
        public static class ProductType {
             * 组合商品
            public static final Byte COMBINATION = 2;
        public static class Zero {
            public static final long LONG = 0L;
            public static final int INT = 0;
            public static final String STRING = "0";
        public static class One{
            public static final long LONG = 1L;
            public static final int INT = 1;
            public static final String STRING = "1";
        public static class Normal {
             * true/启动/正常/激活等
            public static final Byte TRUE = 0;
             * false/不启动/删除/禁用等
            public static final Byte FALSE = 1;
             * ready/新品申请单备用状态
            public static final Byte READY = 2;
         * http请求方式
         * @author Lynch
        public static class Method {
            public static final String GET = "GET";
            public static final String POST = "POST";
            public static final String PUT = "PUT";
            public static final String DELETE = "DELETE";
         * 请求头
         * @author Lynch
        public static class Header {
             * 请求头Authorization
            public static final String AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization";
             * 请求头sign
            public static final String SIGN = "sign";
             * 请求头timestamp
            public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
         * 分店名称字典
         * @author Lynch
        public static class BranchName {
             * 字典编号
            public static final String TYPE_CODE = "BRANCH_NAME";
             * 字典key-总店
            public static final String KEY_HEAD_BRANCH = "HEAD_BRANCH";
         * 超级用户字典
         * @author Lynch
        public static class SuperUser {
             * 字典编号
            public static final String TYPE_CODE = "SUPER_USER";
             * 字典key-超级用户
            public static final String KEY_SUPER_USER = "SUPER_USER";
         * 二维码类型
        public static class BarCode {
             * 主条形码
            public static final Byte MAIN = 1;
             * 辅助条形码
            public static final Byte AUXILIARY = 2;
         * 是否总店
        public static class IsHeadBranch {
             * 不是(分店)
            public static final Byte FALSE = 0;
             * 是(总店)
            public static final Byte TRUE = 1;
         * 数据权限是否受限制: -1 无法识别; 0 不受限制; 1:受限制
        public static class ISLIMIT {
             * 无法识别
            public static final Integer UNKNOW = -1;
             * 不受限制
            public static final Integer UNLIMIT = 0;
             * 受限制
            public static final Integer LIMITED = 1;
         * 时间类型
        public static class DateType {
             * 年
            public static final Byte YEAR = 1;
             * 月
            public static final Byte MONTH = 2;
        public static final String UPDATE = "update";
        public static final String INSERT = "insert";
        public static final String DELETE = "delete";
         * 盘点批量处理数量
        public static final Integer BATCH_HANDLER = 50000;
         * 系统历史数据类型
        public static class sysHistoryType{
            /** 系统日志 **/
            public static final String SYS_LOG = "sysLog";
            /** 收银日志 **/
            public static final String CASH_LOG = "cashLog";
            /** pos流水 **/
            public static final String POS_FLOW = "posFlow";
            /** 业务单据 **/
            public static final String BUSINESS_BILL = "businessBill";
            /** 账款数据 **/
            public static final String ACCOUNT_BILL = "accountBill";
         * 操作日志-操作类型
        public static class operateType{
            public static final String SAVE = "新增";
            public static final String DELETE = "删除";
            public static final String UPDATE = "修改";
            public static final String LOGIN = "登录";
            public static final String SAVE_OR_UPDATE = "新增或修改";
            public static final String IMPORT = "导入";
            public static final String EXPORT = "导出";
         * 操作日志-模块名
        public static class moduleName{
            public static final String DA = "档案";
            public static final String CG = "采购";
            public static final String CX = "促销";
            public static final String LS = "零售";
            public static final String HY = "会员";
            public static final String YX = "营销";
            public static final String KG = "库管";
            public static final String PS = "配送";
            public static final String JS = "结算";
            public static final String BB = "报表";
            public static final String XT = "系统";
        /** 同步积分、储值、零钱主题 **/
        public static final String TOPIC_VIP_ALL = "topic.vip.all";
        public static final String TOPIC_SALES = "topic.sales";
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/linjiqin/p/12838092.html
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