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  • mysql语句

    select * from emp;  #注释
    net start mysql
    net stop mysql
    mysql -h 主机地址 -u 用户名 -p 用户密码
    #修改密码:首先在DOS 下进入mysql安装路径的bin目录下,然后键入以下命令:
    mysqladmin -uroot -p123 password 456;
    #格式:grant 权限 on 数据库.* to 用户名@登录主机 identified by '密码'
    如,增加一个用户user1密码为password1,让其可以在本机上登录, 并对所有数据库有查询、插入、修改、删除的权限。首先用以root用户连入mysql,然后键入以下命令:
    grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to user1@localhost Identified by "password1";
    grant select,insert,update,delete on mydb.* to user1@localhost identified by "";
    grant all privileges on wpj1105.* to sunxiao@localhost identified by '123';   #all privileges 所有权限
    show databases;
    drop database if exists wpj1105;
    create database wpj1105;
    drop database wpj1105;
    use wpj1105;
    show tables;
    drop table if exists student;
    create table student(
    id int auto_increment primary key,
    name varchar(50),
    sex varchar(20),
    date varchar(50),
    content varchar(100)
    )default charset=utf8;
    drop table student;
    describe student;  #可以简写为desc student;
    insert into student values(null,'aa','','1988-10-2','......');
    insert into student values(null,'bb','','1889-03-6','......');
    insert into student values(null,'cc','','1889-08-8','......');
    insert into student values(null,'dd','','1889-12-8','......');
    insert into student values(null,'ee','','1889-09-6','......');
    insert into student values(null,'ff','null','1889-09-6','......');
    select * from student;
    select id,name from student;
    update student set sex='' where id=4;
    delete from student where id=5;
    # and 且
    select * from student where date>'1988-1-2' and date<'1988-12-1';
    # or 或
    select * from student where date<'1988-11-2' or date>'1988-12-1';
    select * from student where date between '1988-1-2' and '1988-12-1';
    #in 查询制定集合内的数据
    select * from student where id in (1,3,5);
    #排序 asc 升序  desc 降序
    select * from student order by id asc;
    #分组查询 #聚合函数
    select max(id),name,sex from student group by sex;
    select min(date) from student;
    select avg(id) as '求平均' from student;
    select count(*) from student;   #统计表中总数
    select count(sex) from student;   #统计表中性别总数  若有一条数据中sex为空的话,就不予以统计~
    select sum(id) from student;
    select * from student limit 2,5;  #显示3-5条数据

     插入insert into table1(field1,field2) values(value1,value2)
     删除delete from table1 where 范围
     更新update table1 set field1=value1 where 范围
     查找select * from table1 where field1 like ’%value1%’ ---like的语法很精妙,查资料!
     排序select * from table1 order by field1,field2 [desc]
     总数select count as totalcount from table1
     求和select sum(field1) as sumvalue from table1
     平均select avg(field1) as avgvalue from table1
     最大select max(field1) as maxvalue from table1
     最小select min(field1) as minvalue from table1
  • 相关阅读:
    转载:用 Tomcat 和 Eclipse 开发 Web 应用程序
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/linmiaopi/p/11216932.html
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