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  • mac 安装protobuf,并编译为java,c++,python




    Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
    Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
    C++ Installation - Unix
    To build and install the C++ Protocol Buffer runtime and the Protocol
    Buffer compiler (protoc) execute the following:
      $ ./configure
      $ make
      $ make check
      $ make install
    If "make check" fails, you can still install, but it is likely that
    some features of this library will not work correctly on your system.
    Proceed at your own risk.
    "make install" may require superuser privileges.
    For advanced usage information on configure and make, see INSTALL.txt.
    ** Hint on install location **
      By default, the package will be installed to /usr/local.  However,
      on many platforms, /usr/local/lib is not part of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
      You can add it, but it may be easier to just install to /usr
      instead.  To do this, invoke configure as follows:
        ./configure --prefix=/usr
      If you already built the package with a different prefix, make sure
      to run "make clean" before building again.
    ** Compiling dependent packages **
      To compile a package that uses Protocol Buffers, you need to pass
      various flags to your compiler and linker.  As of version 2.2.0,
      Protocol Buffers integrates with pkg-config to manage this.  If you
      have pkg-config installed, then you can invoke it to get a list of
      flags like so:
        pkg-config --cflags protobuf         # print compiler flags
        pkg-config --libs protobuf           # print linker flags
        pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf  # print both
      For example:
        c++ my_program.cc my_proto.pb.cc `pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf`
      Note that packages written prior to the 2.2.0 release of Protocol
      Buffers may not yet integrate with pkg-config to get flags, and may
      not pass the correct set of flags to correctly link against
      libprotobuf.  If the package in question uses autoconf, you can
      often fix the problem by invoking its configure script like:
        configure CXXFLAGS="$(pkg-config --cflags protobuf)" 
                  LIBS="$(pkg-config --libs protobuf)"
      This will force it to use the correct flags.
      If you are writing an autoconf-based package that uses Protocol
      Buffers, you should probably use the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro in your
      configure script like:
        PKG_CHECK_MODULES([protobuf], [protobuf])
      See the pkg-config man page for more info.
      If you only want protobuf-lite, substitute "protobuf-lite" in place
      of "protobuf" in these examples.
    ** Note for cross-compiling **
      The makefiles normally invoke the protoc executable that they just
      built in order to build tests.  When cross-compiling, the protoc
      executable may not be executable on the host machine.  In this case,
      you must build a copy of protoc for the host machine first, then use
      the --with-protoc option to tell configure to use it instead.  For
        ./configure --with-protoc=protoc
      This will use the installed protoc (found in your $PATH) instead of
      trying to execute the one built during the build process.  You can
      also use an executable that hasn't been installed.  For example, if
      you built the protobuf package for your host machine in ../host,
      you might do:
        ./configure --with-protoc=../host/src/protoc
      Either way, you must make sure that the protoc executable you use
      has the same version as the protobuf source code you are trying to
      use it with.
    ** Note for Solaris users **
      Solaris 10 x86 has a bug that will make linking fail, complaining
      about libstdc++.la being invalid.  We have included a work-around
      in this package.  To use the work-around, run configure as follows:
        ./configure LDFLAGS=-L$PWD/src/solaris
      See src/solaris/libstdc++.la for more info on this bug.
    ** Note for HP C++ Tru64 users **
      To compile invoke configure as follows:
        ./configure CXXFLAGS="-O -std ansi -ieee -D__USE_STD_IOSTREAM"
      Also, you will need to use gmake instead of make.
    C++ Installation - Windows
    If you are using Microsoft Visual C++, see vsprojects/readme.txt.
    If you are using Cygwin or MinGW, follow the Unix installation
    instructions, above.
    Binary Compatibility Warning
    Due to the nature of C++, it is unlikely that any two versions of the
    Protocol Buffers C++ runtime libraries will have compatible ABIs.
    That is, if you linked an executable against an older version of
    libprotobuf, it is unlikely to work with a newer version without
    re-compiling.  This problem, when it occurs, will normally be detected
    immediately on startup of your app.  Still, you may want to consider
    using static linkage.  You can configure this package to install
    static libraries only using:
      ./configure --disable-shared
    Java and Python Installation
    The Java and Python runtime libraries for Protocol Buffers are located
    in the java and python directories.  See the README file in each
    directory for more information on how to compile and install them.
    Note that both of them require you to first install the Protocol
    Buffer compiler (protoc), which is part of the C++ package.
    The complete documentation for Protocol Buffers is available via the
    web at:

    3、确认安装过GCC:终端下输入gcc  - -version 测试

    4、终端切换管理员:sudo su,输入密码后如果看到sh-3.2#,表明成功。 

    5、终端下切换到protobuf。cd protobuf-2.5.0

    6、在终端输入. / configure。注:或者输入:./configure - -prefix=$INSTALL_DIR


    $ make
    $ make check
    $ make install

    输入protoc - - version检查是否安装成功。

    8、添加到路径:./configure --prefix=/usr


    10、编译代码,把msg.proto放在protobuf-2.5.0下的exmaples文件夹下,终端进去cd protobuf-2.5.0:

    (1)、编译为java:  protoc --java_out=./examples ./examples/msg.proto

    (2)、编译为c++:  protoc --cpp_out=./examples ./examples/msg.proto

    (3)、编译为python:  protoc --python_out=./examples ./examples/msg.proto


    option java_package = "com.protobuftest.protobuf"; 
    option java_outer_classname = "PersonProbuf"; 
    message Person { 
      required string name = 1; 
      required int32 id = 2; 
      optional string email = 3; 
      enum PhoneType { 
        MOBILE = 0; 
        HOME = 1; 
        WORK = 2; 
      message PhoneNumber { 
        required string number = 1; 
        optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME]; 
      repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4; 
      message CountryInfo {
              required string name = 1;
              required string code = 2;
              optional int32 number = 3;
    message AddressBook { 
      repeated Person person = 1; 





    Person john =
        .setName("John Doe")


    4、protobuf 中文翻译:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/301f260e90c69ec3d5bb75ab.html

  • 相关阅读:
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER函数的基本用法用法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liqw/p/3696309.html
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