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  • sql重点题

    2.首先建立表空间(tablespaces),点击file->new->sql window
       1) DATAFILE: 表空间数据文件存放路径
       2) SIZE: 起初设置为200M
       3) UNIFORM: 指定区尺寸为128k,如不指定,区尺寸默认为64k
       4) 空间名称MOF_TEMP与 数据文件名称 MOF_TEMP.dbf 不要求相同,可随意命名.
       5) AUTOEXTEND ON/OFF 表示启动/停止自动扩展表空间
       6) alter database datafile ' D:/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/orcl/MOF_TEMP.dbf ' resize 500m;

        //手动修改数据文件大小为 500M
    --drop tablespace "001_TEST_TEMP" including contents and datafiles;

    create temporary tablespace "001_TEST_TEMP" tempfile 'E:DB02_sqlscript01_oracle01_TEST_TEMP.dbf' size 50m
    autoextend on
    next 50m maxsize 20480m
    extent management local;
    create tablespace "001_TEST_DATA"
    datafile 'E:DB02_sqlscript01_oracle01_TEST_DATA.dbf' size 50m
    autoextend on next 50m maxsize unlimited logging 
    extent management local autoallocate
    segment space management auto;

    -- 3,创建用户并指定表空间
    create user TEST_DATA                --创建用户名
    identified by "123456"             --创建密码
    default tablespace "001_TEST_DATA"      --默认表空间 
    temporary tablespace "001_TEST_TEMP";    --临时表空间(默认的)
    -- 3,创建用户并指定表空间
    create user TEST_DATA identified by "123456" default tablespace "001_TEST_DATA" temporary tablespace "001_TEST_TEMP";    
    select * from dba_users where username like 'TEST_DATA';
    delete from dba_users where username='TEST_DATA';

    -- Grant/Revoke role privileges 
    grant dba to TEST_DATA;
    -- Grant/Revoke system privileges 
    grant unlimited tablespace to TEST_DATA; --开放所有的表空间对此用户

      sno       VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
      sname     VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
      ssex      VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
      sbirthday timestamp  NULL,
      class     VARCHAR(20) NULL

    select * from dba_tables;这里可以看到此数据库下的所有表
    select * from tabs;或者select * from user_tables; 只能查询此用户有权限的表,不一定是此用户自己创建的表
    --select * from tabs;
    --select * from user_tables;

    /* 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列*/
    select distinct depart from T_001_TEACHER;
    select * from T_001_STUDENT;
    select * from T_001_SCORE where degreee between 60 and 80;
    select * from T_001_SCORE where degreee in (85,86,88);
    select * from T_001_STUDENT where class='95031' or ssex='女';
    select * from T_001_STUDENT order by class desc;
    selecct * from T_001_SCORE order by cno asc,degreee desc;
    select count(*) from T_001_STUDENT where class='95031';
    /*嵌套查询 */
    select sno,cno from T_001_SCORE where degreee > (
           select degreee from T_001_SCORE--无逗号结尾
    select sno,cno from T_001_SCORE where degreee > (
           select max(degree) from T_001_SCORE
    select sno,con from T_001_SCORE order by degreee desc limit 0,1;
    select cno,avg(degreee) as '每门课的平均成绩'  from T_001_SCORE group by cno;
    select cno,avg(degreee) from T_001_SCORE where cno like '3%' 
           group by cno having count(sno) >= 5;
    select from T_001_SCORE where con like '3%' and cno in(
           select con from T_001_SCORE group by con having count(sno) >=5 
    select sno from T_001_SCORE where degreee > 70 and degreee <90;
    select sname,cno,degreee from T_001_STUDENT a inner join T_001_SCORE b
           on a.sno = b.sno;
    select sname,cno,degreee from T_001_STUDENT a,T_001_SCORE b where a.sno = b.sno;
    select avg(b.degreee) from T_001_STUDENT a, T_001_SCORE b where a.sno=b.sno and a.class='95033';
    select avg(degreee) from T_001_SCORE where sno in(
           select sno from T_001_STUDENT where class='95033'

    select * from T_001_STUDENT a,T_001_SCORE b T_001_COURSE C where a.sno = b.sno and b.cno = c.cno
           and c.cno = '3-105' and b.degreee > 109;
    select * from T_001_STUDENT where sno in (
           select sno from T_001_SCORE where degreee > 109 and cno ='3-105'
    select * from T_001_SCORE where degreee>(
           select degreee from T_001_STUDENT where sno=109 and cno = '3-105'
    select sno,sname,sbirthday from T_001_STUDENT year(sbirthday) = (
           select year(sbirthday) from T_001_STUDENT where sno in(108,101)
    select a.sno,b.degreee from T_001_STUDENT a,T_001_SCORE b where a.sno = b.sno 
           and b.cno = (
               select c.cno from T_001_COURSE c, T_001_TEACHER d where c.tno = d.tno and d.tname = '张旭'
           ) ;
    select sno,degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno in (
           select cno from T_001_COURSE where tno in(
                  select tno from T_001_TEACHER where tname='张旭'
    select tname from T_001_TEACHER tno in (
           select a.tno from T_001_COURSE a,T_001_SCORE b where a.cno = b.cno 
                  group by a.cno having count(sno) >5 
    select Tname from Teacher where Tno in (
           select Tno from Course where Cno in (
                  select Cno from Score group by Cno having count(Sno)>5)
    select * from T_001_STUDENT a,T_001_SCORE b,T_001_COURSE where a.sno = b.sno 
           and b.cno =c.cno 
               and class='95033' or '95031';
    select * from T_001_SCORE where cno in(
           select cno from T_001_COURSE where tno in(
                  select tno from T_001_TEACHER where depart='计算机系'
    select tname,prof from T_001_TEACHER where depart='计算机系' or '电子工程系' and prof not in(
           select prof from T_001_TEACHER where depart='计算机系' or '电子工程系';--既有计算机系的prof也有电子工程系的prof
    );--最后not in==既没有计算机系的prof也没有电子工程系的prof。
    select Tname,Prof from Teacher where Prof not in (
           select Prof from Teacher where Depart = '电子工程系' and Prof in (
                  select Prof from Teacher where Depart = '计算机系'
    select cno,sno,degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno='3-105' and degreee > (
           any(select degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno ='3-245')
    ) order by degreee desc;
    select cno,sno,degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno='3-105' and degreee > (
           min(select degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno ='3-245')
    ) order by degreee desc;
    select * from student where 班级='01' and age > all (select age from student where 班级='02');
    就是说,查询出01班中,年龄大于 02班所有人 的 同学
    select * from student where 班级='01' and age > (select max(age) from student where 班级='02');

    select * from student where 班级='01' and age > any (select age from student where 班级='02');
    就是说,查询出01班中,年龄大于 02班任意一个 的 同学
    select * from student where 班级='01' and age > (select min(age) from student where 班级='02');
    select cno,sno,degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno='3-105' and degreee>(
           all(select degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno='3-245')
    select cno,sno,degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno='3-105' and degreee>(
           max(select degreee from T_001_SCORE where cno='3-245')
    select sname,ssex,sbirthday from T_001_STUDENT
    select tname,tsex,tbirthday from T_001_TEACHER;
    select sno,cno from T_001_SCORE where degreee < (
           select avg(degreee) from T_001_SCORE group by cno
    select * from score a  where degree < (
           select avg(degree) from score b where b.cno=a.cno
    select * from score a where degree<”子查询获得的一个数据值“ 
    select avg(degree) from score b where a.cno=b.cno 
    请注意这个子查询的from子句里只有一张表 b ,但是where子句里却出现了第二张表 a , 

    select tname,depart from T_001_TEACHER where tno not in (
           select tno from T_001_COURSE where cno in(
                  select cno from T_001_SCORE ;
    select from T_001_STUDENT where ssex='男' group by class having count(sno) > 1;

    select * from T_001_STUDENT where not like '王%';
    select sname,year(now())-year(sbirthday) as '年龄' from T_001_STUDENT;
    select max(sbirthday),min(sbirthday) from T_001_STUDENT ;
    select tno,cno,cname from T_001_COURSE where tno in(
           select tno from T_001_TEACHER where tsex='男'
    select Cno,Cname,Tname from Course,Teacher where Course.Tno=Teacher.Tno and Tsex='男';
    select Cno,Cname,Tname from Course inner join Teacher on Course.Tno=Teacher.Tno where Tsex='男';
    select sno,cno,degreee from T_001_SCORE order by Degree desc limit 0,1;
    select sno,cno,degreee from T_001_SCORE where Degree = (
           select max(degreee) from T_001_SCORE
    select sname from T_001_STUDENT where ssex = (
           select ssex fromm T_001_STUDENT where sname='李军'
    select sname from T_001_STUDENT where ssex = (
           select ssex fromm T_001_STUDENT where sname='李军'
    class = (
          select class fromm T_001_STUDENT where sname='李军'
    select sno,degreee from T_001_SCORE where sno  in(
           select sno from t_001_Student where ssex='男'
    )and cno =(
         select cno from T_001_COURSE where cname='计算机导论'

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lirenhe/p/9774463.html
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