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  • Effective C++

    Effective C++
                       55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and design
    1、让自己习惯C++。 Accustoming yourself to C++
    条款01:视C++为一个语言联邦。 View C++ as a federation of languages.
    条款02:尽量以const enum inline 替换 #define。 Prefer const,enum and inline to #define.
    条款03:尽可能使用const。 Use const whenever possible.
    条款04:确定对象被使用之前已被初始化。 Make sure that objects are initialed before they're used.
    2、构造、析构、赋值运算 Constructors, Destructors, and Assignment Operators
    条款05:了解C++默默编写并调用了那些函数。 Know what functions C++ silently writes and calls.
    条款06:若不想使用编译器自动生成的函数就该明确拒绝。 Explicitly disallow the use of compile-generated functions you do not want.
    条款07:为多态基类声明virtual析构函数。 Declare destructors virtual in polymorphic base classes.
    条款08:别让异常逃离析构函数。 Prevent exception from leaving destructors.
    条款09:决不在构造和析构过程中调用virtual函数。 Never call virtual function in construction and destruction.
    条款10:令operator=返回一个reference to *this。 Have assignment operators return a reference to *this.
    条款11:在operator=中处理“自我赋值”。 Handle assignment to self in operator=.
    条款12:复制对象时勿忘你每一个部分。 Copy all parts of an boject.
    3、资源管理 Resource management
    条款13:以对象管理资源。 Use objects to manage resource.
    条款14:在资源管理类中小心coping行为。 Think carefully about coping behavior in resource-managing classes.
    条款15:在资源管理类提供对原始资源的访问。 Provide access to raw resource in resource-managing classes.
    条款16:成对使用new和delete时要采取相同形式。 Use the same form in corresponding uses of new and delete.
    条款17:以独立语句将newed对象置入智能指针。 Store newed object in smart pointers in standalone statements.
    4、设计与声明 Designs and declarations
    条款18:让接口容易被正确使用,不易被误用。 Make interface easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly.
    条款19:设计class犹如设计type。 Treat class design as type design.
    条款20:宁以pass-by-reference-to-const替代pass-by-value。 Prefer pass-by-reference-to-const to pass-by-value.
    条款21:必须返回对象时,别妄想返回其reference。 Don't try to return a reference when you must return an object.
    条款22:将成员变量声明为private。 Declare data member private.
    条款23:宁以non-member、non-friend替换member函数。 Prefer non-menber and non-friend to member function.
    条款24:若所有参数皆需类型转换,请为此才用non-menber函数。 Declare non-member function when type conversions shoud apply to all parameters.
    条款25:考虑写出一个不抛出异常的swap函数。 Consider support for a non-throwing swap.
    5、实现 Implementations
    条款26:尽可能延后变量定义式的出现时间。 Postpone variable definitions as long as possible.
    条款27:尽量少做转型动作。 Minimize casting.
    条款28:避免返回handle指向对象内部成分。 Avoid returning "handle" to object internals.
    条款29:为“异常安全”努力是值得的。 Strive for excecption-sage code.
    条款30:透彻了解inlining的里里外外。 Understand ins and outs of inlining.
    条款31:将文件的编译依存关系降至最低。 Minimize compliation dependencies between files.
    6、继承与面向对象设计 Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design
    条款32:确定你的public继承塑模出is-a关系。 Make sure public inheritance models "is-a".
    条款33:避免遮掩继承而来的名称。 Avoid hiding inherited names.
    条款34:区分接口继承和实现继承。 Differentiate between inheritance of interface and inheritance of implementation.
    条款35:考虑virtual函数以外的其他选择。 Consider alternative to virtual functions.
    条款36:绝不重新定义继承而来的non-virtual函数。 Never redefine an inherited non-virtual function.
    条款37:绝不重新定义缺省参数值。 Never redefine a function's inherited default parameter value.
    条款38:通过复合塑模出has-a或“根据某物实现出”。 Model "has-a" or "is-implemented-in-terms-of" through composition.
    条款39:明智而审慎的使用private。 Use private inheritance judiciously.
    条款40:明智而审慎的使用多继承。 Use multiple inheritance judiciously.
    7、模板与泛型编程 Templates and generic Programming
    条款41:了解隐式接口与编译期多态。 Understand implicit interfaces and complile-time polymorphism.
    条款42:了解typename的双重意义。 Understand the two meaning of typename.
    条款43:学习处理模板化基类内的名称。 Know how to access names in templaized base classes.
    条款44:将与参数无关的代码抽离template。 Factor parameter-independent code out of templates.
    条款45:运用成员函数模板接受所有兼容类型。 Use member function template to accept "all compatible types".
    条款46:需要类型转换时请为模板定义非成员函数。 Define non-member functions inside templates when type conversions are desired.
    条款47:请使用traits classes表现类型信息。 Use traits classes for information about types.
    条款48:认识template元编程。 Be aware template metaprogramming.
    8、定制new和delete Customizing new and delete
    条款49:了解new-handler的行为。 Understand the behavior of the new-handler.
    条款50:交接new和delete的合理替换时机。 Understand when it makes sense to replace new and delete.
    条款51:编写new和delete时需固守常规。 Adhere to convertion when writing new and delete.
    条款52:写了placement new也要写placement delete。 Write placement delete if you write placement new.
    9、杂项讨论 Miscellany
    条款53:不要轻易忽略编译器警告 Pay attention to complier warnings.
    条款54:让自己熟悉包括TR1在内的标准程序库。 Familiarize yourself with the standard library, including TR1.
    条款55:让自己熟悉Boost。 Familiarize yourself with Boost.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lit10050528/p/3348194.html
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