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  • python实现简单FTP

    • 需求

    1. 用户登陆  ---configparse 存储信息 进行登录验证
    2. 上传/下载文件        ---get、put函数
    3. 不同用户家目录不同    ----configparse定义家目录
    4. 查看当前目录下文件    ----dir命令,如何进行权限判定,只能进入到自己的目录下面?
    5. 充分使用面向对象知识    -----就是用类、函数
    • 代码结构

    • 服务端

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
      3 # @Time    : 2017/12/14 15:25
      4 # @Author  : lichuan
      5 # @File    : 服务端.py
      8 import socketserver
      9 import struct
     10 import json
     11 import subprocess
     12 import os
     13 import configparser
     14 from module import common
     15 import subprocess
     17 class My_FtpServer(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
     19     def handle(self):
     20         # while True:
     21         try:
     22             name = self.name_check()    #进行用户名验证
     23             self.path = common.get_home_path(name)   #根据用户名获取家目录
     24             if not os.path.exists(self.path):
     25                 os.mkdir(self.path)
     26             # os.chdir(path)
     27             print(os.getcwd())
     28             while True:
     29                 data=self.request.recv(8)   #接收命令长度
     30                 if not data:break   #防止在linux、mac等系统中会有问题
     31                 msg_length=struct.unpack('q',data)[0]  #是一个元组形势的数据,包含命令长度
     32                 cmd = self.request.recv(msg_length).decode('utf-8')
     33                 if cmd.upper() == 'QUIT':  #quit 进行退出
     34                     print('break')
     35                     break
     36                 if hasattr(self,cmd.split()[0]): #收到的消息,进行切分,拿出第一个进行判断
     37                     print(cmd.split()[0])
     38                     func = getattr(self,cmd.split()[0])
     39                     func(cmd)
     40                 else:  #如果没有函数,则进行执行命令
     41                     os.chdir(self.path)
     42                     res=subprocess.Popen(cmd,
     43                                      shell=True,
     44                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
     45                                      stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     46                     err = res.stderr.read()
     47                     if err:
     48                         back_msg=err
     49                     else:
     50                         back_msg=res.stdout.read()
     51                         if cmd.split()[0] == 'cd':
     52                             new_path = os.getcwd()+os.sep+cmd.split()[1]
     53                             if self.path in new_path:
     54                                 print('self.path',self.path)
     55                                 print('new_path',new_path)
     56                                 self.path = new_path
     57                     print(self.path)
     58                     self.send_msg(back_msg)
     59         except Exception as e:
     60             print("Error:",e)
     61             print('handle exception!')
     63     def send_header(self,file_info): #发送报头
     64         # file_info = {'cmd': cmd,'status': status}
     65         f_head = json.dumps(file_info)  #json化代码,用于传输
     66         f_head_bytes = bytes(f_head, encoding='utf-8') #变成bytes类型
     67         self.request.send(struct.pack('q', len(f_head_bytes)))  # 传报头长度过去
     68         self.request.sendall(f_head_bytes)  # 传报头过去
     70     def get(self,cmd):
     71         print('----get function----')
     72         # print(os.getcwd())
     73         os.chdir(self.path)
     74         l = cmd.split()
     75         if len(l) != 2:
     76             print('get command is worng!')
     77             return
     78         # BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     79         f = l[1]
     80         if os.path.exists(f):
     81             file_path = os.path.abspath(f)
     82         else:
     83             print('file not exists!')
     84             return
     85         print('file path:',os.path.abspath(file_path))
     86         if os.path.isfile(file_path) and self.path in file_path:
     87             file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
     88             file_md5 = common.GetFileMd5(file_path)  # 获取文件的md5值
     89             status = 'OK'
     90             file_info = {'cmd': cmd, 'filename': os.path.basename(file_path), 'file_size': file_size, 'md5': file_md5,'status':status}
     91             # f_head = json.dumps(file_info)
     92             # print(type(f_head))
     93             # f_head_bytes = bytes(f_head, encoding='utf-8')
     94             # print(f_head_bytes,type(f_head_bytes),type(f_head))
     95             # print('len:',len(f_head))
     96             # self.request.send(struct.pack('q', len(f_head_bytes)))  # 传报头长度过去
     97             # self.request.sendall(f_head_bytes)  # 传报头过去
     98             self.send_header(file_info)
     99             with open(file_path, 'rb') as read_f:
    100                 for line in read_f:
    101                     self.request.send(line)  # 传文件过去
    102         else:
    103             print('权限不够或者不是文件')
    104             status = 'ERROR'
    105             file_info = {'cmd': cmd,'status': status}
    106             self.send_header(file_info)
    109     def put(self,cmd):
    110         print('----put function----')
    111         os.chdir(self.path)
    112         l = cmd.split()
    113         if len(l) != 2:
    114             print('put command is worng!')
    115             return
    116         head_l=self.request.recv(8) #接收报头长度
    117         longth = int(struct.unpack('q',head_l)[0]) #接收到的应该是个元组,取第一位,即长度
    118         file_json = self.request.recv(longth).decode('utf-8')
    119         head_dic = json.loads(file_json)
    120         status = head_dic['status']
    121         if status == 'OK':
    122             file_name=head_dic['filename']
    123             file_size=head_dic['file_size']
    124             recv_size = 0
    125             with open(file_name,'wb') as write_f:
    126                 while recv_size < file_size:
    127                     res=self.request.recv(1024)
    128                     recv_size+=len(res)
    129                     write_f.write(res)
    130                     print(recv_size,file_size)
    131             file_path=os.path.abspath(file_name)
    132             # print('file_name:',file_name)
    133             print('file_path:',file_path)
    134             file_md5=common.GetFileMd5(file_path)
    135             # print(file_md5)
    136             # print(head_dic['md5'])
    137             if file_md5 == head_dic['md5']:
    138                 print('文件传输成功')
    139             else:
    140                 print('文件不一致')
    141                 os.remove(file_path)
    143     def send_msg(self,msg):#用于发送信息
    144         self.head_l = struct.pack('q',len(msg))
    145         self.request.send(self.head_l)
    146         self.request.sendall(msg)
    148     #进行用户名密码验证的函数
    149     def name_check(self):
    150         while True:
    151             name = self.request.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
    152             self.request.send('0'.encode('utf-8'))
    153             passwd=self.request.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
    154             if common.login(name,passwd):
    155                 self.request.send('0'.encode('utf-8'))
    156                 return name
    157             else:
    158                 self.request.send('1'.encode('utf-8'))
    159                 continue
    161     #执行dir命令显示目录下的内容
    162     def show_path_content(self,path):
    163         print('show path'+path)
    164         cmd = 'dir ' + path
    165         res1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    166         return res1.stdout.read().decode('gbk')
    168 if __name__ == '__main__':
    169     fserver = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('',8001),My_FtpServer)
    170     fserver.serve_forever()
    171     fserver.server_close()
    172     # for l in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
    173     #     print(l)
    174     # for i in os.walk(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))):
    175     #     print(i)
    • 客户端

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
      3 # @Time    : 2017/12/14 15:25
      4 # @Author  : lichuan
      5 # @File    : 客户端.py
      8 #_*_coding:utf-8_*_
     10 import time
     11 import socket
     12 import struct
     13 import json
     14 import os
     15 from module import common
     17 BUFSIZE=1024
     20 class FTP_ClientServer:
     21     def __init__(self,ip_port,logined=False):
     22         self.ip_port=ip_port
     23         self.logined = logined
     24         self.socket=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     25         try:
     26             self.socket.connect(ip_port)
     27         except:
     28             self.socket.close()
     29             raise
     31     def run(self):
     32         while True:
     33             if not self.logined:
     34                 self.login()
     35             else:
     36                 msg = input('>>:').strip()
     37                 msg_longth=struct.pack('q',len(msg))
     38                 self.socket.send(msg_longth)
     39                 self.socket.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8'))
     40                 if msg.upper() == 'QUIT':
     41                     break
     42                 if hasattr(self,msg.split()[0]):
     43                     func=getattr(self,msg.split()[0])
     44                     func(msg)
     45                 else:  #传送命令过去的逻辑
     46                     recv = self.socket.recv(8)
     47                     data = struct.unpack('q',recv) #返回的是一个元组,(123,),123是长度
     48                     print(data)
     49                     longth = data[0]
     50                     recv_size = 0
     51                     recv_data = b''
     52                     while recv_size < longth:
     53                         recv_data+=self.socket.recv(1024)
     54                         recv_size+=1024
     55                     print(recv_data.decode('gbk'))
     57     #程序开始时,进行登录验证的函数
     58     def login(self):
     59         name = input('username:').strip()
     60         passwd = input('password:').strip()
     61         if len(name) == 0: return False
     62         if len(passwd) == 0: return False
     63         self.socket.send(name.encode('utf-8'))  # 发送name过去进行验证
     64         recv = self.socket.recv(1)
     65         if recv.decode('utf-8') != '0':  # name返回结果不为0,说明name不存在
     66             print('name error')
     67             return False
     68         self.socket.send(passwd.encode('utf-8'))
     69         recv = self.socket.recv(1)
     70         if recv.decode('utf-8') != '0':  # passwd返回结果不为0,说明passwd错误
     71             print('passwd error')
     72             return False
     73         print('login successful!')
     74         self.logined = True
     75         return True
     77     def recv_msg(self):
     78         head_l = self.socket.recv(8)
     79         data_head = struct.unpack('q',head_l)
     81     def get(self,cmd):
     82         l = cmd.split()
     83         if len(l) != 2:
     84             print('get command is worng!')
     85             return
     86         head_l = self.socket.recv(8)  # 接收报头长度
     87         longth = int(struct.unpack('q', head_l)[0])  # 接收到的应该是个元组,取第一位,即长度
     88         file_json = self.socket.recv(longth).decode('utf-8')
     89         head_dic = json.loads(file_json)
     90         status = head_dic['status']
     91         if status == 'OK':
     92             file_name = head_dic['filename']
     93             file_size = head_dic['file_size']
     94             recv_size = 0
     95             with open(file_name, 'wb') as write_f:
     96                 while recv_size < file_size:
     97                     res = self.socket.recv(1024)
     98                     recv_size += len(res)
     99                     write_f.write(res)
    100                     print(recv_size, file_size)
    101             file_path = os.path.abspath(file_name)
    102             # print('file_name:',file_name)
    103             print('file_path:', file_path)
    104             file_md5 = common.GetFileMd5(file_path)
    105             # print(file_md5)
    106             # print(head_dic['md5'])
    107             if file_md5 == head_dic['md5']:
    108                 print('文件传输成功')
    109             else:
    110                 print('文件不一致')
    111                 os.remove(file_path)
    112         else:
    113             print('权限不够或者不是文件')
    115     def put(self,msg):
    116         l=msg.split()
    117         if len(l) != 2:
    118             print('put command is worng!')
    119             return
    120         BASE_DIR=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    121         f=l[1]
    122         if os.path.exists(f):
    123             file_path = os.path.abspath(f)
    124         else:
    125             print('file not exists!')
    126             return
    127         if os.path.isfile(file_path):
    128             file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
    129             file_md5 = common.GetFileMd5(file_path)  #获取文件的md5值
    130             status = 'OK'
    131             file_info = {'cmd':msg,'filename':os.path.basename(file_path),'file_size':file_size,'md5':file_md5,'status':status}
    132             self.send_header(file_info)
    133             # f_head=json.dumps(file_info)
    134             # print(type(f_head))
    135             # f_head_bytes = bytes(f_head,encoding='utf-8')
    136             # print(f_head_bytes,type(f_head_bytes),type(f_head))
    137             # print('len:',len(f_head))
    138             # self.socket.send(struct.pack('q',len(f_head_bytes))) #传报头长度过去
    139             # self.socket.sendall(f_head_bytes)     #传报头过去
    140             num=0
    141             with open(file_path,'rb') as read_f:
    142                 for line in read_f:
    143                     self.socket.send(line)       #传文件过去
    144                     # num+=1
    145                     # print(num)
    146         else:
    147             status = 'ERROR'
    148             file_info = {'cmd': msg,'status': status}
    149             self.send_header(file_info)
    151     def send_header(self,file_info): #发送报头
    152         # file_info = {'cmd': cmd,'status': status}
    153         f_head = json.dumps(file_info)  #json化代码,用于传输
    154         f_head_bytes = bytes(f_head, encoding='utf-8') #变成bytes类型
    155         self.socket.send(struct.pack('q', len(f_head_bytes)))  # 传报头长度过去
    156         self.socket.sendall(f_head_bytes)  # 传报头过去
    158 if __name__ == '__main__':
    159     ip_port = ('', 8001)
    160     f=FTP_ClientServer(ip_port)
    161     f.run()
    • 用户定义文件

    1 [egon]
    2 name = egon
    3 home_path = egon
    4 passwd = bc5b9cb3e4ab483335edab3347f3c102
    6 [alex]
    7 name = alex
    8 home_path = alex
    9 passwd = bc5b9cb3e4ab483335edab3347f3c102
    • 公共定义函数文件

     1 #!/usr/bin/env python
     2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     3 # @Time    : 2017/10/20 15:46
     4 # @Author  : lichuan
     5 # @File    : common.py
     7 import hashlib
     8 import os
     9 import re
    10 from log import my_log_settings
    11 import logging
    12 import pickle
    13 import configparser
    15 def login(name,passwd):
    16     path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+os.sep+'users.cfg'
    17     config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    18     config.read(path)
    19     # print(config.sections())
    20     if name not in config.sections():
    21         print('name is wrong!')
    22         return False
    23     encrypt_passwd = encrypt(passwd)
    24     # print(encrypt_passwd)
    25     p = config.get(name,'passwd')
    26     # print(p)
    27     if encrypt_passwd == p:
    28         print('login successful')
    29         return True
    30     else:
    31         print('password is wrong!')
    32         return False
    34 #根据name获取家目录路径
    35 def get_home_path(name):
    36     config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    37     path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.sep + 'users.cfg'
    38     # print(path)
    39     config.read(path)
    40     # print(config.sections())
    41     if name not in config.sections():
    42         print('name is not exist')
    43         return None
    44     else:
    45         p = config.get(name,'home_path')
    46         new_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + os.sep +'db'+os.sep+p
    47         # print(new_path)
    48         return new_path
    50 def encrypt(str):
    51     '''
    52     对传入字符串进行加盐加密
    53     :param str: 需要进行加密的字符串
    54     :return: 返回加密过的字符串
    55     '''
    56     encrpt=hashlib.md5()
    57     encrpt.update(bytes('admin1234nnnnnn',encoding='utf-8'))
    58     encrpt.update(bytes(str,encoding='utf-8'))
    59     return encrpt.hexdigest()
    61 #计算文件的md5值
    62 def GetFileMd5(filename):
    63      if not os.path.isfile(filename):
    64          print('file is not exists')
    65          return
    66      myhash = hashlib.md5()
    67      with open(filename,'rb') as f:
    68          while True:
    69              b = f.read(8096)
    70              if not b :
    71                  break
    72              myhash.update(b)
    73          return myhash.hexdigest()
    75 # if __name__ == '__main__':
    76 #     a=GetFileMd5('users.cfg')
    77 #     print(a)
    • 执行效果

    C:Python35python.exe C:/Users/dell/PycharmProjects/day7_2/bin2/客户端2.py
    login successful!
     驱动器 C 中的卷没有标签。
     卷的序列号是 D48A-2DD8
     C:UsersdellPycharmProjectsday7_2dbalex 的目录
    2018/01/09  11:02    <DIR>          .
    2018/01/09  11:02    <DIR>          ..
    2018/01/05  17:18             5,231 aa.txt
    2018/01/09  11:02             5,231 bb.txt
    2018/01/08  16:46    <DIR>          ddd
    2018/01/05  14:43             8,815 test.py
                   3 个文件         19,277 字节
                   3 个目录 23,366,094,848 可用字节
    >>:rm bb.txt
    'rm' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
    >>:del bb.txt
     驱动器 C 中的卷没有标签。
     卷的序列号是 D48A-2DD8
     C:UsersdellPycharmProjectsday7_2dbalex 的目录
    2018/01/09  11:15    <DIR>          .
    2018/01/09  11:15    <DIR>          ..
    2018/01/05  17:18             5,231 aa.txt
    2018/01/08  16:46    <DIR>          ddd
    2018/01/05  14:43             8,815 test.py
                   2 个文件         14,046 字节
                   3 个目录 23,366,037,504 可用字节
    >>:put bb.txt
    >>:get aa.txt
    1024 5231
    1546 5231
    1605 5231
    1646 5231
    1698 5231
    1700 5231
    1752 5231
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    4127 5231
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    5227 5231
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    5231 5231
    file_path: C:UsersdellPycharmProjectsday7_2in2aa.txt
    View Code


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    c# 判断网络是否连接
    如何清除应用程序承载 WebBrowser 控件时缓存
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/litzhiai/p/8250528.html
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