使用框架:angle-bootstrap-admin-template web方式
base.js:23735 TypeError: $$animateJs is not a function
at prepareAnimation (base.js:45097)
at initDriverFn (base.js:45087)
at invokeFirstDriver (base.js:46172)
at Array.triggerAnimationStart (base.js:46020)
at nextTick (base.js:43379)
at scheduler (base.js:43349)
at Array.<anonymous> (base.js:46042)
at Scope.$digest (base.js:27390)
at Scope.$apply (base.js:27605)
项目中存在:app.js base.js 问题base.js抛出 解决方法在app.js里面
解决措施:修改app.js里面这一行 原来是没有animateJs的
之前是这样: deps: ['$ocLazyLoad','$q', function ($ocLL, $q)
Hi, ui-grid problem on reload is a known issues, unfortunately it doesn't play well with lazyloading. Try the following solution, we were using the approach stated in [https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/14291] to solve this previously: 1- Open the file master/js/modules/routes/route/helpers.provider.js (or app.js if you are not using gulp) 2- Search the code of the "resolveFor" 3- Change the code to the following, where it declares the "deps" property deps: ['$ocLazyLoad','$q', '$$animateJs' , function ($ocLL, $q, $$animateJs) { .. Note that we inject the $$animateJs After this change, it should work on reload. Let us know if you have any question Thanks! Regards