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  • LeetCode OJ 42. Trapping Rain Water

    Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it is able to trap after raining.

    For example, 
    Given [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1], return 6.

    The above elevation map is represented by array [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1]. In this case, 6 units of rain water (blue section) are being trapped. Thanks Marcos for contributing this image!






    1. 初始两端最低高度high = 0, 容量capacity = 0;

    2. height[begin] <= high,不形成凹陷,begin++;

    3. height[begin] > high; height[end] > high;high = min(height[begin], height[end]); 因此high = 1;

    此时height[begin] == high,height[end] == high;所以begin++,end--;

    4. height[begin] < high;形成凹陷,capacity += high - height[begin];此时capacity  = 1;begin++;

    5. height[begin] > high; height[end] > high;high = min(height[begin], height[end]); 因此high = 2;

    此时height[begin] == high,height[end] == high;所以begin++,end--;

    6. height[begin] < high;形成凹陷,capacity += high - height[begin];此时capacity  = 2;begin++;

    height[end] < high;形成凹陷,capacity += high - height[begin];此时capacity  = 3;end--;

    7. height[begin] < high;形成凹陷,capacity += high - height[begin];此时capacity  = 5;begin++;

    height[end] = high;不形成凹陷;end--;

    7. height[begin] < high;形成凹陷,capacity += high - height[begin];此时capacity  = 6;begin++;

    8. 返回最大容量6;


     1 public class Solution {
     2     public int trap(int[] height) {
     3         if(height == null || height.length <= 2) return 0;
     5         int sum = 0, maxhigh = 0;
     6         int begin = 0, end = height.length-1;
     7         while(begin <= end){
     8             if(height[begin] < maxhigh){
     9                 sum += maxhigh - height[begin++];
    10             }
    11             else if(height[end] < maxhigh){
    12                 sum += maxhigh - height[end--];
    13             }
    14             else{
    15                 maxhigh = Math.min(height[begin], height[end]);
    16                 if(height[begin] <= maxhigh) begin++;
    17                 if(height[end] <= maxhigh) end--;
    18             }
    19         }
    20         return sum;
    21     }
    22 }

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liujinhong/p/5665746.html
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