530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST
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- Total Accepted: 2742
- Total Submissions: 5575
- Difficulty: Easy
- Contributors: nagasupreeth
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes.
Input: 1 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the difference between 2 and 1 (or between 2 and 3).
Note: There are at least two nodes in this BST.
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1. 以先序的方式遍历二叉搜索树中的每一个节点。
2. 对于当前节点,返回与此节点差值绝对值最小的值。
1 public class Solution { 2 public int getMinimumDifference(TreeNode root) { 3 int minDiff = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 4 if(root.left != null || root.right != null) { 5 minDiff = Math.min(minDiff, helper(root)); 6 if(root.left != null) 7 minDiff = Math.min(minDiff, getMinimumDifference(root.left)); 8 if(root.right != null) 9 minDiff = Math.min(minDiff, getMinimumDifference(root.right)); 10 } 11 12 return minDiff; 13 } 14 15 public int helper(TreeNode root) { 16 int left = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 17 int right = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 18 if(root.left != null) { 19 TreeNode temp = root.left; 20 while(temp.right != null) temp = temp.right; 21 left = Math.min(left, Math.abs(root.val - temp.val)); 22 } 23 24 if(root.right != null) { 25 TreeNode temp = root.right; 26 while(temp.left != null) temp = temp.left; 27 right = Math.min(right, Math.abs(root.val - temp.val)); 28 } 29 return Math.min(left, right); 30 } 31 }