1 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 from multiprocessing import Process,Queue 3 import os,time,random 4 def write(q): 5 for value in ['A','B','C']: 6 print 'Put %s to queue...and Ospid is %s'%(value,os.getpid()) 7 q.put(value) 8 time.sleep(random.random()) 9 def read(q): 10 while True: 11 value = q.get(True) 12 print 'Get %s from queue.and Ospid is %s'%(value,os.getpid()) 13 14 15 if __name__ == '__main__': 16 q=Queue() 17 pw = Process(target=write,args=(q,)) 18 pr = Process(target=read,args=(q,)) 19 pw.start() 20 pr.start() 21 pw.join() 22 pr.terminate() 23 print 'Main processes is 'and os.getpid()
Put A to queue...and Ospid is 7556
Get A from queue.and Ospid is 7324
Put B to queue...and Ospid is 7556
Get B from queue.and Ospid is 7324
Put C to queue...and Ospid is 7556
Get C from queue.and Ospid is 7324