- 题目描述:
Find a longest common subsequence of two strings.
- 输入:
First and second line of each input case contain two strings of lowercase character a…z. There are no spaces before, inside or after the strings. Lengths of strings do not exceed 100.
- 输出:
For each case, output k – the length of a longest common subsequence in one line.
- 样例输入:
abcd cxbydz
- 样例输出:
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX 101 int main(void){ char first[MAX], second[MAX]; int len1, len2; int i, j; int subseq[2][MAX]; while (scanf ("%s%s", first, second) != EOF){ len1 = strlen (first); len2 = strlen (second); for (i=0; i<=len2; ++i) subseq[0][i] = 0; subseq[1][0] = 0; for (i=1; i<=len1; ++i){ for (j=1; j<=len2; ++j){ if (first[i-1] == second[j-1]) subseq[i%2][j] = subseq[(i-1)%2][j-1] + 1; else{ subseq[i%2][j] = (subseq[(i-1)%2][j] > subseq[i%2][j-1]) ? subseq[(i-1)%2][j] : subseq[i%2][j-1]; } } } printf ("%d ", subseq[len1%2][len2]); } return 0; }