select hr.name, poh.segment1, poh.org_id
from po_headers_all poh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
where poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number';
REM dbdrv: none /*=======================================================================+ | Copyright (c) 2009 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA| | All rights reserved. | +=======================================================================*/ /* $Header: poxrespo.sql 120.0.12010000.1 2009/08/11 07:07:51 vrecharl noship $ */ SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SET VERIFY OFF; /* PLEASE READ NOTE 390023.1 CAREFULLY BEFORE EXECUTING THIS SCRIPT. This script will: * reset the document to incomplete/requires reapproval status. * delete/update action history as desired (refere note 390023.1 for more details). * abort all the related workflows If there is encumbrance entries related to the PO, it will: * skip the reset action on the document. */ set serveroutput on size 100000 prompt prompt accept sql_po_number prompt 'Please enter the PO number to reset : '; accept sql_org_id default NULL prompt 'Please enter the organization id to which the PO belongs (Default NULL) : '; accept delete_act_hist prompt 'Do you want to delete the action history since the last approval ? (Y/N) '; prompt declare x_stmt varchar2(3000); NAME_ALREADY_USED EXCEPTION; PRAGMA Exception_Init(NAME_ALREADY_USED,-955); begin x_stmt:= 'create table po_manual_postings_temp (po_distribution_id number, budget_account_id number, debit_amount number, timestamp date, type varchar2(5), account varchar2(285))'; EXECUTE immediate(x_stmt); exception WHEN NAME_ALREADY_USED then dbms_output.put_line('table already exists, hence not creating again'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('An exception occured creating po_manual_postings_temp table'); dbms_output.put_line(SQLCODE || '-'|| SQLERRM); dbms_output.put_line ('Please contact Oracle Support'); rollback; return; end; / DECLARE /* select only the POs which are in preapproved, in process state and are not finally closed cancelled */ CURSOR potoreset(po_number varchar2, x_org_id number) is SELECT wf_item_type, wf_item_key, po_header_id, segment1, revision_num, type_lookup_code,approved_date FROM po_headers_all WHERE segment1 = po_number and NVL(org_id,-99) = NVL(x_org_id,-99) -- bug 5015493: Need to allow reset of blankets and PPOs also. -- and type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD' and authorization_status IN ('IN PROCESS', 'PRE-APPROVED') and NVL(cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N' and NVL(closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY_CLOSED'; /* select the max sequence number with NULL action code */ CURSOR maxseq(id number, subtype po_action_history.object_sub_type_code%type) is SELECT nvl(max(sequence_num), 0) FROM po_action_history WHERE object_type_code IN ('PO', 'PA') AND object_sub_type_code = subtype AND object_id = id AND action_code is NULL; /* select the max sequence number with submit action */ CURSOR poaction(id number, subtype po_action_history.object_sub_type_code%type) is SELECT nvl(max(sequence_num), 0) FROM po_action_history WHERE object_type_code IN ('PO', 'PA') AND object_sub_type_code = subtype AND object_id = id AND action_code = 'SUBMIT'; cursor wfstoabort(st_item_type varchar2,st_item_key varchar2) is select level,item_type,item_key,end_date from wf_items start with item_type = st_item_type and item_key = st_item_key connect by prior item_type = parent_item_type and prior item_key = parent_item_key order by level desc; wf_rec wfstoabort%ROWTYPE; submitseq po_action_history.sequence_num%type; nullseq po_action_history.sequence_num%type; x_organization_id number ; x_po_number varchar2(15); po_enc_flag varchar2(1); x_open_notif_exist varchar2(1); pos potoreset%ROWTYPE; x_progress varchar2(500); x_cont varchar2(10); x_active_wf_exists varchar2(1); l_delete_act_hist varchar2(1); l_change_req_exists varchar2(1); l_res_seq po_action_history.sequence_num%TYPE; l_sub_res_seq po_action_history.sequence_num%TYPE; l_res_act po_action_history.action_code%TYPE; l_del_res_hist varchar2(1); /* For encumbrance actions */ NAME_ALREADY_USED EXCEPTION; PRAGMA Exception_Init(NAME_ALREADY_USED,-955); X_STMT VARCHAR2(2000); disallow_script VARCHAR2(1); TYPE enc_tbl_number is TABLE OF NUMBER; TYPE enc_tbl_flag is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(1); l_dist_id enc_tbl_number; l_enc_flag enc_tbl_flag; l_enc_amount enc_tbl_number; l_gl_amount enc_tbl_number; l_manual_cand enc_tbl_flag; l_req_dist_id enc_tbl_number; l_req_enc_flag enc_tbl_flag; l_req_enc_amount enc_tbl_number; l_req_gl_amount enc_tbl_number; l_req_qty_bill_del enc_tbl_number; l_rate_table enc_tbl_number; l_price_table enc_tbl_number; l_qty_ordered_table enc_tbl_number; l_req_price_table enc_tbl_number; l_req_encumbrance_flag varchar2(1); l_purch_encumbrance_flag varchar2(1); l_remainder_qty NUMBER; l_bill_del_amount NUMBER; l_req_bill_del_amount NUMBER; l_qty_bill_del NUMBER; l_timestamp date; l_eff_quantity NUMBER; l_rate NUMBER; l_price NUMBER; l_ordered_quantity NUMBER; l_tax NUMBER; l_amount NUMBER; l_precision fnd_currencies.precision%type; l_min_acc_unit fnd_currencies.minimum_accountable_unit%TYPE; l_approved_flag po_line_locations_all.approved_flag%TYPE; i number; j number; k number; BEGIN select '&delete_act_hist' into l_delete_act_hist from dual; select &sql_org_id into x_organization_id from dual; select '&sql_po_number' into x_po_number from dual; x_progress := '010: start'; begin select 'Y' into x_open_notif_exist from dual where exists (select 'open notifications' from wf_item_activity_statuses wias, wf_notifications wfn, po_headers_all poh where wias.notification_id is not null and wias.notification_id = wfn.group_id and wfn.status = 'OPEN' and wias.item_type = 'POAPPRV' and wias.item_key = poh.wf_item_key and NVL(poh.org_id,-99) = NVL(x_organization_id,-99) and poh.segment1=x_po_number and poh.authorization_status IN ('IN PROCESS', 'PRE-APPROVED')); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; x_progress := '020: selected open notif'; if (x_open_notif_exist = 'Y') then dbms_output.put_line(' '); dbms_output.put_line('An Open notification exists for this document, you may want to use the notification to process this document. Do not commit if you wish to use the notification'); end if; begin select 'Y' into l_change_req_exists from dual where exists (select 'po with change request' from po_headers_all h where h.segment1 = x_po_number and nvl(h.org_id, -99) = NVL(x_organization_id, -99) and h.change_requested_by in ('REQUESTER', 'SUPPLIER')); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; if (l_change_req_exists = 'Y') then dbms_output.put_line(' '); dbms_output.put_line('ATTENTION !!! There is an open change request against this PO. You should respond to the notification for the same.'); return; -- dbms_output.put_line('If you are running this script unaware of the change request, Please ROLLBACK'); end if; open potoreset(x_po_number, x_organization_id); fetch potoreset into pos; if potoreset%NOTFOUND then dbms_output.put_line('No PO with PO Number '||x_po_number || ' exists in org '||to_char(x_organization_id) || ' which requires to be reset'); return; end if; close potoreset; /* check if any distribution with USSGL code exists - if it does then exit */ disallow_script := 'N'; begin select 'Y' into disallow_script from dual where exists (select 'dist with USSGL code' from po_distributions_all where po_header_id = pos.po_header_id and ussgl_transaction_code is not null); Exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; if disallow_script = 'Y' then dbms_output.put_line('You have a public sector installation and USSGL transaction codes are used'); dbms_output.put_line('The reset script is not allowed in such a scenario, please contact Oracle Support'); return; end if; x_progress := '030 checking enc action '; disallow_script := 'N'; begin select 'Y' into disallow_script from dual where exists (select 'encumbrance data' from po_bc_distributions where je_source_name = 'Purchasing' and je_category_name = 'Purchases' and header_id = pos.po_header_id); EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; end; if disallow_script = 'Y' then dbms_output.put_line('This PO has been reserved atleast once previously.'); dbms_output.put_line('Hence this PO can not be reset'); return; end if; dbms_output.put_line('Processing '||pos.type_lookup_code ||' PO Number: ' ||pos.segment1); dbms_output.put_line('......................................'); begin select 'Y' into x_active_wf_exists from wf_items wfi where wfi.item_type = pos.wf_item_type and wfi.item_key = pos.wf_item_key and wfi.end_date is null; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then x_active_wf_exists := 'N'; end; if (x_active_wf_exists = 'Y') then dbms_output.put_line('Aborting Workflow...'); open wfstoabort(pos.wf_item_type,pos.wf_item_key); loop fetch wfstoabort into wf_rec; if wfstoabort%NOTFOUND then close wfstoabort; exit; end if; if (wf_rec.end_date is null) then BEGIN WF_Engine.AbortProcess(wf_rec.item_type, wf_rec.item_key); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line(' workflow not aborted :' ||wf_rec.item_type ||'-'||wf_rec.item_key); END; end if; end loop; end if; dbms_output.put_line('Updating PO Status..'); UPDATE po_headers_all SET authorization_status = decode(pos.approved_date, NULL, 'INCOMPLETE', 'REQUIRES REAPPROVAL'), wf_item_type = NULL, wf_item_key = NULL, approved_flag = decode(pos.approved_date, NULL, 'N', 'R') WHERE po_header_id = pos.po_header_id; OPEN maxseq(pos.po_header_id, pos.type_lookup_code); FETCH maxseq into nullseq; CLOSE maxseq; OPEN poaction(pos.po_header_id, pos.type_lookup_code); FETCH poaction into submitseq; CLOSE poaction; IF nullseq > submitseq THEN if nvl(l_delete_act_hist,'N') = 'N' then Update po_action_history set action_code = 'NO ACTION', action_date = trunc(sysdate), note = 'updated by reset script on '||to_char(trunc(sysdate)) WHERE object_id = pos.po_header_id AND object_type_code = decode(pos.type_lookup_code, 'STANDARD','PO', 'PLANNED', 'PO', --future plan to enhance for planned PO 'PA') AND object_sub_type_code = pos.type_lookup_code AND sequence_num = nullseq AND action_code is NULL; else Delete po_action_history where object_id = pos.po_header_id and object_type_code = decode(pos.type_lookup_code, 'STANDARD','PO', 'PLANNED', 'PO', --future plan to enhance for planned PO 'PA') and object_sub_type_code = pos.type_lookup_code and sequence_num >= submitseq and sequence_num <= nullseq; end if; END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Done Approval Processing.'); select nvl(purch_encumbrance_flag,'N') into l_purch_encumbrance_flag from financials_system_params_all fspa where NVL(fspa.org_id,-99) = NVL(x_organization_id,-99); if (l_purch_encumbrance_flag='N') -- bug 5015493 : Need to allow reset for blankets also OR (pos.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET') then if (pos.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET') then dbms_output.put_line('document reset successfully'); dbms_output.put_line('If you are using Blanket encumbrance, Please ROLLBACK, else COMMIT'); else dbms_output.put_line('document reset successfully'); dbms_output.put_line('please COMMIT data'); end if; return; end if; -- reserve action history stuff -- check the action history and delete any reserve to submit actions if all the distributions -- are now unencumbered, this should happen only if we are deleting the action history if l_delete_act_hist = 'Y' then -- first get the last sequence and action code from action history begin select sequence_num, action_code into l_res_seq, l_res_act from po_action_history pah WHERE pah.object_id = pos.po_header_id AND pah.object_type_code = decode(pos.type_lookup_code, 'STANDARD','PO', 'PLANNED', 'PO', --future plan to enhance for planned PO 'PA') AND pah.object_sub_type_code = pos.type_lookup_code AND sequence_num in (select max(sequence_num) from po_action_history pah1 where pah1.object_id = pah.object_id AND pah1.object_type_code =pah.object_type_code AND pah1.object_sub_type_code =pah.object_sub_type_code); exception when TOO_MANY_ROWS then dbms_output.put_line('action history needs to be corrected separately '); when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; -- now if the last action is reserve get the last submit action sequence if (l_res_act = 'RESERVE') then begin select max(sequence_num) into l_sub_res_seq from po_action_history pah where action_code = 'SUBMIT' and pah.object_id = pos.po_header_id and pah.object_type_code = decode(pos.type_lookup_code, 'STANDARD','PO', 'PLANNED', 'PO', --future plan to enhance for planned PO 'PA') and pah.object_sub_type_code = pos.type_lookup_code; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; end; -- check if we need to delete the action history, ie. if all the distbributions -- are unreserved if ((l_sub_res_seq is not null ) and (l_res_seq > l_sub_res_seq)) then begin select 'Y' into l_del_res_hist from dual where not exists (select 'encumbered dist' from po_distributions_all pod where pod.po_header_id = pos.po_header_id and nvl(pod.encumbered_flag,'N') = 'Y' and nvl(pod.prevent_encumbrance_flag,'N')='N'); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then l_del_res_hist := 'N'; end; if l_del_res_hist = 'Y' THEN dbms_output.put_line('deleting reservation action history ... '); delete po_action_history pah where pah.object_id = pos.po_header_id and pah.object_type_code = decode(pos.type_lookup_code, 'STANDARD','PO', 'PLANNED', 'PO', --future plan to enhance for planned PO 'PA') and pah.object_sub_type_code = pos.type_lookup_code and sequence_num >= l_sub_res_seq and sequence_num <= l_res_seq; end if; end if; -- l_res_seq > l_sub_res_seq end if; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('some exception occured '||sqlerrm||' rolling back'||x_progress); rollback; END; /